Sisterly Love

Kendra Vyhnal

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Kingwood 15 1/2" with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Kendra Snow was free of the binds that be which was the school system. She had a brief idea of what she would do after the year was over. Playing Quidditch was her first option, but after some events, Kendra found herself really missing her sister. When she was younger, she really hated Alyssa because she married an Auror, and she was really jealous of her too. Then she was really close to Theodore, but as of recently, she got a little distant from him anyway. She set off to do her own thing anyway. Kendra needed her sister. She decided to surprise her with a visit. For all she knew, Alyssa could be heavily pregnant by now, but she really did not know. She wanted a stronger relationship with her sister, almost desperately. She apparated over to the address that she knew where her sister lived at. She walked up to the front door and she knocked softly. She hoped that Alyssa would be home at least. She was a healer. She knew that being a healer would cause some issues with having some time off. Kendra hoped that she looked presentable enough. After all, she was going to Alyssa's house, and Alyssa was gorgeous. Kendra often felt inferior to her when it comes to looks. She was amazing. She was glorious in every aspect. Kendra moved her blonde hair to the side, and hoped that Alyssa would answer. Would she even let her inside? She was a Snow, and Alyssa was like, prohibited or exiled or something because of Theodore. Kendra was not going to kill her or anything, she just wanted to see her sister. She needed to see her sister, and discuss the options of her future. She could be whatever she wanted, but she wanted someone's opinion, someone who mattered anyway.
Alyssa Chevalier was in the midst of listening to her three year old son tell her a story about why he didn't like the fish that lived in the ocean. As much as it didn't make sense, it was kind of cute to listen to. "Really?" Alyssa questioned, honestly hoping her son would continue his story. A three year old's logic didn't really make sense, but to them it seemed like it was the most incredible thing. "Awh but Chacen the fish have feelings too." Alyssa teased, trying to get a reaction out of her son, whom only shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows. He really hated fish. Both living and the kind one ate. When Alyssa heard a knock at the door she turned her head to look in the direction of the living room. They weren't expecting anyone to come over today so Alyssa was a little surprised. Vincent was at work and wouldn't be home for a few more hours, so it wasn't him either. Chacen pulled himself down from the couch and dashed to the door. "Gah! No, Chacen!" He had a habit of answering the door on her. She had told him time and time again not to, but he refused to listen. Sadly it was a lot harder for Alyssa to catch her son when she was almost eight months pregnant and practically had to waddle every time she walked. Chacen opened the door first and greeted the person happily, and the moment Alyssa got to the door she frowned at her son. "Dude, not cool." Chacen laughed and bumbled off. What a good. "How can I-Kendra? What are you doing here?" Alyssa's smile faded when she saw that her younger sister was here. Particularly one that was a strong supporter of Theodore and his ideals. Aphrodite was the only one of her siblings that didn't seem to hate her anymore. Alyssa really hope that Kendra wasn't in the mood for a fight, because was in no condition for that, plus she needed to protect Chacen before she ever protected herself.
Kendra was about to wave when the door opened, and then she did not see Alyssa at first, but when her blue eyes went down, she saw a bright little boy that had answered the door for them. Well, that had to mean that one of the parents were home at least. Kendra knew that she was risking a lot by being here, but she was positive that Theodore was too busy to keep a tab on her. Plus he recently lost a son of his own. It made Kendra cry for her brother, but she still wanted to be there for Alyssa too. She was really disappointed that Alyssa could be hated as much as she was by just following her dreams and marrying her one true love. Kendra was so envious over her. Then came Alyssa, and Kendra immediately looked down at her stomach. 'Oh my god, she is huge!' thought Kendra with amazement. But Alyssa's smile faded, and she knew that she was not the biggest fan of Kendra right now. She sighed, "Um, okay, I am not here to bring you any harm. Congrats on making some beautiful babies by the way." Well, she could not see one of them, but she was sure that the baby would be beautiful anyway. She also liked a guy too. Only here was the problem. He did not know she existed, she had never talked to him. It was almost like she was in love with a fictional character. Kendra sighed and was positive that she was insane. Kendra gave her older sister a pleading look, as she said, "Can we talk?" If not, she could always call for her friends to curse Kendra away. She did not even step forward or into the house. She was a little frightened to actually. She had seen some really angry pregnant women before, and had no idea what Alyssa was like when she was pregnant. Aleyha often had Kendra shaking with the way she was when she was pregnant. She probably did not want to have anymore kids after that one died. Kendra did not know for sure.
Alyssa wasn't all too happy to see her sister. It wasn't a personal thing, but her family had done nothing short of give her hell the past couple of years, Kendra included. Did they honestly think that they could just back into her life? Alyssa didn't want them too, especially not when she had a family she needed to watch out for. A frown took over Alyssa's features as her sister seemingly claimed that she wasn't here to bring her any harm. "Mhm, like I haven't heard that one before.Look, I haven't done anything to you guys so why do you keep bothering me?" Alyssa questioned. All of her siblings minus Aphrodite had been on her case about getting married to an Auror who also came from a family of Aurors. Alyssa wondered how they could call themselves family if all they did was make her feel like crap. Chacen tried to get past Alyssa to get a peek at Kendra but Alyssa made sure to the block the door so he didn't have the chance to get out and possibly get hurt. Alyssa would never forgive herself if something happened to one of her babies. Kendra questioned if they could talk, and Alyssa narrowed her eyes. Talk about what? Alyssa didn't want Kendra to be around when Vincent got home as he would have a fit."I guess so. But make it quick. Vincent won't be happy if he see's you here. Plus Chacen needs to be put down for his nap soon." Alyssa didn't want to make Vincent upset, or deal with a fussy toddler later on today, so whatever he sister wanted to say, had to be quick. Especially if she was going to once again be hurtful and do Theodore's dirty work for him. It hurt not to have the support of the people that shared the same blood as she did.
