Six feet from the edge

Trevor Davies

Well-Known Member
Trevor was walking around, exploring the school, the normal places as well as the forbidden. His face lit up as he came across the cliffs and he walked right up to the edge, taking caution as he got closer. The Gryffindor loved the the thrill of heights and at the cliffs the possibility that the slightest wrong movement could be the end. With extreme caution, he slowly sat down at the edge and slowly swung his legs so they were over the cliff. He could feel his heart racing as he made sure every movement was done perfectly to ensure he wouldn't fall.
Once he was somewhat comfortable with where he was and his heart had slowed down slightly he leaned back on his hands and let the crashing of the waves take his thoughts away. He watched the waves crash and smiled at the memory of their last family trip. The smile quickly faded as the thought of his parents stabbed him and the thought of his sister made made him close his eyes and let out a breath still trying to forgive her for bailing on him.
Katheryn was walking around with a portrait sized canvas in her bag as well as some paint. Kat was casually dressed in some jeans and a stripped shirt. She was trying to find a nice place to finish her portrait of her sister. Katheryn's red curls bounced in the wind. Her crystal blue eyes set their sights on the Cliffs. It would be the perfect place to draw.

Kat made her way to the Cliffs only to find out that a boy she had never met was practically hanging off the edge. Katheryn stayed away from the dangerous drop off. Kat sat down and pulled out her canvas. She put a hover charm on it to hold it in the position she wanted it to be at. She began pulling out her paints before turning to the boy. "What are you doing sitting on the edge out there? Aren't you scared?" she asked him in wonder.
Trevor jumped slightly as he heard a voice behind him, he quickly regained control of his body and kept his balance. He glanced around and smiled at the slightly younger looking girl. "Thinking" he said thoughtfully observing the girl out of side of his eye as he couldn't see her properly from where he was sitting. He turned back to the cliffs and shrugged "No actually," he said boldly. "It turns out i don't feel anything anymore" he added slightly quieter. He used his hands to pull his body away from the edge. Once he was at least six feet from the edge he turned around to face the girl. "What are you doing?" he asked in his english accent. After observing her for a few moments confused his voiced his thoughts "You look slightly familiar" he said rather confused as he was sure he had not met her before.
Katheryn turned to smile at the boy who was now fairly close to her. Her smile was one filled with innocence and beauty. "It is a nice place to think out here but I don't think I could ever do it so close to the edge." she said with a shudder. Katheryn noticed his English accent as he talked to her. Kat's eyes lit up as he asked what she was doing. "Well I'm painting a portrait of my sister. My mother is the Transfiguration Professor here and she wanted me to paint her a portrait of my sister and my brother as well as myself." she explained, her southern drawl coming out lightly in her speech. Her's was the least noticeable out of the family. Katheryn turned to him as he said she looked familiar. "Really? Why?" she asked a pucker forming between her brow.
Trevor smiled as she said she couldn't do it that close to the edge. "Wait till your numb, and emotionless" he said with a smile and shrug hiding his true feelings "You won't even notice." He smiled as she explained she was painting family portraits for her mother. "Your mother's a professor?" he said amused. He shook his head as she asked why she looked familiar "I don't know.." Trevor said slowly staring at her trying to figure out what just made him say she looked familiar, but he couldn't see it. He shook his head still confused "I really don't know!" he said frustrated. "But your accent also sounds familiar." he cocked his head still trying to figure out what it was about her. "You said you had a brother?" he asked wondering if he had met her brother.
Katheryn couldn't tell if the boy was joking or not about the feeling of going to the edge of the Cliffs. She still didn't think it would be appealing to her in any light. "I don't know about that." she said with a musical laugh. Kat picked up her brush and made a few strokes. She was trying to get Kiera's hair to look exactly right but it just wasn't working out. Katheryn turned back to Trevor. "Yes, she is. Her name is Professor Black. She just got remarried. She's the Head of Slytherin." she explained. "So I guess that means you aren't in that house." she said more to herself, letting out another laugh.

