Slytherin and losing is not a good mix

Isabella Chaos

infamous | fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Ash Wand, 14 1/4", Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
1/2009 (44)
Now that Isabella had left the Quidditch Pitch, her anger was taking over her devastation. She was holding up, or trying to, Hoshi Koshiba, the last person she thought she'd ever help get to the Hospital Wing under her left shoulder. In her right hand was her Emerald Streak. Once they reached the castle, Isabella groaned at having to go up all the flights of stairs. "Eugh, Hoshi wake up!" Isabella grunted, the usual nasty tone she usually used when speaking Hoshi's name. Almost there, she thought, going up to the fourth floor finally. Why had she decided to take her again? Once they were in the Hospital Wing, Isabella threw the purple-haired girl onto a bed and leaned her Emerald Streak against the wall before going to find a Nurse.
After a speedy shower and a change of clothes, Abbey left her dorm room and began walking down to her common room, hoping to have time to actually have a moment to herself to process that this winter she would meet her mother for the first time, but of course some Slytherin went up to her and asked her how Hoshi was after she'd been knocked out.

The violet eyes Slytherin shrugged, rolling her eyes angrily at not getting a moment of peace. But out of her mutual respect for the younger Slytherin and nothing better to do, Abbey left her common room and made her way to the Hospital Wing, expecting that she should be there by now, and of course getting what she had expected.

"Hello.. Hoshi," Abbey said icily, standing over the girl's unconscious body as if she was standing over her kill. Her lips curled upwards into a smirk, her violet eyes slowly darkening to their natural amethyst shade of purple, her pure blood running dangerously threw her veins as she imagined that those Gryffindor's did this just to add fuel to the Slytherin's fire of anger at loosing.

that was mild, mean abbey but more will come
Hoshi could not hear or feel what was going on around her. Her mind was a black void. Utter bliss. There was nothing here, nothing that could hurt or torture her. No mean girls that made her life all about making a point. The point being that just because a girl is different didn't mean that she could dish like they could. For a while she had no reconnection world around her. Again a voice cut though her daze though. A different voice though. Isabella she concluded. "Try getting your head smashed in by a bludger and see how you fair." Where the first words out of her mouth. Isabella Chaos was holding her up after an accident. She opened her eyes only a little bit. "When is the world going to end?" Asked jokingly.
Taylor dragged herself up to the Common Room, her head was pounding and she was utterly confused. Henric had put a complete damper on her celebratory mood. Quickly showering and getting changed into a T-shirt and track-pants (the first comfortable things she could find), Taylor made her way to the Hospital Wing. She wanted to see how Hoshi and Andy were doing and perhaps get something to numb her aching muscles while she was it. She had been lucky not to fall and still pull through for her team.

Taylor slipped out of the Gryffindor Common Room where a celebration party was being held, pulling her hair into a tight pony-tail while she did so. Reaching the hospital wing Taylor instantly found her purple haired friend lying on a bed. She inwardly groaned, however, after seeing who her company was. Isabella Chaos, who she notably had bad experiences with and the Slytherin seeker, who more than likely hated her guts for beating her. Taylor decided it didn't matter. Hoshi was a friend and Taylor wouldn't let a couple of sore-loser Slytherins stop her from seeing if she was okay. Approaching the bed Taylor ignored the other two and looked at Hoshi with a worried expression. "Hey, how you holding up?" She asked gently.
Isabella almost let out a chuckle at Hoshi's joke about when the world was going to end, the scenario of Isabella helping Hoshi out was rather apocalyptic. Isabella looked up to see her violet-eyed friend join them and gave her a weak smile. Now that the Quidditch game was over, her fatigue was catching up with her once more. Isabella and Hoshi were still in their heavy Quidditch uniforms that weighed them down, and Bella's hair was falling all over the place. The Slytherin captain began to redo her ponytail as she waited for a Nurse to tend to Hoshi so she could finish fulfilling her duties as Captain and get on with hating Hoshi comfortably in peace.

Isabella looked up when she heard someone else enter and immediately her chocolate brown eyes flashed in anger and turned a few shades darker. "What do you think you're doing here?" Isabella snapped at her. When she saw Taylor going over to Hoshi and asking how she was, Isabella rolled her eyes. Ugh, no wonder I dislike both of them, they hang out together, Isabella thought to herself. "If you know what's good for you, you'd get out now," Isabella warned Taylor with venom in her mouth.
Before Hoshi could answer, Isabella had snapped at Taylor. Letting out a frustrated sigh Taylor turned her head slightly to look at the older Slytherin out of the corner of her eye. "Hoshi's my friend and I don't care what you say, I'm going to see if she's okay. I don't remember you ever caring for her." She said with the same tone of voice the third year had just addressed her with. She had only ever had two one on one occasions with the girl and Taylor was almost surprised how much she could dislike her from those two meetings alone. Shaking her head, Taylor turned back to Hoshi to wait for her answer.
Abbey's lips barely curled into a smile at Hoshi's joke about the apocalyptic situation that Isabella created by helping Hoshi to the Hospital Wing. But what little hint of one that was there failed and turned into a scowl as she saw Taylor Mercer saunter into the Wing like she owned the place.

