Slytherin captain fainted

Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
Someone, although he didn't know who had brought Andrew Bruke up to the hospital wing because he had fainted due to dehydration and skipping meals for the past week. After a very good match, that turned worse on the last minute, Andrew had received a big blow and thus all the things ending up together he had fainted.

Andrew had made sure that all his team mates had proper balanced diet in the past week forgetting himself. As Andrew had so much on his schedule he had decided to skip meals and thus ended up in one of the beds of the hospital wing.
Adira had been in the wing when she saw someone walk up with Andrew, she had left quickly and didn't see most of the other's. She turned and followed them into the wing, she looked at the Nurse who had helped her and quickly looked back at Andrew. she helped get him onto one of the beds, she nudged him slightly, she wans't good at looking after people she afterall had grown up being told that they will all get over it. Adira looked at him, she grabbed a cloth and dipped it in some water ringing it out she put it on his forehead.
Something wasn't right with Andrew, he didn't get hit by any bludgers that she could recall, there was no reason for this sudden fainting.
"wake up" she said as she looked at him, she was tempted to poke him again but decided against it "wake up now.." she said again, she wasn't sure what she was ment to do, her brothers and her just laughed got healed and continued to muck around but she doubted that Andrew would laugh, he was fainted after all.
Jacob walked alongside the nurse too shocked to say a word.When he had thought that they were going to win the match,on the very last moment,they had lost.Jacob knew how much Andrew had struggled to build up a strong team.The Hufflepuff team was simply pathetic in his opinion but only they had a good seeker.

He stood beside Andrew as the second year beater placed a wet piece of cloth on his forehead.Jacob knew that this might happen as Andrew had been very stubborn and not eaten much that week.Jacob remembered himself telling Andrew to eat but Andrew was just so into planning for the game that he ignored Jacob.

"Andrew,can you hear me?"Jacob asked as he held Andrews hand and checked his pulse.He hoped that Andrew would regain conciousness soon because Jacob couldn't bear seeing him like this.
"why couldn't the seeker just stay down" she said to herself cursing under her breath. Adira looked at the other person who was in the room when he asked if Andrew could hear him she smirked "obviously if he could hear you, he wouldn't be motionless" she said as she pulled her hair out of the loose pony tail it was in.
Adira took off her arm guards and put them on the bench, followed by her leg guards she stretched her arms and looked back down at the motionless body. "you obviously know why he i here and i this state, are you going to tell me or do i have to force it out of you" she said with a light spanish lift but still keeping the whole seirous tone to her voice.
Larissa, although she had broken fingers and left the match almost immediately, still had time to deliver a quick punch to Libby's stomach before heading up to the Hospital wing.
Larissa had known nothing about Andrew fainting and was shocked when she saw him.
The nurse had been midway through repairing Larissa's broken bones when she noticed the unconscious form of Andrew laying on one of the beds.
"Andrew!" Larissa let out a gasp, not noticing Jacob or Adira she ran to Andrew and took his pulse, listened to his heart and checked his breathing.
Larissa had secretly had a thing for Andrew since her first year when she walked into his dorm for a dare.
She turned pink when she stood up, satisfied Andrew wasn't dead and noticed Adira.
Oh great, Larissa thought annoyed, now Adira will think something's up..
And as if things couldn't get any worse, Larissa turned her head, pushing her blonde ponytail aside to see Jacob. Her boyfriend.
"Oh.. Hello, Jacob." Larissa said, turning paler than her usual sour milk colour.
Andrew could feel some movement going on around him though he was uncertain as to whose those people were. He felt some water drops on his face. He slowly regained consciousness but that didn't help. His eyes opened lowly and first everything was blur but then came to focus.

