Sitting with the one you l... like

Abigail Lurken-Mckay

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Spanish Cedar 14" Core of Werewolf fur and Phoenix feather.
Abbey rushed to the Hospital Wing, closely behind her boyfriend arrived there. She didn't like that he was injured, no not one bit. So, as she saw him lying in a bed she stiffened uncomfortably.

The Slytherin tugged anxiously on her green and silver scarf the hug around her neck, before stepping dantily towards his rest bed. "Theodore?" she said softly, as she moved his blond hair out of his dark green eyes.

Abigail looked around the wing with discomfort as she remembered spending time in here, when she was sick and once more when she had gotten a fracture in her wrist. "How are you feeling?" Abbey asked gently, forcing a tight lipped grin as she looked back to the pale boy that she l... liked. She knew he would be fine, but it just made her worried for him. It wasn't something she could exactly control she did l... like him after all.

The fourteen year old absently ran her fingers through a tussle of wind blown white blond hair, as she awaited a response from Theodore. "Should I call the nurse in for you or have you already seen one?" she asked him, barely giving him time to answer the previous question as she often did.

bahh that was bad sorry
Theodore gripped the covers tightly as he tried to calm himself down. He didn't want to worry Abbey but his beater's arm was killing him to the point where he was almost afraid it was broken. The Slytherin vs Ravenclaw game had gone on way to long and not to mention by the end of the game things had gotten beyong rough for him is he wasn't getting hit or dodging them he was smacking them at those Ravenclaw Chasers. Theodore grabbed Abbey's hand that was playing with his hair and gripped it tightly in his non-injured hand.

"I'll be fine. God*amn Bludgers." Theodore cringed in pain. He had already seen the nurse and she said that there was plenty of bruising but nothing broken.

Abbey sighed softly and as Theodore took her hand, she looked down at the injured one and cringed. This was not something she enjoyed at all, and wished he would just get better. "Those Ravenclaws were out of bloody control," she said with annoyance as she saw the pain on her boyfriend's face. "Is there anything you want me to get for you? I think there is some bruise paste in my dorm I could summon," she said, eager to help Theodore at any chance possible.
"Don''t worry. The nurse said the medicine she gave me should kick in soon." Theodore felt bad having Abbey worry over him especially when it was almost his own fault. But Theodore was thankful that didn't have to play as he couldn't bear to see her
injured incase he couldn't protect her from a bludger.

Theodore brought Abbey's hand up to kiss it softly before he let it drop back down onto his lap. "Your going to be in the next game arn't you?" He looked at her with a soft stare.

Abbey's emotions got the best of her and her cheeks began to glow with a natural pink hue as she felt her boyfriend's lips press against her scarred hand. Her violet eyes twinkled from underneath her black glasses and she nodded softly at Theodore's next question. "Yes. The nurse said that my wrist should be healed in time," she said with a happy nod of her head, hoping that it wouldn't concern Theodore that she was going into a game where he had just gotten hurt.

Carefully, Abigail took a seat on the edge of Theodore's bed, making sure not to touch his arm, or have her free arm touch anything else at the same time. We were so close to winning to, if I was in the game instead of Larissa I probably could have gotten it from Brian, she thought, scolding herself for falling down a flight of stairs. Of course winning would have been bittersweet with all the injuries each player got, but it still would have meant that they won.
"Promise me you'll be careful in the next game. I don't want to see you in here." Theodore ran his thumb over Abbey's hand gently. He wasn''t extremely worried about the next game since it was against Hufflepuff. But who knew how knfty their skills were. Abbey had been in the Hospital wing for awhile so chances were that she had missed out on a lot, then again not much happened while she was gone either. "I hope you know that I've been going to classes for you." Theodore winced but continued to have a small smile on his face.
Abigail smiled reassuringly at Theodore as he requested her to be careful. "Not to worry. I'll be fine," she said softly as she looked down at their hands. They seemed to fit together so perfectly, like they belonged like that. Now, she hadn't noticed this, but she did know exactly how comfortable they were together. "I know you have. But you should be going for yourself too, Theodore," she said as she leant in to kiss his cheek.