Abbey's already dark eyes became even more dark, making them seem almost black in the florescent lighting. "If I recall correctly, Isabella lugged Hoshi from the Quidditch Pitch all the way to the Wing on her own. If I were Isabella and hated Hoshi that much you can bet your bottom dollar I wouldn't have done that," she said, showing that although the two hated each other they were able to respect each other to the point were they would help each other to the Hospital Wing, well at least if it was Quidditch related. It seemed that both groups were able to hold it together during Quidditch and wouldn't loathe each other completely, during the process. "While you were celebrating your friend was unconscious," she said, hinting sarcasm. "Now leave," she said in a deep, angry voice that made her seem slightly demonic, as her eyes glinted back to their lighter tone before growing back to darker purple.
Hoshi had managed to slip herself into her bed and groaned. Her body was soar from the beating she took from the quaffles. She took off the robe so she could see her arm and could see a bruise forming from where she blocked that goal attempted by the eldest Gryffendor Chaser. She looked up to see the blurry image of Abbey Lurken coming in to see her. "Yo Lurken-san" She said with a weak smile. It wasn't long before Taylor came to see her. She was grateful. The girl was a good friend even though she had fallen for Toni's fakeness. "My body is hurting, my arm is going to turn black and blue in a minute and my head hurts like a b1tch other than that I'm holding up fine." She said in a good humored sarcastic way.

It was then that the two Slytherins bared their fangs at the Gryffendor. "Taylor-chan just go... I believe things will not be safe for you soon enough." She said her voice sad. Hoshi loved her friends from other houses but even her had her ego bruised with this passed Quidditch session. She laid down on the bed because her head was starting to feel like it was going to split in two. She hopped that Taylor heeded her words because she didn't want to see her friend get hurt.
Taylor let out a chuckle at Hoshi's words. True Hoshi, still finding humour in a situation even when she was in so much pain. It wasn't long before the other Slytherin starting ripping into her. Letting out a small sigh she turned to look at the Seeker. "I wasn't celebrating thank-you very much. I was getting taunted by one of your chasers." She said icily, recalling Henric's words on the pitch. "After that I came straight here. And I would say the only reason Gossip Girl dragged Hoshi up here is because her reputation is low enough-" She turned her head to glare at Isabella. Taylor had had quite enough of Slytherin's nonsense. Taylor hadn't done anything but catch the snitch and she sure as hell she wouldn't have been so nasty to them if they had caught it. "-I doubt leaving one of her players unconscious on the pitch would have made her very popular." She finished, feeling her anger flare. Taylor wasn't easily provoked, but this was ridiculous. She felt a dislike stronger than she had felt in a long time for the older girls.

Taylor's eyes fell back on Hoshi as she began speaking. When Hoshi told her to go, Taylor would admit she felt hurt. She had come all the way up here to see her friend only to be told to go away. Another part of Taylor reasoned with Hoshi and thought maybe it was just better to leave. The older two were obviously not going to let her be... It was then that Taylor felt her Gryffindor stubbornness kick her in the head. You no what, "No." She said simply. "Snakes don't scare me." She said with a roll of her eyes.
"Don't we...?"

The cold voice wafted in from the doorway, bearing with it the faint scent of death and icy retribution. Henric Lee stepped into the Hospital Wing, out of his Quidditch Robes, with his usual school uniform and long cloak on. Like a phantom, his footsteps were soft, light, and bore no trace of sound; the Slytherin walked right up to Taylor, and placed two cold hands on either side of her cheeks with narrowed eyes and a mysterious facade of a smile. "If you were hurt by my words, I deeply apologize, but I was upset at the time.... do forgive me..." Henric's words were chilling, they were weaved so the truth couldn't be differentiate from the false; his ability to switch emotions and switch the masks of faces he wore was enough to intimidate the bravest Gryffindor. Right now he was looking down upon Taylor with all the authority of someone who could make he perish - or could he?

