Sixth Years: Lesson Two

Professor Styx leaned against the desk, looming over the classroom once more. The classroom was darkened for him, only illuminated by floating candles. It was near time for the class to begin, so he opened the door with a wave of his hand, and soon enough, the sixth years were entering. Some in groups, some in pairs, some alone. Teenagers. Styx firmly believed that he was never one. He never behaved like some of students nowadays do. Once it was time to begin officially, Styx waved his hand and the door closed. If there was one positive thing that could be said about Styx, it was that he was punctual, and wasted no time.

"Let's see who was listening last lesson. You," Styx pointed to a random student with his gloved hand, "tell the class what does conjuring mean?" It was lucky that they were paying attention, and gave the correct answer. He nodded once as he pulled out his wand and conjured a clear goblet in his other hand. He tapped the wand three times and intoned coolly, "Aguamenti." A stream of water flowed from his wand and filled his goblet. He set the goblet down, showing the crystal clear water that he conjured. "Today, you will be learning to conjure water. The incantation is Aguamenti." Styx paused to make sure that they were paying attention. "If you want to be successful with any type of conjuring, you must pay attention to the steps. Just tapping your wand and intoning the spell will not work."

Styx made sure that they were taking the information. "You must absolutely concentrate on your goal. You need to picture the object that you are wishing to conjure. How I filled the goblet was by picturing it filled with water. This will help control the amount of water you get, or the amount of any other object you conjure. If you are accurate with the picture in your head, then the spell will work. The more will you have, the more likely you will succeed. Next, you will still need to use the three-tap method and speak the incantation correctly. If you say it wrong, you will fail the task, or have a different result entirely." Styx himself had that happen a few times in his younger years.

He waved his wand and made a clear cup appear on each students' desk. He then put his wand away and pulled out a box that had PH readers for liquids. He knew his wife tasted the water that the students conjured, but he would never. "Now, practice Aquamenti. Do as I said before. Once your glass is filled, I will test to see if the water is clear, and free of defects. You may pick up one of the strips. If the strip turns red, your water is too acidic, and if it is blue or purple, then it is has too much alkaline. If the strip turns green, then it is neutral. That is what you are wanting." There was a free science lesson for them as well. Once the students managed to do the task at hand, he stated, "Next lesson, you will be conjuring flowers. Be sure to read the textbooks regarding the spell to better prepare yourself. Class dismissed." He gestured toward the door to let the students go.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
The Valentine's dance will be coming up soon and he's stressed. There is nothing else to say about it because honestly, he doesn't know what to do. They've both been so busy since they've been back to school that he hasn't even really had the chance to talk to Mikael since the holidays. Their fight turned make out session aside (and honestly he doesn't even quite know where he stands for that since it had been something of a shock to him at the time) Mikael has practically turned around and demanded they go to the dance together - okay, so maybe that's not entirely what's happening, because he's not forcing Elio to go, but he hasn't asked he's only told, and assumed that Elio wants to go with him. Elio does want to go with him, but he would have liked to have been asked if he wants to go, not just be told he is going. He doesn't even really mind being told he's going, but it would be nice if there was some formality about it, it's like Mikael has given up all pretence of even being nice - not that he's ever been particularly nice to Elio if he's being honest.

Elio's eyes widen as Styx calls on him to answer the question and he clears his throat to give it. “Conjuring means to summon an object by using magic, either by incantation or invocation. It involves focusing on the object you want to appear and using your willpower to make it manifest.” It's convoluted, but it's correct, he's never been great with answering questions when put on the spot like that, he prefers to be able to volunteer for it. Still, he's right and that's all he really cares about. The fact that conjuring is a type of transfiguration is still a little weird and he's not entirely sure he understands that, but he's not about to argue it either, he remembers from his early lessons with his mother. Taking a deep breath, he grips his wand and visualises a cool, clear water filling the goblet. After three taps and a clear intonation, nothing happens and he tries again. Soon, a steady stream of water flows into his goblet and he picks up a strip, cursing under his breath when it turns blue as he dips it in. He quickly vanishes the water with evanesco as he learned it last lesson and tries again, continuing until he gets a green strip and into the end of the class.
Savannah was feeling a little stressed, she knew that running an event or two would be easy enough in her club, but the duelling that was just.. A lot. It was a lot to do. Savannah just wanted it to go well, much more than she needed to win her year group. Savannah was also trying to balance it with her quidditch. It was just a lot she needed to be doing. Perhaps it would’ve been easier if Anisha had just got to the SDA leadership position. Savannah pushed the thought aside and just took the time to pack up her things and head to class.

Savannah walked into the transfiguration classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She looked at the professor as the man got started, jumping straight into the bulk of the lesson. She wasn’t picked to answer, but the person who was obviously gave a satisfactory answer as the professor just continued with the lecture, telling them about what they needed to do. Savannah nodded along, making sure she took on the information told about the spell and then she took the time to do the spell. She took her wand and pointed it at the cup and then said, ”Aguamenti,” it took a few tries but she was eventually able to get it and took the time to get it checked before trying the water. She practiced it as much as she could and then headed out of the room.

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