Skipping Rocks

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Justin ran along the path outside the castle, heading for the lake front. He had only just transferred here, from being home schooled, so the school life was all kind of new to him. The first thing he wanted to do, though, was to make some friends, so that life here could be bearable for him. He didn't like being alone, and, if he had to make the choice between being alone, and being with friends, he would always choose the friends.

Justin couldn't understand what all of the people here were like, and what they all liked to do. He wanted to approach some of them, and talk to them. He sighed softly. "I wonder what it's usually like out here on a class day." Justin had a very inquisitive mind, and he liked to know answers, as much as he could. He was strange in that aspect, but that was probably why he was placed in Ravenclaw, he was smart, and he liked to know what was going on.

Justin sat down in front of the lake, and took out his wand. Pointing it at the waters. "Stupefy!" He said, twirling his wand so that it would fly towards the lake, causing a giant splash. It put him at ease, seeing this. The world seemed so quiet, yet it was all so busy. Justin chuckled softly, and turned to look around the place again.
It was going to be a long year ahead for Trinity, in fact she had considered the next few years until she graduated as being endless and dull now that Tony her best friend had left. She strolled down towards the lake not sure what she should do with herself but knowing she seriously couldn't spend it mopping about the common room or her dorm. She could of course go to the pitch but she didn't feel like flying much today and any desire she had for climbing trees had fled her this morning as well.

With jeans and a sweater on she walked down to the lake instead, removing the catapult from her back pocket she smiled at it. She had gone to an awful lot of trouble trying to make the second one after giving her first one to Tony. Hoping he was making decent use of it no matter where he was, she picked up a small pebble and placed it against the leather pouch and pulling back hard let it rip. It skimmed passed a boys face and splashed into the water. Trinity's mouth hung open, she hadn't even seen the boy until the moment the stone had shot passed him.

Racing towards him she skidded to the ground and looked at him closely.
"I am so sorry" her eyes looked at his face closely, "you're not hurt huh?" she calculated being the great brain she was and sitting back on her haunches she shrugged.
"Didn't see you there, you were lucky I didn't take your head off."
Justin nearly jumped ten feet in the air, when he nearly had his head taken off by a rock, and he knew that this was either an accident, or somebodies sick idea of a joke. He started to turn when somebody came up behind him, stopping next to him. Justin sighed softly, nearly jumping again. He wasn't usually one to get scared so easily. But, it was just how he was today. So he shrugged it off, and resigned to believe that it hadn't been done on purpose.

Justin turned to her, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's no problem really." Justin said, simply. And it was true enough, he was fine, and nothing had happened to him, anyway. Justin shrugged it off. "No harm done, you nearly got me, but you didn't." He said, shaking his head. He didn't mind at all.

So, so, sorry.
I got majorly sidetracked, and forgot I had to post.
Trinity sat back at bit more and looked at the boy closely with a slight frown on her face before gazing down at the catapult in her hand and shoving it into her back pocket quickly.
"You're new here aren't you?" she asked him, always blunt and to the point whenever possible. She seriously couldn't remember seeing him around the year before and she was always pretty good with faces.

"I'm Trinity by the way, I may not be the best in my class at casting spells yet but I am really good with a catapult" she grinned.
Justin smiled, and nodded to her. He was new around here, and he knew it wouldn't have taken very long for somebody to notice that. He hadn't been around the last two years, so it didn't surprise him very much when people came asking questions about that fact. "Yeah, I'm new. It's all so big, I swear I'm going to get lost, quite a lot." Justin sighed, as he said that. Justin didn't doubt that fact at all, he was used to getting lost.

He had gotten lost, walking around a small city. But that wasn't entirely his fault. Justin chuckled at her, with his strange sounding laugh. He absolutely despised the sound of his laugh. "Well, yeah, I kind of noticed you were good at a catapult. Considering you nearly took my head off with one." Justin said, chuckling. He smiled when she introduced herself, "I'm Justin. Justin Cliffeton." He said, shrugging softly.
Trinity laughed then, she liked this boy. He was honest and straight up, no beating about the bush which was something that she had missed. Tony was always moody with her at the best of times though she wouldn't have changed him for the world but this boy didn't seem that way, at least not yet anyhow.
"It is huge and don't worry about getting lost, I still do but watch out for some of the older students trying to sell you maps of the place. They say they'll help you but the maps don't, they're usually jinxed to get you so turned around that you become more lost than you ever were before".

