Sloth Grip Roll

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
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Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida had some time off during her day, she didn't have any practice to attend, no Classes to teach, Leonidas was spending time with his Grandparents and Scarlet was in class, she decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to head down to the School's quidditch pitch and mess around on her broom for a bit, try invent some new moves which would be legal in Quidditch and just fly around for once.

She swung her backpack over her shoulder and Gripped her professional broom tightly she was dressed in some comfortable practice clothes wearing her own teams shirt she Tuscan Charmers she walked down to the pitch acknowledging students as she went, she kept her Professors robe on however to make sure that she didn't startle any students walking around in lazy practice gear. Approaching the pitch she unclipped her robe and put it against the wall, and sat her bag on top of it.
The Quidditch Professional stretched out and shook her arms out and rolled her neck, feeling loose she adjusted her grip on her broom and took four long strides before mounting her broom and taking off at a startling speed, her brown her whipped behind her as she headed up into the clouds, she enjoyed the sensation of the wind wrapping around her as she ascended.
Reaching a comfortable height she pulled her broom back and did a smooth backflip to point the nose of the broom down at the ground, the changing in directions made her stomach flip but she didn't mind, she didn't have any Bludgers to worry about or other players to avoid, she sky was pretty much hers. Coming back out of the clouds she saw the Pitch below her and eased to a slow, pulling her broom level she dropped into a Sloth Grip roll, she came back up and sat up on her broom brushing her hair out of her face which had managed to tangle itself.
Kida looked around and adjusted her seating so that her feet comfortably hooked behind themselves, she rotated so on knee held onto the broom and dropped upside down, the broom slowly drifted, while she was here she may as well practice drills to get back onto the broom, but she was enjoying just drifting.

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