
Erik Drage

Potioneer | Healing | Unprepared
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew 12'' Core of Jackalope Antler
April 27, 2018 (37)
It wasn't three months into the year and Erik was already skipping class. Deciding that he couldn't be bothered to attend Transfiguration today, he slept in, inhaled Pumpkin Pasties and a healthy serving of jelly slugs for breakfast, and flipped through his copy of Quidditch Through the Ages. He quickly tired of reading. Besides, Royal- who was getting bigger and less cute every day- kept making a bed out of his book. He gave up after pushing her off the fifth time. Jamming his wand in his pocket, Erik ditched the dorm. Today would be wonderful for exploring.

Erik descended the stairs. The fourth floor didn't interest him anyway; what was interesting about his house, the library, or the student lounge? Moseying down the third floor corridor, he happened upon the trophy room. He had yet to check the place out. It was vacant except for the collection of plaques and prizes. They were starting to lose their shine.

He walked around the room, observing the names and houses that Hogwarts New Zealand was so proud of. Erik frowned. If his math was right, Hufflepuff hadn't won the house cup for seven years now and didn't have a Quidditch cup to its name. That was just sick. Grabbing the trophy that Hufflepuffs before him had earned, he tipped it back to look inside. Nothing special there.

When he tried to put the thing back, it slipped out of his hands and struck the floor with a clank. "Oops." Erik grinned to himself. He left the trophy where it lay and moved on to the case, pressing his nose and hands against it as he peered through the glass.
The days where Hariah didn't have a lesson to go to were bliss, she could just have time to herself, to do whatever she wanted. However, sometimes that time was taken up by doing homework which Hariah didn't like, unless it was for a subject that she liked, then she didn't mind putting in the extra time. But today, she had time to do anything she wanted. So what better way to spend that time then to go exploring? She vacated the Gryffindor common room and set off for one of the lower floors. She walked down the staircases not going in a particular direction, just wherever the stairs would take her. Hariah ended up on the third floor. She hadn't spent much time on this floor, the last time she was here she had found a shortcut to a charms classroom with Andrea and that was her first time here.

Hariah walked to the end of the corridor and came to a door labelled 'The Trophy Room.' Intrigued she walked in and closed the door behind her. The room was piled high with trophies of every colour, shape and size. She had never been in here before and thought that the room was splendid. Her eyes roved over the many trophies with the Gryffindor name on it and felt a swell of pride, she was proud to be in such a great house and excited to win Gryffindor some more trophies. Soon Hariah was dreaming of the things she could do to help Gryffindor win more trophies when she was violently disrupted from her pleasant day dream by an extremely loud clanging noise.

She turned round and saw that she wasn't alone in this room, it looked like a fellow first year also had the same idea to go exploring. Hariah saw that there was a trophy on the floor that was evidently the cause of the loud noise. "Are you going to leave that there on the floor?" Hariah asked the boy wondering if he planned to pick it up.

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