She remembered two of the other Gryffindor girls from her year that it had happened too, they had only wanted to find the library but had ended up close to the astronomy tower in the end. They had been first years then of course and really green around the edges, she hoped that now she was in third year she wasn't quite so guillible and hoped the other two weren't either.
"Trust me Justin, if I wanted to take your head off with that thing I would have" she said so matter of factly that it was almost difficult to dispute with her about it.
"So did you go to another magic school before this? I hope you don't mind all the questions, I just like getting to know new people is all" she grinned again at him.
Justin smiled at Trinity, she seemed nice enough to him, and he liked that in a person. He wasn't a very sociable person at times, but he knew when it would pay to be nice to a person. He liked having friends with whom he would be able to rely on. Justin didn't know whether he would be able to rely on Trinity, but she seemed like the kind of person that could be relied on. Justin shrugged, and smiled at her, "I'll be sure to remember that. I'll get lost enough, without people helping me." Justin said, chuckling.

Justin didn't know exactly what made him trust her so quickly, it was just the kind of person he liked. Not in a romantic way, she just seemed friendly, to him. Justin chuckled, "Yeah, I don't doubt that, at all. But, I don't think you would have." He said, shrugging softly. Regardless of how trustworthy she seemed, Justin still knew he had to be careful around people he didn't knew that well. "Nope, I was home-schooled, until I decided that that was a little bit boring, so I decided to come here, so I could learn more." Jusin said, shrugging.
She grinned at him before picking up a flat stone and skimming it effortlessly out across the lake. It slid across the surface of the water, landing once before scudding across it again and again. A total of four times until it dropped below the surface and sent a tide of ripples outward.
"You're right, I wouldn't have" she told him matter of factly, she was alot of things but violent was not one of them. Though she would be the first to admit she would come to the aid of any of her friends in a scrap if she had to.

"You were homeschooled?" fascinated she turned to face him, picking at a few blades of grass as she did so, "Wow, besides boring what else was it like? Did you have a tutor or did your parents teach you?"
She was eager to know it all, especially as she herself had made many vain attempts at rebelling against her parents wanting to send her to magic school to begin with.
Justin chuckled at her, and watched her skip the rock over the water. He had never been able to do that. "Neat trick, will you show me how to do that?" He asked, his curiousity getting the better of him. He had always wanted to know knew things, when they were shown to him, he didn't know why this was, though. Justin liked the fact that he could get along so easily with Trinity, it was nice to find a friend like her. Justin hadn't had many people like her in his life, and he was always willing to help the friends he did have.

Justin didn't know exactly why he was so open to Trinity, he just seemed to be drawn to her, it was cool, though. Justin chuckled, "Yeah, I was, it's fun, sometimes. But, mostly, it's boring." He said, shrugging. He hadn't liked being home-schooled, at all, really. But it had had it's good times, as well as it's bad times. Everything did, really. "I had a tutor, there are a fair amount of people, who are willing to tutor people in magic." Justin said, shrugging. Justin could see her curiousity, and hoped that she wasn't thinking of way to ditch the school.

Justin decided he wanted to know a little bit more, about her, without exactly prying into her personal life. "You sound like you don't like school here, or at least, you didn't want to attend it. What's up with that?" Justin asked, deciding to leave it there, for now. He technically wasn't prying, he was just curious.
Trinity grinned and picked up another stone passing it to Justin as she did so. She glanced about and found another for herself.
"It's all in the stone" she told him, "it works better if they're flat."
Again the very matter of fact tone, she never messed with her words or what she wanted to say. Though there had been moments with Tony where she had felt as if she had come unglued. She demonstrated how to hold the stone between index and thumb. The index digit bent slightly.
"Now just flick your wrist" she grinned, "like you would for a wand movement and then release."

