Sixth Years, Lesson Two

With the introductory lesson behind them the sixth years would be getting stuck into practical spell casting for their first proper lesson of the semester and he hoped they would enjoy that. The desks had been moved to the sides leaving a wide open space in the middle of the classroom that greeted the students as they made their way in. Once James was satisfied everyone was present he waved his wand to close the classroom door. "Gather round, wands at the ready," James instructed the sixth years once they were inside. They wouldn't need their books or quills that lesson as they would learning a new spell. "Today we will be practicing the defensive spell Protego Horribilis, first can anyone tell me the difference between Protego and Protego Horribilis?" James paused to give a student a chance to answer, he picked one of the students raising their hand and called on them. "Exactly," James beamed at them before continuing.

"Okay, only one way to go about this, pair up and get to practicing. One of you using stupefy and the other using Protego Horribilis, begin," James spent the lesson going between the pairs in the classroom making sure everyone was only using the spells they were allowed to use and helping any students who asked for help. At the end of the lesson he opened the door and dismissed them.

RP the lesson. First poster answer the question for extra credit.
June made her way to the classroom. Wondering what this lesson would bring. She saw the desks were moved aside so she knew she had to use her wand, and was totally fine with that. Making sure she stood close to the professor she listened as he explained what to do. When the professor asked an question about the difference between protego and protego Horribilis she raised her hand quickly. Smiling as she got chosen by the gryffindor head of house. And answered the question. '' Well protego is the standard, more basic shielding charm. Protego Horribilis is a stronger version of it, and can be used to protect an larger area around yourself.'' The blonde said. It was clear what to do so the blonde partnered up with an classmate and started herself with using the new spell, to block stupefy. She took out her wand and made sure to have the right incantation in her mind and focused on what she wanted to happen. When an student fired an spell to her she was quick to cast '' Protego Horribilis.'' the blonde said and saw how an shield larger than with the normal protego covered an part around her and herself. And smiled bright as she was succesfull, than she changed roles and practiced some more until the lesson was over, and left the room after saying goodbye to the professor.
Mikael stepped into the classroom and looked over the rearranged desks. A practical lesson. Good. He made his way to a spot at the side, leaning against the wall as he waited for Professor Cade to begin the lesson. Protego Horribilis. He wasn't much of a defensive dueller; he was better on the offensive but he couldn't deny that knowing such spells would be useful. Then, they were told to pair up. He went up to @Bailey Walden-Cade figuring he'd save her from the headache that was Theodore, if only for today.
Hinata stepped into the classroom and swallowed nervously as she took note of the open space. It didn't help that James-san instructed them to prepare their wands, making Hina take a firm grip on hers. She was already aware of the two spells but wasn't really all that confident about outlining it in front of the class. Apparently that was all they would be doing for lecture and then it was time to do some practical work. She'd been about to ask Mikael to pair up with her when he'd gone and paired up with Bailey. She bit her lip and sighed. An @ss, her cousin was an @ss. She would have to ask @Horror Zhefarovich to pair up with her. Thankfully, they were in class so he can only throw stunning spells. Or so she hoped. It was going to be a long lesson if he agreed.
Theodore strolled into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, twirling his wand between his fingers with a grin on his face. The open space in the classroom was instantly noticeable. "Professor, my man, are we doing something fun today?" he yelled just as he entered the classroom. "Going on adventures, battling dark wizards, or are tackling inferi today or wrestling them?" It was maybe just a tiny bit disappointing to learn that all they would be doing were stunning spells and a fancier shield. When he tried to find someone to partner with though, they've all somehow mysteriously all got a partner so fast leaving Theo the odd man out which made him pout. People were no fun. "Yoooo, can I partner up with you then?" he told James as he came up to him with a big grin as he gestured to the rest of the class already mysteriously paired up. Well practicing for the rest of the class would just have to depend on the professor's answer. Then again, bothering Mikael and Bailey also seemed like a viable option.

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