Open Sky Heights

Issac Jacobs

'56 graduate 🎓 | procrastinator | athletic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Straight 8 1/2 Inch Whippy Poplar Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
25 (08/2038)
Issac's Christmas break had been fun. He was glad that he managed to catch up with his friends that were outside of Hogwarts. His break mainly consisted of him doing sports activities like Quidditch in the big backyard of his with his cousins, his usual karate when he was bored, basketball with his muggle friends and even just skateboarding around whenever and wherever he could. Usually, the boy would be annoyed to come back to Hogwarts, as he would be annoyed to do schoolwork. But coming back had felt different. Maybe it was because of the time he spent at the Yule Ball with Emma or something. The boy couldn't really figure it out. But the boy always felt happy and had a weird but nice feeling in his stomach whenever her saw the girl.

It had been a week of school already, and the boy had been procrastinating and slightly behind work. He'd get onto it soon, but he was just too lazy and it was just so much work. Issac had decided to use his procrastinating time wisely, by having a last-minute decision of climbing up one of the trees that stood on the Great Lawn. When the Gryffindor boy finally found the perfect tree to climb on, he immediately grabbed onto the branch and used his upper boy strength to help pull himself up the tree, not caring if anyone around him was watching.
Isaiah was stoked to be back at school, ready to get into the swing of things. Sure, his break had been fun and he had been spending plenty of time with his friends, siblings and family (if being babysat by his cousing counted) but there was still so much to do at the school he hadn't done yet. Being back at school though Zay had wasted no time trying, well.. not to waste his time. Deciding he surely would be able to get into as good as an adventure as he had last time he had been heading over to the forest when he suddenly noticed some other student climbing into a tree on his way there. Getting closer he noticed who it was, quite pleased to run into the older boy. He for sure thought Issac was cool. "You hiding from anyone, dude?" He laughed as he reached the tree, looking up as he figured out what the older boy was up to. Unless he wasn't actually up to something and just really liked climbing trees. But that seemed unlikely.
Issac was just about to sit on a sturdy branch he had found while climbing when he heard a voice. The Gryffindor whipped his head around and had noticed the familiar face. "What's up, dude!" Issac laughed and called out with a slight wave before he continued to sit down onto the sturdy branch. "Nah. Not hiding from anyone. I was just climbing this tree" Issac then said to Isaiah with a chuckle, as he taps onto the trunk of the tree with his hands. "What are you up to?"
Issac seemed like a pretty solid climber and Isaiah had to admit he was a little bit impressed with how quickly the boy had managed to pull himself up into the tree. He nodded when Issac greeted him, although a little disappointed that there wasn't an interesting story connected to why he was climbing the tree. "Fair enough." He shrugged in response, grinning when he asked him if he was up to anything. "I was planning on heading to the forest." Zay shrugged, after looking around for a second to make sure there weren't any professors or noisy prefects nearby that could hear him talk. "Figured it'd be more interesting than sitting around, being bored."

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