Since when was that tree there?

Romeo Cruise

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Romeo had never actually had the chance to properly explore the Lawn's, he wasn't to sure what it was about it. Maybe because it was always packed with people and so forth. But today, everyone appeared to be inside. I mean, it wasn't the most amazing day ever to be admitted to the Earth. The Hufflepuff sighed and wondered outside, putting on his raincoat just in case, he sat down on one of the old, wooden benches and looked across the Grounds. Well that was certainly odd, there was an willow tree, that Romeo had never seen anywhere around here. Since when were there even tree's other then the Forbidden Forest? He looked rather baffled and confused, but took out a book to take his mind of things. It just so happened to be an old muggle book, something his mother had accomplished to write. It was captivating, but it was defenatly exciting. He snuggled up on the bench and began to read.
Andromeda was on her way to the Forbidden Forest, she had gotten the idea the night before as to what to do with the bear pendant. She simply couldn't keep wearing it, knowing herself and Bruin weren't even on speaking terms anymore. Deciding to bury it where she would never be tempted to dig it up again, Andy wandered down through the gardens. Only getting as far as one of the benches she sat down blindly, not even noticing that it was occupied.

Her gaze seemed focused on the grounds before her but Andy didn't even see the beauty of the gardens, the boy she had sat beside or anything else for that matter she was so utterly lost in thought. It wasn't until a butterfly fluttered right before her eyes that she blinked herself back to consciousness. As if shaking herself out of her reverie she turned and gasped, wondering how long he had been sitting there.
"Sorry am I interupting?"
Romeo immediatly looked around and saw one of the familiar girl's around the school. "Oh no, not at all, I didn't even notice you come here, must of been this 'captivating' book" he laughed. Wow, how awkward was this? He put the book back in his bag and closed it, not wanting to bring it up in conversation. It would sound to strange to say he was reading his mother's book.
Andy smiled not sure how to take the fact that her presence was a null issue, either she really was nothing exceptional, hence why Bruin hadn't wanted anything to do with her in the end or that book truly was absorbing. Curious she turned to look at him.
"A book that is captivating? That's interesting, what is it?" she watched him putting it away quickly and wondered at this too, if it was damned captivating surely it was worth sharing?
"Look obviously I am interupting you and your book. I'll leave, I hadn't even meant to sit down anyhow".
"No, no your not, seriously, your not, I need company anyhow..." he sighed, wondering if it was even worth it. "I need company, me sitting here all alone, I don't want this to be like it was back at Beuxbatons." He said gently, his voice quite soft.
Andy furrowed her brow as she looked at him, pushing some of her hair behind her ear she sat back on the bench getting a bit more comfortable though on these hard benches that was a bit difficult.
"I don't suppose you know the cushioning charm do you?" she smiled at him, "So Mr. All Alone when did you transfer from Beauxbaton?"
As if suddenly remembering her manners she gasped and then extended her hand to him.
"I'm Andromeda but everyone calls me Andy".
"Erm, no I never did enjoy charms, but I can do this, we did in Transfiguration" he looked at her and smiled. He pointed his wand in the air and did the same wand movement that the transfiguration professor had taught them. He focused his though on a puffy, fluffy yellow cushion. Without a doubt one appeared out of thin air. "Untransfiguration" he winked. "I transferred just this year, my parents keep getting moved from country to country" he sighed. "Wow. Thats not a name you hear every day, it's beautiful though. My names Romeo, except I don't really like it..." he smiled lopsidedly.
Andromeda watched as he conjured a bright yellow cushion.
"That was brilliant, now do we have to fight for it or are you going to hog it completely?" she laughed holding her hands out and using big pleading puppy dog eyes on him. Her amber eyes glinted in the sun light and unaware how they looked to others, Andy's eyes really did resemble at that moment a puppy's or at least a wolf cubs.
"Untransifiguration? is that learnt in... what year are you in any how?" She felt bad for him that his parents couldn't seem to settle in any one country but he seemed really nice so didn't mind that their travels had taken them here to New Zealand.