Trinity demonstrated once again, flicking her wrist back and forth a few times before throwing the stone. It scudded once again effortlessly out across the lake, a total of five times before careening down below the surface.
"Was it really that boring?" she frowned, finally supposing it must be or Justin wouldn't have come to the school in the end. She waited to see if he would give the stone a decent throw and shrugged as he asked her a question in turn.
"I do like the school, really I do. It's ... it's just that well ... I don't uhm. I didn't always like magic" she bit her lip waiting to see what his response to that would be. Most witches or wizards automatically thought she was muggle born because of it which was so not true at all.
Justin watched attentively as Trinity showed him how he should hold the stone, and the best way to throw it. He liked having people like her show him what to do, and how to improve himself. He shrugged, and skipped it across the water, it bounced three times, and made a large splash as it stopped. "Yay!" He exclaimed, unable to hide his smiling face. He was glad he had been able to skip it properly, and that he had done a goodish job, on his first try. "Was that good?" He asked, unsure of whether it was actually good, or not, now.

Justin wondered why she wanted to know so much about home schooling, he didn't want her to leave the school, he had only just met her, and he wanted to be able to have a better friendship with her. He didn't know exactly what she thought of him, and whether or not she liked him, or not. He smiled at her, and sighed. His eyes grew wide, as he heard what she had said. "You didn't always like magic? Why exactly is that?" She didn't look like she was a muggle born, and he didn't want to believe that she was, all that much. He chuckled to himself, and wanted to know what was going through her mind.
Trinity had always been a touchy feely type of person, she couldn't help it really. Tony had never really liked it but had never really done anything about it like mentioning it. She would hold his hand as if it were the most natural thing on the planet, which for Trinity it was. Now in her excitement for Justin skimming his first decent stone throw, she reached out and touched his shoulder as she smiled brightly.
"Justin! that was brilliant!" she exclaimed releasing his shoulder again and sitting back on the grass as he asked her another question.

Looking at him a minute she sighed before shuffling her body around so that she was facing out across the lake instead of towards him. Her fingers played with the blades of grass once more, her head tilted to the side a little so her long blonde hair fell about her shoulder.
"My parents ... well they're both ministry officials. They love their job and well, they never really wanted me. Their job as aurors means everything to them. I was an accident. I guess ... because magic meant everything to them I didn't want anything to do with it and tried for the longest time not to have anything to do with it. They left me with my grandparents alot until eventually it felt like my grandparents were my parents. Now both sets of my grandparents are in retirement homes, they're that old and my parents have gotten me a nanny" she sighed again glancing over at him.

Sure there were children who had it worse than her but she didn't care about them. She had wanted nothing more in life other than to spend some real time with her mom and dad but the opposite was true for them.
"I thought they would spend more time with me now and they sort of do but it's so strained all the time now. We're like strangers to one another. Anyhow ... last year I just decided that magic wasn't so bad and I couldn't blame my parents for wanting to follow their dreams. Someday that could be me" she shrugged and waited for his reaction, wondering what he thought of her.
Justin smiled, when she reached out to touch her shoulder, but didn't think much of it. He had known people to do things like that, in his life, and it really didn't bother him. He shrugged. He knew that it had been a good throw, and wanted to hug her. He refrained from doing so, though. He listened to her tell her story, and couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He hadn't heard many stories like hers before, but he knew there were people who were probably a lot worse off then she was. He couldn't help but wanted to reach out and hug her, though. He felt like he owed her that much, though he didn't know what she would say if he did.

Justin tended to overthink when he did things, which usually made him unlikely to do them. He didn't like thinking about things, before he did them. It usually only made him think that people would hate what he did, and never talk to him, or do things with him again. He didn't like it when people judged him over what he did. It made him feel like there was no hope, for him to have real friends. Justin sighed, and decided he wouldn't hug her. Not yet, anyway. She makes me so sad. I wonder how she can stand to trust people, after what her parents did. Justin thought, sighing.