As Abbey pulled away, a fond smile crossed her features. "Aside from everything, Teddy, you did great," she said, her clear skin contoring as she used a possible nickname for Theodore. No, she didn't like it, and she much preferred to call him Theodore then anything else.
"You know I learn magic on my own then better than I do from any teacher." Theodore stated with a small smile as she leaent back onto the bed and settled his head against the soft pillow. Theodore had already mastered a few spells that were abive his year only due to the fact that he was bored and raised by a very driven family. The school also avoided the dark arts, which is something that most students should discover even if they arn't going to use it. Theo brought his hand up and moved some of his blode hair away from his face so he could see the girl he admired clearly.

"Teddy?" Theodore's face scrunched up in confusion as he thought about what Abbey had just called him. It was a nickname that he had never heard before, not understand how anyone could call him that.
Abigail nodded her head gently as Theodore told her that he learnt better on his own. She understood this completely, but learning things on your own didn't mean you did well in your classes or exams because you weren't taught the "right way". "I know you do. Heck I'm sure tons of people do but.. school is important and I want you to do as best as you can with your marks, which means doing the homework, the classwork and the exam," she said gently, watching softly as her boyfriend moved some of his hair out of his forest green eyes that she enjoyed oh-so much.

"Yeah. I was trying it out. I don't think I'm going to use it. I much prefer using your full name," Abbey said honestly, offering Theodore a swift grin. She sighed leaning back with her boyfriend turning her head towards him with a soft smile. Her eye lids slid over her violet irises beneath her black glasses, a happy smile on her face.
Theodore huffed and crossed his arm's arms and gave Abbey a sour look as if he was pouting. He didn't want to go to classes and do the exams in there was a possibility that he could avoid them. School was boring anf they never taught him anything he wanted to know, the only class remotely interesting to him was Arithmancy and Potions. He looked up at Abbey and snorted before shaking his head softly, if only he more about school like Abbey or Alyssa did. He go do so many things in life but he choose to go down a seperate path than most, he didn't want many people close to him.

"Wait to make me seem like a pansy." Theodore teased as he cuddled up against Abbey. He was soft to her and sometimes to Alyssa, not to others. There was no way he'd let them walk all over him like that.

Abigail rolled her violet eyes playfully at Theodore as he said that the name made him seem like a pansy. "Oh please," she said, scoffing lightly at the thought of Theodore seeming weak and soft to others aside from herself and his twin, at times. "I don't think a nickname that no one is ever going to use would make you seem like that, Theodore," she said, kissing his forehead softly and affectionatly. It felt so.. right to be here with him. Well not here, she would much prefer if he was not in any pain but there wasn't much she could do about it. With a happy sigh, she rested her cheek on his shoulder, pleased to be in such close proximity of him.

"So, now that hopefully you and I are better we need to have a date in Brightstone sometime." Theodore said after a moment of relaxing his head against Abbey's. It occured to him that he hadn't taken her on a real date yet and that made him seem a little bit un-gentlemanly like of him. His mother always told him to treat a woman like she was the greatest thing in the world, plus Theodore really cared about her. "Would you like to go out on a date sometime?" Theodore asked her quickly before dropping a kiss on the top of her head.
Abbey's cheeks began burning at the thought of her first date, with both Theodore and in general. She smiled to herself, before looking at Theodore, her smile moved onto him. Feeling Theodore's lips on the top of her head made her stomach form knots and her violet eyes twinkle gleefully. His question, it made her want to respond sarcastically. She wanted to say something along the lines of, No I don't want to go on a date with my boyfriend, just to be playful, but decided not to. "Of course I do, Theodore," she said, enjoying how his name caressed her tongue each time she spoke it.
"Any idea where you'd like to go, see, or do? If your nice enough to me I might even take you shopping." Theodore muttered with a slight flicn at the end of his setence. Theodore hated shopping almost as much as he disliked the idea of Gossip. But for Abbey he would brave it up, and chances were she would be less of an annoying shopper than his mom and sisters were. They were impossible to shop for and even more impossible to shop with. Then again they were wealthy so Theodore didn't expect much else from the. But aside from that Theodore was estatic that Abbey said she'd go on a date with him, he just hoped he wouldn't mess it up, this would be very important to him and even more important to Abbey.
Abigail rolled her eyes playfully at Theodore as he said that he would take her shopping. "And what happens if I'm not nice? If I'm bad?" she asked, a suggestive tone hinting in her voice cutely. She was only making a joke and showing that she didn't need to go shopping with him, she just wanted to spend time with him. She laughed quietly, before sighing, resting her cheek on his shoulder gently. "I just want to go on a date with you," she said with a wide grin.

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