Katheryn pulled a red strand of her hair through her fingers, twisting it. Why did he seem to recognize her? "I know we haven't met before." she said positively. Then he asked about her brother. "Oh yes. His name is Cameron. He works as an Unspeakable for the ministry. He went to Durmstrang before that though." Katheryn explained with a smile on her face. She loved her family dearly.
Trevor watched the girl paint. "Good Merlin! No I'm not in Slytherin, quite the opposite" he said with a proud grin "Gryffindor. Yourself?" he asked curiously trying to place her. "Okay no, I don't know your brother, there's no way I could." he frowned. "And I'm almost positive I haven't run into you mother yet" he said thoughtfully. "You said you had a younger sister?" he asked the question immediately sending his thoughts towards Jess and he felt a wave of home sickness. Ironic he thought as I don't even have a home and I don't miss anyone living in the house I live at that much.
Katheryn almost laughed as he said he was in Gryffindor. "Of course you are. Only Gryffindors are crazy enough to sit like that on the edge." she said teasing him. Kat had a natural way of making people feel easy around her. It was her good natured spirit. Katheryn smiled a charming smile. "I'm in Hufflepuff." she said equally as proud. She liked her house even if it tended to be looked down on. Kat watched as he tried to figure out why she looked familiar. As soon as Kat heard him say Gryffindor, she knew that he had to have met Kiera. They had similar faces, only the eyes and hair differed. Kat shook her head. "No, she is my older sister." she corrected him politely. "Maybe you met her, she is a Gryffindor as well. Katheryn turned her painting to face the boy. "Look familiar?" she asked with a playful smile.
As the girl said only Gryffindors were crazy enough to sit on the edge of cliffs, Trevor tried to put on an annoyed face but ended up with a smile on his face. He nodded as she said she was in Hufflepuff, he had a lot of good friends at Hogwarts Scotland who were in Hufflepuff. Although he knew he would never fit in as a Hufflepuff himself he had always generally liked the house as most of the people he had met from there were easy-going, lively and great fun to be around. He thought hard as the girl said she had an older sister in Gryffindor. He tried to imagine an older version of the girl in front of him in a Gryffindor uniform, and although it seemed even more familiar there was still something off a bit. As she turned around her painting he immediately recognized her sister as one of his good friends but he continued to play along for a moment. He tilted his head and looked at the picture "It looks a little like a monkey..." he said with a grin so she would know he was kidding "Oh wow, that must be Kiera!" he said with a chuckle. "Your Kiera's little sister?" he asked curiously.
Katheryn frowned as he said her painting looked like a monkey. She looked closer at her painting to examine it. She actually thought this one looked very much like Kiera. That is if she could get Kiera's hair the right color. As Kat looked back at the boy, she could tell he was only teasing her. She blushed slightly and a smile came up on her face. Katheryn laughed as he asked her if she was Kiera's little sister. It figured he would know Kiera. She was always so out there and involved in her house. Kat nodded her head. "Yes, Kiera is my big sister. I'm the youngest in our family just by a little over a year though." she said with a pretty smile on her face. She turned her head to look out over the Cliffs. It was a breathtaking view. A slight breeze blew through her hair, tousling her red curls. Katheryn turned her face back to the boy. She was completely relaxed with him which was unusual for her. "I'm Katheryn by the way, but Kat for short." she said.
Trevor chuckled as the girl pulled her painting closer to examine it as he said it looked like a monkey. He grinned as she said she was Kiera's little sister and was the youngest in the family. The Gryffindor chuckled "Who would've figured Kiera's sister would be in Hufflpuff? But then again she's loud enough to make up for all three of you!" he joked. He moved so he was sitting beside her as she introduced herself. "I'm Trevor" he said holding out his hand. "And I'm new in case you hadn't figured"
Katheryn laughed as Trevor said that Kiera was loud enough for the three of them. She nodded her head in agreement. "I should say so. She is really annoying." she joked with a roll of her eyes. "We really are complete opposites in almost every way." she admitted. Anyone that knew the two of them always found it hard to see that they were related besides the physical appearance. Kat smiled as he moved closer to her. Kat placed her tiny, delicate hand in his. "Its a pleasure to meet you." she said, her southern accent sticking out. "Actually I had no idea." she said with a peel of laughter. "Where did you come from?" she asked curiously.