Justin went to sit next to her, and placed his hand over hers. "That's really stupid, of your parents. They don't know what they're missing out on, not spending time with you." Justin said, chuckling softly, to himself. He didn't know what else to say to her, but he knew that she was a really cool person. "I happen to love magic. It's always so surprising, and there's so much to learn." Justin said, smiling at Trinity. He liked her, a lot. "You're a really cool person, yourself. You always surprise me." Justin said, shrugging to himself. He didn't know why he was being so honest, with her, he had just met her, after all.

Woo for making posts longer then I expected. xD
Trinity couldn't believe she had said all of that to a complete stranger! She always said what was on her mind sure, but as regards to her family she had rarely opened up at all to anyone. She felt his hand placed on top of hers and looked down at the two hands. It felt nice to know she was making a new friend and one her instincts screamed at her could be trusted. Justin was even unlike Tony in the sense that she felt free enough to speak to him about anything and did. She smiled up at him as he spoke.
"Thanks you don't have to say that but thank you" she told him, it had taken her a long time to come to terms with how her parents preferred the magical world and their careers to their daughter but she had and now didn't begrudge them at all really. On occasion sure when she was in a foul mood she would yell all sorts of abuse at whoever was in earshot and all of it was usually in relation to her parents.

"I like magic too now, it just took me a while to get there" she smiled, noticing her thumb had begun to link with his one. Slightly bashful which was indeed again a first for Trinity she looked out across the lake until he spoke again. Her slightly flushed face turned crimson when he told her she was cool. She eyed him a moment before smiling bashfully at him.
"You're pretty cool yourself you know" she told him, "I mean not many get the stone toss on the first attempt. You're a natural."
Justin chuckled, slyly. Trinity was sure easy to get along with, he found it really easy to make his feelings known, with her. Even the friends he had had back home, hadn't been close like this. And he had only met her today! Justin shrugged, to himself, and looked back at Trinity. He liked her, and he wondered what they would do for the rest of the day. There was a lot to do around the castle, if you actually went out and looked for it. People were always doing things they shouldn't, and that only made it better for everyone else. It meant that they wouldn't be bored, if they tried to do something.

Justin smiled, she seemed to like him, as well. He could see they would probably be good friends. Maybe more, if Justin was willing to work on it. But he didn't know if he really wanted that, he didn't want to ruin the friendship they already had, but if it happened, it happened. Justin shrugged, once again, and smiled at Trinity. "Just stating the truth." Justin said, chuckling. He saw her blush, and wondered what was going on through her head. He didn't know if he wanted to know, though. He looked down, and saw her thumb linking with his, and couldn't help but smile.

Justin chuckled when she said he was cool, and then went back to the stones. "Yeah, that was pretty fun." He said, smiling. He reached around with his free hand, and picked out another rock. Placing it in his hand carefully, he threw it at the water, watching it skip a few times, and then plunk into the water. He smiled widely. "It's really simple, now." Justin said, chuckling. He wondered what else he could do, to pass the time. He smiled, to himself, again. And looked over at Trinity, "So you've been here since your first year? What do you want to do when you graduate?" He asked, wanting to know more about her.
Trinity didn't want to leave his hand go and felt strange at this realization but that was when she knew she had to. Hastily standing up and brushing her jeans down she gazed out across the lake. Trinity was such a tomboy at the best of times that feeling anything for a boy other than friendship was new to her, it was even stranger that she was feeling so close to this particular one after just meeting him.

"Fancy climbing some trees?" she asked him weaving the end of her scar inbetween her fingers before shoving her hands into her pockets. Not wanting to be awkward around the first boy she had befriended since Tony had left the school, she decided to simply behave the way she normally would around any boy.
Justin frowned when she moved her hand off of his, but he didn't exactly know why. Could he be developing feelings for Trinity? Even he didn't know the answer to that question, so he would have to wait and see. He sighed, and turned to her again as she stood up. He was up for anything, just as long as he could do it with Trinity. He wanted to be able to get to know her a little bit more than he already did. Even though he doubted they would ever be anything more then friends. Justin shrugged, and stood up, walking over to where she stood.

