(Okay, not sure if I'm doing this right. But here goes.

Crispin walked out on the field, feeling a bit uncomfortable in his borrowed Quidditch Gear. He clenched the gloves a few times before mounting his broom and kicking off lightly with his heels. He soared above the field until he was with the other players.
A whistle blew. The practice game began. He kept a steady grip on his broom while squinting his eyes against the sun. He felt a trickle of sweat trying to escape down into his goggles.
"Oi there! Pay attention!" An older boy barked at him, swerving away clutching a beater's bat. Crispin swallowed hard. The bludger had missed his head by an inch.
He dove down a bit and flew around, trying to stay out of the other players ranges. He saw a flint of gold to his left and zoomed after the snitch. He leaned forward and stuck out his hand, all his concentration on that one tiny ball.
Whomp! The bludger grazed his arm and he yelped, drawing it back. It hadn't hurt, just surprised him. He looked around. He'd lost sight of the snitch.
He circled high once more, keeping an eye out for the snitch and the bludgers.
(Wasn't sure which position was open, so I just picked the Seeker. I'm open to play anything. I'd love to be Beater or Chaser though, if there's a choice.