Trevor laughed at Kat said they were complete opposites. He grinned as she shook his hand. "I'm from England" he said with a hesitant smile hoping she would leave it at that. To try and move off the subject he quickly changed it, "You and Kiera have the same accent." he said with a smile "Where's it from again?". He stopped himself before asking why they moved to New Zealand considering it would cause her to ask him the same question. His thoughts drifted to his sister, Katheryn in some small way reminded him of his sister and he realized as mad as he was at her, he really missed her.
Katheryn grinned as he said he was from England. "Oh wow. I've never been there but I want to go sometime. My mother is from there too." she said, not even thinking to ask why he had come to New Zealand. She was used to people coming from all over to this school. Katheryn rather liked this boy already though she didn't know why. "Well, I was born in Georgia but when I was about seven or so we moved to California, but we still have our house in Georgia. Its one of those old plantation homes that my dad inherited from his family." she said answering his question. Katheryn was a very open person and didn't mind sharing anything with her friends. "I really liked it best in Georgia but Kiera's coach moved and she insisted we go too." she said rolling her eyes. Kat wasn't upset about the move anymore but it had been a bitter subject at the time.
Trevor chuckled "Although this is my first proper move. We rarely stayed in one country during the holidays since my parents job took them everywhere it also took us every where" he explained "Loved California but I've never been to Georgia" he told her. "We went crazy at the muggle amusement parks" he told her with a sad smile remembering how much trouble their dad had trying to fit in as a muggle. "You still visit Georgia?" he asked as Kat told him they still had a plantation home there. He looked at her confused as she she said they moved because Kieras coach moved. "Kiera's coach?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
Katheryn picked up on the past tense of how his parents' job took instead of take. She also noticed a hint of sadness in his smile. She was an observant girl who tended to notice those things. "What did your parents do?" she asked, figuring something was up about his parents. Katheryn grinned as he talked of amusement parks. "I love roller coasters. They are exciting." she said, joy evident on her face. Katheryn nodded her head. "Yeah sometimes but not as often as I would like. Dad's work keeps him in California and Mom is here in New Zealand during breaks with her new husband." she explained. Kat was confused as he asked about Kiera's coach. It was hard for her to believe that Kiera hadn't mentioned. It was usually a favorite topic of hers. "Yeah, Kiera's a gymnast. She has been training for the Olympics since she was like three. She's actually really good too. She won Nationals two months ago." Kat said proudly.
Trevor stared blankly as he noticed Katheryn picked up on the past tense and asked what his parents did, in past tense. He quickly recollected himself although knew he was obviously caught off guard. "Um..." he tried, unsure what to say. "They work at the ministry" he said quietly looking down hoping she would buy it, as he wasn't even ready to talk about what had happened with his little sister and they were going through the exact same thing.
He grinned as Kat said she liked roller coasters, "They are awesome." he agreed with a grin "I love anything that gives you an adrenaline rush" he said with a smile. He nodded slowly as Kat said her father was in California and her mother visited New Zealand occasionally with her new husband. Divorced, Trevor realized silently. That would really really suck, he thought thinking of how close his family had been. If my parents divorced, I don't know how I would've coped!How I would've been able to chose between them he thought. Not that it makes much of a difference now. "How do you deal with it?" he asked quietly.
Trevor grinned and hit his head, unamused at how slow he was at recognizing the obvious, "No she didn't tell me," he began shaking his head "But I should've realized! Her tryout for quidditch was unbelievable" he said with a grin remembering all the fancy flying she'd done.
Kat was a very intelligent girl and she didn't buy it as he returned to present tense. It was obvious he was surprised she caught that. Kat smiled kindly at him. "Oh the ministry? My brother works for them. He is an Unspeakable. What did your parents do at the ministry?" she asked, trying to get to know him better. Katheryn laughed as he said he liked adrenaline rushes. "So do I for the most part, though I can't keep up with Kiera. She takes adrenaline to near death." she said shaking her head and laughing.