Justin smiled, "Yeah, I'd love to climb some trees." Justin didn't mention that he used to do things like that all the time. It was second nature to him. He still did it quite a lot, in the Forest. It was a habit he really couldn't kick. He just liked the idea of getting outside, most of the time. It gave him something to do, when he had nothing else to do. He chuckled, and looked over at Trinity again. He wondered where they would go, to climb. He also wanted to know if she did this kind of thing often. She seemed to feel at home, when she mentioned it. But he couldn't be sure.
She beamed brightly at him then, since she was knee high to a grass hopper Trinity had been climbing much to her grandparents horror of course. It had started with the stairs at their home at only the age of 9 months but progressed to furniture, and by the time she was two she had climbed up onto the dogs kennel. At the age of five they had discovered her on top of the old tool shed out the back and every trip to the playground had seen her only climb the slide or the monkey bars. When they had taken her on a trip to a forest she had discovered at the age of 6 how amazing trees were for climbing. It grew steadily worse after she had been shown a muggle movie called Tarzan. From then on all she did was climb trees suffering broken arms, wrists, even a leg twice but she never once stopped. She loved it too much.

Again without consciously thinking she reached over and took his hand in hers.
"Come on then" she grinned racing to where the trees in the lawn though nicely spread out lay in wait for them. She had never gone near the forbidden forest and though the trees there seemed to beckon to her time and again, she was too much aware of the stories that were told about that place. Releasing his hand once they were by the trees she smiled up at them.
"Just pick a tree, bet you I'll beat you to the top" she chuckled turning abruptly to make her way to her favourite tree but colliding with Justin as she did so. Her forehead bumped against his and with even more haste she stepped back to apologize. Rubbing her head as she did so.

"I'm so sorry" she told him but couldn't help the grin that spread across her face as she blushed slightly, "I guess I'm a bit eager to climb."
Justin smiled at her, and noted the endless enthusiasm that seemed to come from the girl. He liked that in a person, for it meant that they got things done when they were together. It helped that Justin was all too eager to spend time with her, and he seemed to like most of the things that she did. He noticed when her hand took his, and he enjoyed the feeling. He didn't know how long it would last, but he would enjoy it while it did. He didn't know what they would be doing for the rest of the day, but climbing trees looked like a good plan, for now. He enjoyed it as much as she did, he just wished he shared her enthusiasm for it.

Justin smiled, again, but sighed on the inside when she let go of his hand. Why in the world do I care so much? Justin thought, mentally scolding himself. All of these emotions were new to him, and he didn't know what he would do, and what he would tell her. He smiled at her, and decided he would wait to tell her anything, before he knew more about her. He knew it was better to have a good friendship, before he attempted to have anything else. He nearly fell over when she bumped into him, but grabbed onto her arm for support. Yowch. He thought, not bothering to voice his thoughts. He didn't want her to feel bad about running into him.

He chuckled slightly, noticing her enthusiasm again. She definitely seemed to be an overly happy kind of person. That was something he liked about her, she didn't seem to care much about what people would think of her, and she just seemed to be herself. A person like that was, in Justin's mind, ideal. They made good company. "It's fine." Justin said, smiling at her. "Let's go!" He said, launching himself at one of the trees. He didn't care if he got overly hurt, but he couldn't help but glance back to look at Trinity, making sure she didn't hurt herself. Justin settled himself in the tree so he could see down, and waited for her.
Trinity was not known to be clumsy she was rather speechless that she hadn't taken more notice of where she was going. At least Justin wasn't ticked off about getting his head thumped by a girl. Her forehead still stung a little but what was more disconcerting was how she had felt when she had been so close to him and when he had reached out to hold her arm. Her nerve endings had practically gone haywire and if she rolled up the sleeve of her sweater she was almost certain she would have goosebumps along her arms.

She watched as Justin took off up one of the trees and stopped midway as if to wait for her. With a light chuckle she removed her scarf and left it on the ground, she knew better than to climb with one around her neck, having nearly strangled herself when she was 7 for wearing a bright yellow scarf that she had gotten as a gift from her grandmother and loved it so much she had not taken it off. Not until that fateful day at any rate. She glanced around the tree and immediately saw just where her feet would go and in seconds she was hoisting herself up through the splaying branches onto the larger trunk. Another few moments and she was climbing higher again, balancing precariously on thinner branches and using the ones overhead to pull herself up further. Soon she was well above Justin smiling down at him. Not a cut, graze or anything else in her perfect climb. A part of her felt as if she had been showing off a little though for his benefit and she wondered if boys liked girls being good at this sort of thing.