Kendra knew that this visit would take some convincing, but she really needed some advice from her sister. Alyssa managed to get her dream man, and she wanted her own dream man but the issue was, he had no idea who she was. And he had a huge fan base. Not to mention that he was famous among Quidditch players. Kendra looked at her outfit and she realized she did not have her wand. So if there were some bad blood there, it would not be her fault at all. She was completely innocent. "I do not have my wand on me. Things changed and I...I grew up, okay?" Kendra could not speak for the rest of the family at all, she only had her own mouth. She did not care about the others as much as she did her siblings. She wanted them all reunited again. There was only so much she could do or say to get Alyssa to believe her. She just needed the benefit of the doubt. Surely she would be able to receive that. Kendra looked down at her shoes and she fidgeted with her outfit for a moment. Kendra allowed a smile to gently cross her lips as her sister agreed to let her talk, and to make it quick. Vincent would not be happy to see that she was here, and she would not blame him. Chacen also needs a nap. So that was what her nephew was called. "I need help with my future. I don’t know what I want to be, and I like this guy but the thing is, he does not know I exist. I don’t really feel comfortable talking about that, but I want to do something meaningful with my life, and since you have this amazing career and a perfect life, I want the kind of happiness you have. I guess I need advice." She seemed more like a young teenager there, opposed to an adult. What she really needed, was a mother to go to in order to talk about these things. Instead she chose her oldest sister.
Alyssa rolled her eyes softly and lowered her guard a little bit. "Sadly, that's not the first time I've heard that line used. You really have no idea how much you all have tortured me, do you?" The Snow's were known for being cruel and rude to those they didn't like. But Alyssa never imagined that they would all turn against one of their own like they were. Alyssa missed her family at times, but there was no way she was going to let them boss her around and try to take her husband and children out of her life. Alyssa sighed after listening to her sister. What she wanted, wasn't going to be easy. Especially since she had no idea where to even begin with all of this. Alyssa bit her lip and thought of some advice to give her sister. Some actual advice that she could use. "Well for starters, if he doesn't even know you exist are you sure he's the guy you really want? Second, if you think yes, then you need to make him notice you. That means going up to him and starting a conversation or two. Make him know you exist, whether he likes it or not. Second, well....for a career you should always start with interests. What do you like to do. What are you good at? Third, stop letting Theodore boss you around. That'll help a lot too." Alyssa explained. Those were the three things she felt would help her sister out the most. There was a lot more to it than what she explained, but it would take a really long time to go into depth, and Alyssa didn't have the time for that. It was likely that Kendra didn't either. The thing about Theodore was particularly true too. Letting someone else control you, was never going to let you be happy, and Alyssa had luckily realized that years ago.
Kendra raised her eyebrows a bit when she heard that the line there had been used before too. Wow they must have really hated her. Kendra shook her head and she said honestly, "I've been busy in school, so I wouldn't know." The only thing that she wanted was her sister, and that was pretty easy to tell from where she was standing. Kendra shifted in her shoes as she waited for Alyssa to tell her the advice. She wanted a happy life, a happily ever after with her prince. Vincent was cute, and she wanted a real cutie that could get her pregnant, married and have a long life with each other. It was all she ever dreamed about nowadays. Well, except Quidditch. She already named her future kids, and she got the famous guy she wanted, she had the last name too. "Yes because I know everything about him! Um, do you think I could use my Veela charm to get him to at least notice me? Maybe that's bad. I heard you didn't use the charm to get Vincent so... Theodore will no longer tell me what to do. I'll stay in New Zealand, and he can stay in France." It was not a fool proof plan, but others had gotten away. Seraphine was one of them! Kendra smiled even more now that they were talking. She looked down at the watch and she looked at her sister once more. "Think I have a little time to visit with my nephew before leaving before your husband gets home? I'd...I'd like to get to know him." She wanted to visit and see her nephew. She was crazy over Theodore's kids, and then there was Gabrielle's. Xavier's were adorable but vicious too. Oh she could not wait to have a family of her own, and be free.
Was Kendra really that oblivious to everything that had gone on while she was at school? Surely someone clued her in on Theodore's actions. Even Romaine knew and he was borderline retarded in Alyssa's mind. "You need to figure it out before they shun you too." Alyssa explained, not all that willing to explain everything that had happened while her sister was at school. Listening to her younger sister talk about boys nearly made Alyssa laugh. It seemed so long ago that Alyssa was chasing after Vincent. "You probably shouldn't use the charm to get him to like you. It takes away their free will and a lot of guys don't like that. Though, once he's aware and if he doesn't have a problem with it, it's the perfect way to get him to do the dishes." Alyssa would admit that she had used the charm every once and a great while. Mostly it was due to Vincent's request, or because she wanted him to do a favor for her. Kendra requested some time with Chacen before Vincent came home and Alyssa glanced at the clock. His shift would be over in half an hour. So as long as she left before then, Alyssa wouldn't have to deal with Vincent getting upset. "I don't see why not. Vincent comes home in half an hour so you better make it fast then." Alyssa tossed in as she awoke her son so he could interact with his aunt some.



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