Slyvonna Drake

OOC First Name
Birch Wood 10' Dragon Heartstring, Pliable
Full name: Slyvonna Drake

Meaning of name: Slyvonna has latin roots and it means "from the forest." Drake has old english roots and it means "dragon."

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Wand: 10 inch, birhwood, dragon heartstring

Birthplace: exact location unknown, suspected to be born in the same town as the location of the orphanage she was left at (Wellington, New Zealand)

Birthdate: again not exactly known though the birthdate put on her birth certificate was October 18, 2026


Height: 5ft

Hair: Long dirty blonde with highlights, goes down to the middle of her back.

Eyes:Blue/Green/Gray (depends on what she is wearing)

Scars: One small, straight scar directly above her lip due to an accident when she was younger.

Piercings: none

Tattoos: none


<B>Teasing: She enjoy teasing her friends (though never in a truly mean way). To people she dislikes the teasing can be rather cruel.

Frank: Although she might hesitate to say whats truly on her mind, she will tell you exactly what she wants.

Caring: Once she has made a friend she strives to protect and care for them in the way that she feels they /would deserve.

She has no pets although she would dearly love one.

Favourite Colour: She doesn't chose a favourite colour because she feels that it's rude to, and she might hurt some colour's feelings (she tells everyone this jokingly as she can never decide on her favourite colour).

Literature: She loves adventure and sci-fi and fantasy, anything that can take her away from the real world.

Hobbies: Mostly doodling, reading, or exploring, although she has dabbled in singing (never while anyone else was around).

Optimist or Pessimist?: Realist (while tending to be a bit more optimistic about some things she knows when there is no hope)

Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert

Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil, but she won't do anything extremely idiotic, she knows her limits.

Stubborn or Flexible: She is mostly stubborn, but she knows when shes wrong (and sometimes shes still stubborn even though she is wrong).

Logical or Emotional?: She tends to be more on the emotional side of things.

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: She likes things methodical and neat but she hates cleaning so everything always ends up disorderly and messy.

Prefers working or relaxing?: relaxing

Animal lover?: Oh yes.

Plays a musical instrument?: No.

Plays a sport?: No, but she enjoys swimming.

Quirks: When bored or in class she always has to be doing something with her hands, whether doodling or tapping on something her hands are almost never still.

Likes: animals, reading, drawing, outdoors, adventures, music

Dislikes: rude people, bullies, hurt animals, the smell of glue and paint, cheating

Fears: Falling, hidden things

House: unsorted

Boggart: oblivion, or emptiness

Patronus: A dragon-The eastern dragon is a symbol of power, courage, and nobility. They lord over the water, sky, and earth alike, combining these elements into strong celestial powers. As a totem, the dragon is a supreme spirit of luck and good fortune. He is a vigilant, divine protector. No matter where your life may take you, be assured your true path will be shown to you. This benevolent dragon heralds blessings, kindness, and greatness. Dragon people tend to be energetic, decisive, optimistic, intelligent and ambitious.

Patronus Memory: Unknown as of yet.

Favourite Weather and Season: she doesn't prefer any

Favourite Food and Drink: almost any kind of meat and rootbeer

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