"Can you come up higher?" she called to him, resting herself on a branch and swinging her legs beneath her as she sat there as comfortable as if it were a normal seat.
Justin watched her in amazement, as she threw herself up the tree, and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. It was all so different, for him. He hadn't seen anybody do it before, in his life. She was definitely out of his league in this kind of thing, but he wouldn't stay down here without her, while he could be with her at the top of the tree. He still had no idea, why he had these kinds of feelings for her of all people. He had only met her today, but he enjoyed her company more then he had ever enjoyed anyone elses. These feelings were new for him, and he wanted to know what they were, and what they meant.

Justin smiled at her, from where he was, he noticed that she hadn't hurt herself on her way up, and was relieved. He knew basic healing magic, but he was just glad she hadn't hurt herself at all. Justin chuckled, and carefully climbed his way up the tree to stop next to her. He winked at her, and positioned himself next to her on the branch. He had to be careful as not to snap the branch, and not to hurt Trinity in the process. He settled down next to her, and smiled. "'Course I can." He teased, chuckling softly. He liked being close to her, so he hoped she wouldn't take off somewhere else in the tree.

Justin knew he would be able to follow her if she was to jump to another tree, but he didn't know what would be going through his head if he saw her jump from the tree. What in the world, am I thinking? Justin thought. He smiled, and unconciously slid his hand over hers, again. He had been looking at her for a while, now. He didn't know what she would be thinking. Maybe she would have a go at him for staring, or maybe she would just accept it. He didn't know. "What now? It seems you beat me to the top." Justin admitted, chuckling slightly. He seemed to be able to relax more, with Trinity.
Trinity had hoped he would make the extra effort and climb up further and sat smiling when he did. Shifting her weight carefully to allow him to sit beside her on the branch. The world always looked much clearer to her up so high away from everything and everyone. And though today she was sharing this beautiful vantage point with someone else, it didn't bother her in the slightest. She felt so at ease around him, so comfortable that when he touched her hand she didn't flinch or get a huge shock. Which was just as well, getting a shock at this height was sort of lethal.

She glanced at their hands again, noticing from the corner of her eye that he was looking at her. Trinity bit her lip feeling a nervous sort of excitement build up inside her as her fingers laced with his and slowly she turned her face to look at him as well. She didn't know how to answer his question, all she wanted to do was simply look at him now. Her eyes couldn't seem to leave his face now that she had started looking at him. Trinity opened her mouth as if she wanted to speak but nothing came out, yet the subtle movement of her lips caused her gaze to move to his and then back to his eyes again.

"I don't know" she finally said on a whisper, then coughing slightly wondering why her voice had dropped so low. She turned her gaze away though it felt as if she were tearing it away from him and looked out across the lake. It looked so different from up here. With her other hand she pointed to the far edge of it excitedly.
"Oh my gosh I could have sworn I just saw the giant squid" she exclaimed her body leaning just a slight bit forward as she said it, turning to look at him she suddenly realized that their faces were too close, much too close now.
Justin watched her smile at him, still looking at her. He didn't want to have to take her eyes off of her. When he looked at her, nothing else seemed to matter, and even with the most effort, he wouldn't be able to tear his gaze from her. Justin smiled, when she laced her fingers with his, not even being able to recall how his hand had got there in the first place. Justin watched her movements, and couldn't help but notice something strange about them. She seemed shy, but at the same time she was excited, and she couldn't take her eyes off of him either. Justin grinned, and continued to look at her.

Justin raised an eyebrow when she whispered, at him. She coughed afterwards to cover it all up, but he didn't know what was going through her mind. He sure wanted to know, though. "What's up? You seem distracted." Justin said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Justin hadn't even known her for a day, but he seemed to know her so much already. He didn't know what he would be doing right now, without her, and he didn't want to know. Justin thought about the feelings that were going through his head, and had been going through there all day. He could only reach one conclusion. He loved Trinity.

