Closed Sky Art

Yukiko Edogawa

energetic; tengu beater; protective
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Yuki didn’t know how else to be other than completely obsessed with Quidditch and even though she’d not been allowed to try out - utter travesty really - she was not going to be deterred. Yes, she was probably supposed to wait until she’d had more flying lessons until she tried this, but she’d been flying since before she was born, no one was going to keep her off of a broom. She knew how to do all the flying things so she didn’t even see why she needed to attend the lessons. Her mother was a professional quidditch player, her aunt had been on the team when she was in school and they all had some kind of ties. Her cousins and her brother had been in their teams too! so of course she wanted to play and she was going to fly whether or not it killed her.​
She made her way hurriedly to the pitch, her own broom in her arms. She knew they weren’t strictly supposed to have them but there was no way she was leaving this in the shed, no way. She’d had this broom since she was nine and it has always served her well. It was the latest broom but she didn’t need the latest broom. She just needed this one because this was her favourite. It was also the best. She noticed someone already on the pitch and headed over to him. “Will you tell on me if i fly?” she asked him, as she eyed him. He was clearly not a first year because she hadn’t seen him in the lessons she’d had so far, unless maybe he didn’t go to any of them but she was sure that wasn’t the case. “Please don’t lie, just tell me.” If he said yes she’d do it anyway but she wanted to be prepared for if she was going to detention or not.​
Despite what he had thought a couple of months ago, Flynn was still spending a lot of his free time on the pitch sat on one of the old school brooms practicing. He would have never imagined that he would end up flying again, let alone actually making the Quidditch team. And sure, it was only an alternate position and he wasn't going to be playing in many matches unless someone was taken out by a bludger, but it was a start. Better than not being on the team at all and only confirming more in his own head that he was useless and was never going to fit enough to play again. If he hadn't made the team he might have never even bothered trying out again and just thrown his own dream of playing professionally in the bin.

Sweat was starting to bead on his brow from the workout he was putting himself through, getting more and more confident about his flying ability. Not to mention he was getting better at keeping his foot in place, learning how much pressure he should be putting on it so it didn't slip without it hurting too much. And the padding he always wore was sort of helping, but Flynn knew he was going to have to come up with a better idea eventually. For now, he was sat taking a quick drink break, broom resting at his feet as he chugged back water. But it appeared he was not alone, a slightly younger looking girl coming over to him, but the question she had for him was just a bit confusing. "Why would I tell on you?" He did have to wonder, shifting his weight onto his left foot as he stood to get a bit more comfortable
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Yuki looked at the older boy as if he’d slightly gone a bit mad. She didn’t really register that he just have been just out on a broom because she never noticed details, but the fact that he didn’t seem to know she wasn’t allowed to fly was nuts. “’coz I’m a first year!” She told him, puffing out her chest like it didn’t matter she was only eleven. She was absolutely just as capable of anything the older students were, maybe more since she’d been flying since before she was born. Honestly - was this boy just trying to trick her so she would get into trouble? Maybe that was it! He was trying to get her to fly so that she would get into trouble and then she would get expelled - oooooh he was good. But she was better!​
“I mean… obviously I won’t fly, of course not.” She said, deciding she would wait until he moved on so she could be in the air uninterrupted. She steadfastly attempted to hide her broom from sight - a clearly futile attempt given the broom was taller than she was and it was obvious she was trying to hide it which pretty much defeated the purpose of trying to hide something.​
“I don’t even have a broom.”
Flynn was all rather confused by this. She was a first year, so what? Was that supposed to mean something? Was there some new rule that first years couldn't be on the pitch outside flying lessons that had been implemented that he wasn't aware of? That sounded stupid, though. Why would first years not be allowed on the pitch all of a sudden? The previous year he had spent so much time flying and practicing and had never gotten into trouble for it before.

"Uh... right..." he didn't really know what else he was supposed to say at this point, giving the girl a rather curious look. Maybe she just thought she wasn't allowed to fly or something. And the lie about not having a broom was very clearly a lie when he could see it poking out from over her head. "So I guess whatever happens to be behind your back right now isn't a broom? Alright, gotcha," he wanted to make it perfectly clear that she was not fooling anyone with that ridiculous lie. "But I don't know why you're trying to hide it, you do know that flying isn't banned or anything, yeah?"

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