Slimmed out...

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Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
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Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
But my activity might be dwindling less and less on here over the next month and a few days.
Most don't know what I am going through, but it is a lot. But for those of you that might know, I have a job now, and sometimes it leaves me tired because I am not used to it at all. xD Anyways, turns out, moving in with my dad is a mistake.

I don't want to go into details on how bad it is, but I am much better off living with mom before I get out on my own.
However, the move won't take place until after December 12th, for a special reason, but that day and the next, I probably won't be online at all. :r
And this Thursday, I am heading back to mom's to put in another application for another type of work, and dad doesn't know I am going against his wishes anyway. :lol: So, internet will be limited there too.

At any rate, my activity will be a minimum at times.
And as for my graphics shop, it won't be until a while before I feel out requests. I may do them, if time allows.
RPs will be slower than usual. But I should be back full term before long. :)

Thanks for understanding,
~ Sir Kaitlyn
Hope everything gets worked out! I'll miss you, of course!

Decreased activity equals sadface for Jessye. But I know it'll all be worth it in the end. :r You'll get used to the job eventually, I hope anyways. Remember to text me daily if you can or else I'll wonder where you are and freak out in class.

Btw, Dec 12 is my birthday so I'm glad it won't take place until at least after then!. :woot:
- Jessye ♥
Booooo :( Me no like this one bit *huffs and stomps foot* :mad: It feels like we haven't talked in forever and it's mostly my fault, or rather Uni's fault :( But I'mma make more of an effort to harass you when I get the chance *nods*

I hope it all works out well got you Kaitlyn

- Pat :hug: :wub:

Less activity? :( Aww, well good luck with the new job. As you get used to it, it should get easier... hopefully ^_^
I also hope things work out for you with your personal RL stuff.

You know how to contact me if you want to chat :r


Case of the brain farts? Yes I feel the same if you have it xD anyways, take care and relax as much as possible regardless of the situation :D

:cry: Awe Kaitlyn this makes me sad.

But never the less you have a real life just like the rest of us. So I respect that you are in a tough position.
I hope you are able to come back to us all full and good soon.


~Teigs (aka Damien's Stalker :r )

so things will look grim for the next few days. Hell broke loose and let's say my act of rebellion has cost me my relationship with my dad because I am through. So I am using an iPod right now and sharing moms desk top until I can go to dads to get my laptop and the rest of my things. But until then, I will not be around so much. But after that I will be back for a long while until I get my new job settled in.
Very few of you know how bad things have gotten and I love you all for keeping me sane as I can be. Thanks for the support! ♥

~ Sir Kaitlyn
You will ofcourse have support all the way Kaitlyn

I am so sorry that you're going through this Kaitlyn! :( :console:
I don't really know what it is, but I am here for you and support you 24/7 ♥

This can be archived. ^_^
I got my computer back and will take a little time to play catch up. Things moved a lot sooner than expected, and things moved...moved... xD So, thanks guys, now I am back for a month, before my new job of working full-time becomes my schedule. :)

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