Katheryn continued to smile as he asked about her parents. It didn't bother her at all since she believed that her mother was a nice person now. "Well, I never really had them both. My mother left us when I was only a year old. We all thought she had died in a car wreck but the truth was that she was a witch and faked it. She had been living in the wizarding world. Kiera's friend Bella introduced us all to her." Kat said in her normal, musical voice. It was a clear voice, full of innocence. "Our mom used to be a Death Eater but now she works here at the school as the transfiguration professor. She changed from how she used to be. She married an auror over the break." she added, to prove that her mother had reformed. "I have a room in both houses. Its the same as always really." Kat said with a smile on her face.

Katheryn laughed again as the conversation turned back to Kiera. "She always is amazing on that broom." she said. "You should see her when she's really trying." she said with admiration.
Trevor grinned "Wow both my parents are Unspeakables at the ministry in England" he said amused by the coincidence. "Maybe they met your brother on one of their trips here" he said with a grin though internally hoping that if they had met Kiera and Katheryns brother hadn't heard about what happened. He looked away and swallowed hard, chances where the ministry would've told him as soon as it happened, because there were suspicions the incident had to do with something they were doing as Unspeakables.
HE laughed as Katheryn said Kiera took adrenaline to near death. He listened intently as Katheryn told him about her family. Wow he thought wondering again how she dealt with it. "You like having two houses?" he asked curiously, sounding very English.
Katheryn shook her head. "Not unless they came here this past year. My brother's only been working with the ministry since last April." she explained. It would have been a funny coincidence if he had met Trevor's parents. Kat looked at Trevor. He was attractive and nice too. She was quite fond of his accent.
Kat laughed as he asked her about her two houses. "If you want to get technical, there are three houses. We still have our house in Georgia." she said grinning. Kat nodded her head. "Actually I do like it. Mom's happy with Raziel and my Dad has gotten over my mother since he found out she was alive. Everything's alright now." she said positively. Katheryn was just naturally an upbeat person. Nothing upset her for long.
Trevor thought for a moment trying to recall whether or not his parents had told them about a trip to New Zealand just before the incident. He thought they had but decided to play it safe in case Kat and Kieras brother did remember his parents quite well. He shook his head "No they haven't been here for years!" he lied through his teeth.
He smiled amazed as Kat corrected him saying they had three houses, "Your amazing!" he told her with a grin "You seem to see the best in everything" he said in awe of her continuous high spirits.
Katheryn's smile faltered. "Oh that's a shame." she said at the news that they hadn't been here in years. A blush rose to her cheeks as this boy complimented her. She wasn't used to compliments from handsome boys. She smiled at him. It was a perfect smile, filled with true happiness.
"I have to, don't I? Otherwise I would feel miserable all the time. Its just best to move on and find the silver lining in the situation." she told him, looking up at him. She shook her head. "It's not good to live your life in hopes of what might been." she said maturely.
Trevor smiled as she smiled, it was a capturing smile, one where you had to smile back. Kiera has really pretty sister he realized Gunna have to ask her what happened to her he thought with an inward smile trying to imagine her reaction. He looked at her amazed as she explained the secret to her happiness, he looked away as he realized it was almost like she knew exactly what had happened and was speaking to him directly, he smiled hoping her optimism would rub off on him. "Yeah..." he said absently, a million thoughts running through his head.
Katheryn thought that everything was going smoothly as Trevor smiled at her. It was a smile that made his face even more attractive than it already was. She believed she had found a friend. Katheryn frowned as he uttered only one word. Had she said something that upset him. She didn't understand what was going on in his head. Kat was extremely intuitive to others feelings. "Is something the matter?" she asked him, concern flashing across her pretty face.
Trevor chuckled as concern flashed across Kats face. "No, I was just hoping that I'm gunna see you around enough to have some of your optimism and enthusiasm rub off on me!" he admited with an innocent smile. He had already decided Hogwarts was gunna be where he finally let go of the past and although she was younger than himself, Trevor had a strong feeling Katheryn with her optimism and enthusiasm would be one of his mentors.

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