Sixth Years; Lesson 3

Lyra Potter was seated on the edge of her desk, waiting for the students to enter. She smiled at them as they each came in. When they all arrived, she stood up.

"Welcome. I want to congratulate you all for your efforts last week, and the success that you had. This week, we are going to work on another practical transfiguration. We will be conjuring flowers." With a wave of her wand, she brought forth a bouquet of lilies, her favorite flowers, into her hand. "Now I am sure that any of you would be glad to impress your dates with this skill," she said smiling. "Personally, I love to be able to decorate with fresh flowers anytime I wish. The type of flower you conjure will be limited only by your ability to imagine. Just like with any conjuring spell, success is in the details. I want you to look at these lilies. Look at all the intricate details each flower contains." As her family members knew, her house always had fresh flowers in every room. She handed the flowers out as she walked around the room. "You must picture this in your mind clearly and precisely to create a successful flower."

Returning to the front of the room, she tapped the board and the word 'Orchideous' appeared. "The spell we will be using today is Orchideous. I would like everyone to repeat that please." Professor Potter listened as the students repeated the word for her. "Excellent. I will be walking around as always so please go ahead and try to conjure up another tulip to match the one I handed you. Once you have that accomplished, you may feel free to conjure up any other flower if there is time left. If you need a model to work from, just let me know." She sat down on top of her desk, watching for any issues that may arise.

Homework: Just the rp. Feel free to include images if you wish to.
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Hinata sat up straighter in her seat. She couldn't deny that she was at least a little bit looking forward to trying out more conjuration spells. The spell, especially for today, was quite beautiful instead of particularly destructive, so she was looking forward to trying it out. When Professor Potter handed her a tulip, she turned it gently in her hands, studying it closely. Conjuration - no, not just conjuration but transfiguration - it was all about the details. Conjuration just happened to be even more so. One breath. Just a short one, she was learning she wouldn't always have the luxury to take a deep even breath to center herself with every spell. "Orchideous," she said softly, but firmly. A full tulip bloomed formed slowly in her hand. It was by no means perfect - hardly identical to the one that had just been handed to her. But a tulip nonetheless. It looked older than the one that had been given to her, the shade a little off, and yet it was a flower. She carefully set it down beside the original tulip before she attempted the spell again. A flower far more familiar than a tulip. Fragile and small, pink. A faint sweet scent emanating from it. Right about now, her home would be nearly surrounded by them in full bloom. Sakura blossoms. "Orchideous." It felt different than earlier, less forced and more gentle and flowy. And before she knew it, a cluster of sakura was in her palm and she smiled.
Theo twirled his wand between his fingers, smirking at the professor's mention of impressing dates by conjuring flowers. Now if it were only that easy really. He took the tulip the professor handed and spun it idly as he inspected it. "Alright then. Orchideous," he cast with all the bravado of a seventeen-year-old. A sad-looking, half-formed, nearly dead flower materialized before immediately wilting. Of course, he was completely undeterred. "Well, that's definitely not going on the bouquet." And he got to practicing. Loudly. Conjuring tulips left and right. Some were better than others, but definitely by the end of the lesson, he had enough sad tulips to make a very sad flower crown - which he got to work on really. But hey, at least it was a mix of color since there were dead ones, nearly dying ones, and a splash of color from the healthy ones. And he ended up wearing it of course. "Want one too Professor?" he asked the woman with a grin as he gestured to his nearly dead flower crown. At least the practice was obviously there.
Summoning water had seemed to go well and she hadn’t killed her aunt via poisoning so that was a good sign when she returned to Transfiguration. They would be moving onto flowers which on the surface seemed harder, but Bailey felt good about it because in a strange way flowers were easier to picture in her mind. Water was just a clear substance, hard to describe, but she would be able to picture a specific type of flower and hopefully that would help her when trying to conjure. After Aunt Lyra gave them an introduction, which included the incantation for the spell, Bailey began to imagine the type of flower she would be attempting to conjure, sunflowers. She took out her wand and once she had the image clear in her mind, so clear she felt like she could almost hold them in her hand she made her attempt, “Orchideous,”

On her second attempt she successfully conjured a handful of sunflowers but her joy at that moment was ruined by Theo’s ridiculous attempts to flirt with her aunt. She groaned, rolled her eyes and walked up to him, attempting to slap the back of his head and invertedly knocking off his flower crown in the process.

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