"what happened?"he asked his friends. He could remember touching the ground. Everything seemed to fade from that moment. He felt very weak, so weak that he couldn't even speak properly.
Adira saw Larissa come in and check Andrew's pulse, she rolled her eyes.
When Andrew came around slowly she took the cloth off his forehead "you fainted, isn't it obvious" she said as she rolled her eyes again.
she watched Andrew zone out slowly and she put the cloth back on his forehead. "you need to learn to shuttup and rest, now shuttup" she said
Andrew observed as Adira took the soaked cloth and put it on his head once again. He smiled at her as she ordered him to shut up. Has she always been like this or did I not notice her? he wondered and then said "I think a nurse should see me to figure out why exactly I fainted. I didn't get more than a bludger or anything" he said looking at Larissa and Jake. It was so nice for them to be here.
Adira looked at Andrew for a moment "the Nurses around here aren't that trustable, they do what they want when they want without consent, but if you trust them its up to you" she said as she looked at Jacob and Larissa. When Andrew said something about a bludger she smirked "do you think i would let you get knocked out by a bludger" she said making it seem like andrew's question was stupider then saying a triangle is circle.
"Its my job to protect everyone from bludgers i wouldn't let you out of all people get knocked out cold by one" she said Adira shook her head for a moment "i thought i said shuttup and rest" she ordered as she looked up at a Nurse "Nurse if you haven't realised you have other people in more need of help then a blood nose or a cold, lets see someone has fainted, care to pick up your act and do your job" she said as she glared at the Nurse waiting for the Nurse's reaction.
Larissa knew she had overreacted and took a step back.
"A-andrew.." Larissa started, half-frowning at Adira who seemed to have a problem with the nurse.
Larissa didn't see the point in wasting time commenting on someone's job.
"I haven't seen you in the Great Hall in ages.." Larissa hoped he knew what she meant and didn't think she was flirting.
"I mean.. You haven't.." Larissa looked to Jacob, wondering if she had finally cottoned on to what his silence was about.
"When did you last eat?" Her eyes looked into his, solely worried about her captain's health.
Andrew watched Adira scream on the nurse and larrissa adress him. He truthfully couldn't recall and now he came to think of it he hadn't eaten since three days and before that he had been skipping meals before that. "Before a while" he said scared that Larissa might punch him in the face for acting so stupidly.
"Andrew!" Larissa groaned, slapping her palm against her face. "You were going on at all of us saying 'it's important you're all well fed' and you weren't eating for yourself?!"
Larissa had half a mind to hit andrew for his stupidity but she wanted him to recover before the game.
Larissa turned and half growled at Jacob. She didn't mean to be so fierce towards him but..
"Did you know about this?" she snarled, eyes focussed on him, "Did you know and not do anything about it?"
Larissa was worse than a dragon right now, eyes dark, teeth bared, fists clenching.
Why had nobody told her? Had Andrew done this on purpose? She'd seen him getting 'fitter' as she thought it was. He had been losing weight, that's what it was.
Larissa wasn't sure which emotion hit her the hardest; Anger or Embarrassment.
Adira looked at Larissa and saw she started to half frown at her "you can go ask the nurse nicely then if you have a problem with me yelling at them" she said. when she started to get all wound up which seemed to keep andrew awake. "you know when i tell him to shutup and rest, it doesn't mean start making a huge comotion and hitting him. you can kill im after he is better" she said as she looked at Andrew "don't make me force you to rest" she said as she looked at him. and took the cloth off his forehead, drained it before putting a bit more water on it and resting it back on andrew's forehead
Andrew sighed as he heard Larissa fuming about the situation. "I am sorry. It slipped put at times and I was too busy with homeworks, training session and HM" he admitted knowing that he was guilty at this. "Larissa is too sweet to kill" he teased her as Adira put another drained cloth on his forehead.

Andrew was well aware of Jake and Larissa's on going relationship so he asked Jake "How can you handle such a hot tempered hottie?"
Jacob watched as the two girls bustled around either shouting at Andrew or at the nurse.He felt guilty about letting this happen even though a part of him knew that it wasn't his fault.Andrew was a bit stubborn and the only thing Jacob could have to make Andrew listen to him would have been to Imperius him.

He hadn't sponken a word until Larissa started snarling at him,"Whoa!Calm down.It's the Hospital wing.You will be surprised the next time the nurse will not allow you to set foot in here."he said raising his hands as if to protect himself.Larissa looked truly dangerous.

"I know I am guilty.I should have Imperiused him to eat something but with him zooming around on his broom all day,I couldn't get a single chance."he said sardornically.He grinned at Andrew relieved that he hadn't lost his sense of humor inspite of the great fall.

"I've been wondering the same thing and I guess my skill comes from you."he said flashing him a grin and giving him his hand for a high five.
"I am not hot tempered" Larissa started but she simply stopped and smiled, her eyes turning bright blue.
She loved the attention she was getting from Andrew. Not that she didn't care about Jacob but she had never had so much attention from the captain.
Larissa smiled with her shining white teeth and rolled her blue orbed eyes as she watched Jacob hold his hand up for a high five.
"You boys," Larissa laughed.
"You're both as bad as each other."
Larissa flicked back her platinum blonde hair and wondered if she was capable of charming more boys.. Larissa wondered about dating someone years above herself- She would never break up with Jacob for that reason though.
"Oh Trust me, sweet people can cause the worst crimes" she snickered she watched Andrew continue to talk and talk at this rate he was going to pass out for 3 weeks.
she snickered at Jacob when he said he didn't have a chance to make him eat "well what you need is a really big net" she said.
When Larissa said you boys adira smiled "I Agree, and at the rate they are going Andrew wont wake up fr 3 week and Jacob won't live for much longer... simple soloution" she said as she grabbed a dry cloth and put it in Andrew's mouth "Shut them up" she smiled she watched Larissa flick her hair and smriked.
Andrew gave up, the girls were too strict on him. He lay flat on the hospital bed with the cloth in his mouth. Giving Adira a flirty grin, he took out his wand from his pocket and wrote on the air .


He had checked out this handy spell from the library and practiced a few times and had mastered it so easily. He now realized how helpful it could be when you weren't allowed to talk.
Adira snickered a bit, but covered it up with a smirk "Nice Trick, but you still should have thought about what would have happened if you chose to starve yourself, your going to have to wait untill i can be bothered to get one" she said as she dug into her pocket of her quidditch uniform handing him a healthy fruit bar "I only eat Healthy, so your going to have to deal with that until an elf brings you something discusiting and dripping with oil" she said.
Andrew accepted the fruit bar. He would love to eat unhealthy things like a doughnut dripping with chocolate but well that would take a while. He wrote a big


in the air and grinned at Adira. He chewed the bar and looked at his friends now smiling. Although they had lost this game, which they had almost won, Slytherin was meant to win the house championship so he was cool with it.
Adira smirked when he accepted the fruit bar. "your a goof" she said when he wrote a big 'Thank you Sweet heart'
Adira rolled her eyes "its great to finally have some peace and quiet, you shouldn't talk more often" she said as he looked at the time, "Stupid nurse, do they not pay attention to what is happening" she said "Before i abuse a Nurse i better go, prob fly some more" she said as she rubbed her leg which was still tender "so here is a warning, now, starve yourself again, and you will have to deal with me... ok" she said as she walked around the hospital bed, grabbing her broom she walked out of the wing.

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