Sisters needs some new friends

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Ermengarde Crewe

OOC First Name

This is Ermengarde (Er-men-guard) or for short 'Gardy'. She is the type of girl that
goes with the flow of everyday life; a good Samaritan, caring, loving and mostly
hate backstabber's and wannabe's. Gardy lives with her adorable, cute and smart
older sister, Saffron Crewe. She lost her parents at the age of 5 years old and was
raised by Saffron by herself. Gardy doesn't know her inner life of where she came
from, she only knows that she's normal like any other pre-teenagers out there.

So, the following are what she needs:
- Best Friends
- Friends
- Enemies
- Crush
Or - Boy friend


Saffron Crewe or 'Rony', 19 years old, and a mother and a father to Ermengarde since
her sister was little and when their parents died. Rony is smart, independent, caring
and always stand up for her and her sister. She works as a professional photographer
on a magazine at the muggle world. Rony knows everything about their family expect
her little sister, Gardy, and is disgusted of what they are.

So, the same above is what I need:
- Best Friend (Possibly that can't say what he/she is, meaning he/she being a wizard)
- Friends (The same explanation)
- Enemies (Possibly they bragged about them being wizards)
- Boy Friend

If you have suggestions just post here

Jaycee :wub:
I have a character named Sophie Chevaliar, who I haven't been very active on lately. She recently graduated from Beauxbatons, as prefect, and is engaged. I will say that she has been in the muggle world getting a job, and perhaps that could be where she and Rony has met? They could end up working at the same magazine and be friends? She's a nice girl, and she can speak French, she can speak English, but sometimes she gets a little bit mixed up so she began living in the muggle world for a bit to improve her English.

Her fiance, has a job at Hogwarts as a Caretaker. And they will be reunited soon. (I hope.) And she won't say anything about her being a witch. I think she and Rony would get along well, as she's protective of younger girls, and always helped people at Beauxbatons, and defended younger students.
Would you please? Just PM me the link on Leah, and I'll reply as Sophie.
Vayne can be a friend or best friend of Ermengarde...

Vayne is unassuming, laid back, eternally good natured and always smiling with a philosophical wisdom and maturity which betray his external appearance. He also tends to empathize with people. Most people, even complete strangers, express how reassuring and soothing his presence is, often opening up to him completely with their problems.Rarely does he seem displease or stressed out, taking almost everything in stride, his lenient and contemplative nature is such that most people, even accuses him of being "so slow."

Just like Ermengarde, Vayne lost his parents at the age of 9 and it was due to some car accident.
I also have a character named Gabrylle, she's good natured but she can be really frank sometimes, she's optimistic about life and she is very protective of her loved ones. she's unsorted as well and I think she needs friends too.
I can offer Heather Huberta a prejudiced and a spoiled brat. She's very smart and very arrogant (and wealthy).


Giselle Richard, she's 12, a tomboy and is very friendly. She's poor tho... She loves skateboarding and she had been working since she was little so she lost her childhood bcoz of that.
Well I can offer
Andy Hydran, 10, unsorted
Andy is a worry-wart, he worries about the simplest things to the extent that it can stop him from sleeping, if something goes wrong Andy tends to blame himself even if it’s not his fault, Andy is very sweet and loves helping people, he goes out of his way to help people even if they don’t like it, Andy is slightly touchy when it comes to talking about mothers and hates mother’s day, instead he chooses to call it Aunties day.
So thats Andy, he could be a friend or even best :)
Drew Handler, 10, unsorted
Drew is very nice and kind, he likes to help people and give them advice, but he doesn’t like being thanked for it. Drew is timid, he likes to hug people and make them smile, and he loves talking, though only to very small crowds, if Drew is yelled at he will shrink back and get embarrassed. He is not very good at controlling his magic and when he casts a spell gets shot back a few centimetres, Drew is a pacifist, and hates fighting of any sort, verbal or physical, he also hates yelling or fighting with anyone or thing, he even hates having to hit something if it doesn’t work.
he could also be a friend or best :)
And I have Hazel Maye Hydran, 10, unsorted, she’s not mine but my sister so it counts, anyway...
Hazel is the Responsible one out of all her cousins. She is Caring and a think as she is always weighing the pros and cons of doing something before she does it. She is soft spoken and likes to get to know someone before she will even tell them her name. She is a hard worker and she is also the one that puts the boys into line when they step outside of it. She can sometimes be quite bossy, but that only comes out when she is with the twins. She is also quite stubborn and won’t put up with their antics. As soon as she smells trouble she puts her foot down. She has a very special bond with Andy.
btw she is Andy’s cousin if you were wondering :D she could be a best friend.
So they are the kiddies I can offer you, hope they will do, I have more but these three need friends :D
Can you start it? thanks!
@Sally: Heather is perfect for Ermengarde BUT what do you want for her? I mean a friend? or an enemy?

@Tenile: I'll take them all xD . Sorry, just excited, first time to roleplay.

@Vayne: Oops, it seems that your at school and can't access some features of the site. I guess I can only roleplay with Gabrylle because she's an unsorted. I'll make a thread for her and Ermengarde and pm you the link.
Okay then, I'm just wondering, can you like, well, reply on the threads on owlery? So I'll make a topic there for Vayne and ermengarde...(Anyways, what features can a student character cannot access??? :lol: )

And as for Gabrylle, sure then, just pm me the link, thanks!
@Sally: Could you start, please?

@Vayne: Can we do it at Ocenia > New Zealand? Its holiday break and you can access that. (Students can't access the wizarding world when its not Holiday or Brightstone weekend)
Arryt will start one asap and will pm u the link ^_^
Are we going to continue the thread for Vayne and Ermengarde since it's Holiday already and he can already access the other features of the site?
alright, thanks!
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