Justin hadn't expected this. He hadn't felt like this before, so it was all new to him. He didn't know what to expect, he didn't know how to try and guess how Trinity felt. He sighed softly, and tore his gaze off of her, to look over at the lake. He couldn't see the giant squid, but he trusted that she had seen something. Justin shrugged, "No squid there." He said, turning to look back at her. It was only then that he realised that their faces were closer then other things. He could only think about one thing. Justin smiled, and let the urge take over, ready for whatever happened. He leant over the small gap, and kissed her.

((OOC: Sorry if I'm rushing.))
She didn't know what to say, how could she tell him that her insides were doing back flips and her heart felt as if it were getting too big all of a sudden for her chest. So big that she thought it might explode out of her and cause a right ruddy mess. Instead, she smiled at him shaking her head. The only thing that was distracting her was the boy sitting beside her whose hand she was holding as if it were a life line.

A wave of shyness hit her and yet she still couldn't look away so the catching sight of the squid had been a lucky break but now that their faces were so close she thought she would lose her balance completely and fall out of the tree. She had not time to think of anything, as Justin's face came that last inch closer and kissed her. Trinity had never been kissed by a boy before, her insides seemed to freeze from the unexpected contact. Her eyelids slowly fluttered closed and her inexperienced lips felt so comfortable against his own.

She hoped she was kissing him back properly, she hoped that opening her mouth slightly as she had was the right thing to do. Her mouth seemed to be in complete control as if it simply knew what it was to do. Trinity leaned a little closer before slowly pulling her lips from his, then opening her eyes she looked at him. There was a twinkle in her eyes, a smile there that lit up her entire face. She wasn't sure what she should say or if there was anything worth saying after that. So she did the only thing she felt was right, she squeezed his hand gently and with a smile still on her face looked back out across the lake.

"I've seen people swim in it, they must be either very stupid or very brave" she mused aloud, "What with that squid being there I mean." Trinity glanced back at him again and as if the urge was too much she leaned forward this time and gave him the gentlest of pecks to his perfect lips, a smile captivating her mouth as she did so. When she pulled away again, Trinity bit her lower lip a moment.
"I like you" she told him before gently swaying her legs back and forth, her gaze just taking in everything about them.
Justin smiled brightly on the inside, as she kissed him. He was new to all of this, and was glad that she hadn't tore away from him at the first chance she got. He could feel her kissing him back, and he was enjoying every minute of it. Justin didn't ever want to have to leave her side. He was happy she was in his year, but at the same time he was disappointed because he didn't think they had any classes together. He felt it when she broke apart, and had the prettiest of smiles on her face. She looked as happy as he was. He wondered if he'd actually found love, for the first time in his life.

Justin smiled at her, he couldn't help but want to kiss her again. In that short amount of time where they had been kissing, he had been so happy. Trinity made him happier then anybody else seemed to do so, or ever had done. He loved being her, and loved holding her. He smiled again, and turned to her. "Brave? Stupid? Which one am I? 'Cause I've swum in it a few times, myself." Justin admitted, chuckling. Justin felt the bliss of one of her kisses, for a second, and then she broke away. Justin chuckled, "I like you too, Trinity." Justin said, glad he could admit it.

Justin smiled, and looked out along the lake himself. He could see people swimming in there himself. He thought he knew a few of them, but they were far too close for him to be able to tell. Justin was still aware that Trinity's hand was clenched in his, and he liked the feeling of that, as well. He liked being with her, and he loved her. It was a good combination, and he couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. "I keep thinking I'm going to fall out of this tree. Balance was never a specialty of mine." He admitted, not embarassed as he normally would have been to admit that.

Justin felt like he could easily open up to Trinity. It was one of the good things. If he was to be with anyway, he would want to be able to be open to them as much as he could. And right now, with Trinity, he felt like he could tell her everything about him, and he wouldn't care. She didn't seem to judge him, all too much. She was good company, and he never wanted to have to leave her side. All these feelings were new to Justin, and he struggled to grasp them, or what they meant. He didn't know what would happen in the long run, but for now, he was here, and he was happy.

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