"Actually my father named me after our sister galaxy. He had high hopes for me" she smiled at him and when he said his own name she went deathly quiet, her mouth hung open just a tad as she looked at him incredulously. It seemed like an age but finally she found her voice.
"Your name is Romeo? Good grief you must have every muggle girl falling all over you" she stated with a smile and then realising what she had said grimaced openly.
"You can have it then" he sighed as he passed it to Andy and rolled his eyes. "I'm in my seventh year now, seems like twentieth though" he laughed. "Yeh well... you'd think that, but I like to keep myself to myself, you know?" he enquired.
Andy caught the eye roll just as she was taking the cushion and her mouth hung open for a moment. She didn't know this guy from Adam but had there really been any call for that? She caught the edge of the cushion and flicked it as if passing it back, intent on it hitting him in his arm instead.
"I've changed my mind. You obviously need something soft" she retorted, Andy didn't know why she was bristling suddenly against this boy, she didn't even know him but she had tried the nice approach and the very friendly approach, perhaps he was simply one of those boys who preferred a girl to just be down right mean. She heard him say what year he was in and inwardly groaned. Not another 7th year, she had about enough of those to last her a life time and his next sentence proved her right.

"Sorry actually I didn't know. Never having met you before but I'll leave you to yourself then seems like you're suited for one another" she stood up quickly to leave. Boys really were exhausting work.
"Erm. What did I do? I'm sorry if you took that the wrong way" he said softly. "Seriously" he spoke. He didn't mean to offend the girl, and he really hoped he didn't. "If I offended you, i'm sorry" he whispered.
Andy turned and looked at him, a slight frown on her pale features.
"How else was I suppose to take it? You rolled your eyes at me when you handed me the cushion and then you tell me you that you like keeping yourself to yourself."
She was between two minds of whether to just leave him here on his own or simply walk away to the forest where she had been headed any way.

She took a deep breath and sat down once more, keeping her distance on the bench from him.
"You didn't offend me, just ... annoyed me a bit. I'll get over it I'm sure".
"Sooo then, what do you do around here?" he asked the girl. He had always had a curious mind, especially when it came to people's lives. It wasn't being nosy it was just pure, good curiosity.
Andy seriously didn't know how to take this boy, he was stranger than any she had ever met. She looked at him fleetingly as he asked her what she did around here.
"Well, I tend to study alot. Read and attend classes. Play quidditch, fly my broom, eat, sleep and ... try not to bite anyone when the full moon comes" she said very much tongue in cheek, she stood up and looked down at him a mischievous glint in her amber eyes.

"So Romeo, are you going to sit there on your own or do you want to actually do something. Don't worry, I don't really bite".
"Why... what's wrong with the full moon?" he looked at her inquisitively. "And, I guess we could go and walk around, I mean being stuck is not really my view point of fun" he smiled.
Andy merely laughed and shoved her hands into her pockets.
"There is nothing wrong with the full moon, just a wee bit of odd Gryffindor humor" she countered looking in the direction of the small hedged maze, "Well you look pretty much as if you're stuck to that bench. Come on then".

She had an idea but it was probably a long shot, she didn't know how good his magic was or if he would even attempt it. Andy walked ahead to where the maze was and waited for Romeo to hurry up.
"Can you use engorgio?" the smile that played on her face was completely mischievous.
(I could say something so mean for a reply to Andy's question "it doesn't look like you need it" =)) )

"Ya. I think so... why?" he asked, rather curious as to what she meant by 'Gryffindor' humour. Romeo stood up and caught up with Andy. He looked at the maze, a little confused by it.
[am slowly becoming barking mad :p =)) ]

Andy indicated the maze infront of them before turning to face him.
"Well what are the chances of you enlargening that maze for a spot of fun? Have you ever used it on something that size before?"

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