Sisters are annoying

Link Raison

Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Vampire Blood Core
If there was something that Link Raison did not want. It was the title of Prefect. Apparently, him having the leadership qualities really helped out, especially since he had to hold his own while his older sisters were always battling over who was responsible for the death of their parents. Honestly, Link just thought that there was nothing to really talk about. Death happened. Sure, he was sad about it, but he did not want to seek out vengeance or revenge. He wanted to make sure that once he got married, and had children that they would be cared for. Make sure that there was always some sort of plan instead of being dumped onto a very surprised aunt that was a widow since before he was born. His aunt was lovely, but that was about it. Link looked down at his badge, before debating on throwing it into the lake that night. He was tired of having the same responsibilities as Zelda and Hilda. He was perhaps the only one that did not want this sort of honor. If Zelda became Head Girl, then one would expect him to become Head Boy.

'I'll leave the school is that happens,' thought Link with a sigh. He did not want that sort of honor. He did not want to live in the shadows of his siblings. One of his siblings worshiped the Aurors, and the other, Scitorari. Link just thought that the two of them were dumb, and would get themselves killed. Link believed in self preservation. He did not know what he wanted to do after school, but he knew what he did not want to do. Be an Auror or go on the other side. Instead, he thought about moving into the muggle world, working there. But he did love magic a fair bit. He stood by a window, looking at the snow as it fell. He pressed his forehead against the glass, hoping for some direction in his life.
The drama at the Vernier household now was too much for Isabelle to handle. Pregnant women were definitely something the fourteen-year-old would stay away from now that she knows what they're like firsthand. Better yet, Clarissa was not only holding one baby but two which just made the whole situation worse. How would she survive when they were finally born? Isabelle just hoped that she wouldn't have to help. After all, her father seemed more than willing to which was just good enough. What help would Isabelle be anyway? She'd probably just get frustrated and throw it across the room. Being surrounded by younger siblings, she was surprised she hadn't already thought of that.

Isabelle walked around the corridors of Beauxbatons castle with a scowl. As the exams were mostly over, she found herself becoming really bored, especially with Christmas coming nearer. On top of that, she knew she would have to go back home soon and so the girl wasn't in her best mood. The snow outside didn't make anything much better at all and she just kept trudging down the corridor until she finally became tired of that and leant against the wall, her arms folded across her chest. Looking around, she noticed an older boy looking out of a window. He didn't seem to be in the best mood either, but Isabelle just kept staring at him with nothing else better to do, wishing that she could stay at Beauxbatons away from her family just for a little bit longer.
The prefect felt eyes on him, and that made him a little awkward. Link shifted his eyes to the girl that was staring. He did not really know her that well. Or at all. It just felt weird being eyed by a female. Especially one that was not bad on the eyes. Link shoved that out of his head real fast. Link allowed it to sit for a moment before he sighed, “Can you stop staring? It feels like you are undressing me with your eyes or something,” Link was not being kind, but he could not help it. He was severely uncomfortable. Link folded his arms across his chest, hoping that might deter her a little bit. Well, he did not have anything there to hide though. Not like females did. He looked out the window for a moment still, before applying his hand to the side of his head. He sounded like a real jerk and he did not need to. She might have needed some help and as a bloody prefect, it was his duty to help.

“I’m sorry,” Link apologized, quickly. He did not need to be like that. “I’m having some issues with my sisters and I don’t need to take it out on you. Do you need help or something?” Link was a lot kinder, and even had a small, very small, smile on his lips. If he could help her, it might distract him from his sisters that were always fighting. He did not need to see it all the time. Plus his sisters were rather unique. His cousin was too. She always did something that was gaining attention. He was surrounded by girls so much, he barely knew that he was a male.


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