Canting his head to the side, dark hair draped across his forehead, Henric held up a hand and jerked a thumb at the door. "You should go." He murmured silkily.
Hoshi rolled her eyes playfully. "Try and save a girl's life." She said when Taylor refused to leave. Then Henric came in and Hoshi some what pulled back slightly. She was slightly confused about him but she was determined not to show it. His attention was on Taylor though with his hands on her cheeks. Hoshi was used to playing like she didn't care what he did anymore she the non-response on her face was effortless. Those chilling words she was sure would send shivers up everyone's spine but not in the way they sent chills up hers. "Now I know the world is going to come to an end soon. Two GS members and Henric Lee at my sick bed. The universe has to have a tare in it somewhere." Hoshi joked hoping to take attention off her Gryffedor friend.
Abigail glanced away from the dull Gryffindor to see Henric Lee. She bowed her head politely. She thought him worthy to be in her presence currently, so she spoke nothing to him, looking back to Hoshi as she joked. She simply rolled her violet eyes at the girl lightly. How she amused Abbey. She looked back at the Gryffindor, gripping her own wand tightly, her slender fingers balled around the strong wood she had purchased when she was eleven years of age. "I suggest you do as well say," she said breezily, glancing towards a boy that was badly injured. He looked like a piano fell on him, with all his bones broken, and she smirked, looking back to Taylor, hinting that this was minor compared what she would do (over time) if she stayed.

You see, Abbey had patience with her revenge. She would let her anger stew for months, maybe even years before letting it show on whoever was the poor victim of her anger and bitterness.
Almost as soon as the words left Taylor's mouth, they had been replied to by none other than Henric Lee. Narrowing her eyes instantly, Taylor tensed. What was he doing here? He approached her and she watched him warily. The other Slytherin's didn't scare her, but he somewhat did. He just had a creepy nature about him, one that wasn't normal for 13 year old boys. When he placed his hands on her cheeks, she snapped her head to the side to shake him off. She stared at him with her eyes still narrowed as he asked for forgiveness. How am I meant to forgive such a vicious threat? Taylor thought, also thinking the boy was completely mental. She said nothing, until he told her to leave and then the Slytherin seeker -who Taylor still didn't know the name of- told her to do so as well. Who did they think they were ordering her around? "I don't know where you all think we are, but I have just as much right to be here as you do, so no I'm not leaving." She stood her ground, not wanting to go against her own argument now that she had made it.
Isabella scoffed when Taylor pointed out that she never seemed to care for Hoshi before. Why was she unnecessarily pointing out the obvious? Everyone knew they were enemies. "She's my teammate and I have to fulfill my Captain duties," Isabella replied to her with a tone of annoyance, speaking as if this were the most obvious answer in the world and Taylor was an idiot for having to ask. Isabella would've left Hoshi for Andrew to drag to the Hospital Wing, but as he was ordered not to play by the Nurse, she had to step up today. Everything Taylor had said about her merely rolled off her shoulders, she didn't care enough to even remember what she was saying.

The Slytherin merely smirked icily as Abbey took a stab at Taylor and Hoshi too tried warning her. All of a sudden Henric came into the room, unexpectedly as usual, and Isabella almost grinned with excitement. Well this just got a whole lot more interesting, she thought to herself, concealing the grin she wanted to wear. She watched as he toyed with Taylor, and the idiot girl continued to ignore their warnings. "Look, even your friend is telling you to beat it, are Gryffindors so stupid that they can't take a hint when it's beating them in the face?" Isabella sneered with narrowed eyes.
Henric tilted his head to the side slightly. "I would assume that she has the right to be here ... as she puts it ... if she wants to..." He spoke slowly, in a lazy, silky voice that carried over to everyone in the Hospital Wing and was more or less making several of the patients crane their heads slightly, wondering why the temperature in the room suddenly seemed to drop tenfold. "Well, I'll be taking my leave now..." His position and movements were natural, but he pointedly avoided looking or going near Hoshi, only making slight references to her being here; he even seemed to have forgotten he had saved her and spoken to her briefly.

"I have a date, so I'll leave her in your care, Captain." The boy murmured, turning to step out of the Hospital Wing to join a petite girl waiting outside nervously. Another one of his flings; they were getting frequent ever since that incident with Hoshi.
Hoshi listened smiling to herself. She knew that Taylor was staying here just to stay not because she really wanted to see her. That's the way Gryffendors where. You say no they say yes. "You know what if you want to watch me sleep have at it because all this talk is making my head hurt worse. Just try to leave identifiable pieces I mean her father is a professor here we owe him that much." She cracked again. Joking was what kept Hoshi from falling apart like so much glass. Henric was only but one of her problems after that letter came by that wicked black owl.

She crossed her arms over her stomach and closed her eyes. Maybe in a bed that was not her own she would be able to sleep. The pain in her head was bad enough that she wanted to lose herself in something like sleep. Maybe it was better that the bludger knocked the hell out her. Henric did feel something for her, she knew this know. She felt like giggling a bit because of this. Hoshi couldn't even feel sorry for the girl that was waiting for him outside the door. The girl was a tool, the same as a lot of the boys that came after her.

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