🌹 Rose Giving Simply Yellow

Ruben Right

Triplet| Moody| Friendly| Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Ruben was looking for a girl named Hayzel, it was his first deliver today and he couldn't be more excited. He wondered how the girl would take it. Would she be surprised? Would she act like she didn't care? Would this be her tenth rose? Would she be relieved? He couldn't predict that but he was going to have a lot of fun finding out "Hayzel West, has anyone seen this young lady?" he asked to a few people as he walked through the corridor, hopefully they would know where he could find her or maybe she would hear him.

@Hayzel West
Hayzel was grumbling to herself as to why she forgot Finn and the rose. She was on her way to find the Puff and was stopped short when Ruben asked for her. She knew him by face and name but never had the chance to speak to him. Well, until now. "Looking for me?"
Ruben looked at the girl, he was surprised he didn't made the connection sooner. She was in some classes with him so if he had just thought about the name for a second he could have gone to the Gryffindor tower to look for her "Yes, I got a rose for you" he said giving her the yellow rose.

Dear Hayzel,

We should hang out more, I miss your company.

Hayzel smiled and took the rose and the note. He glanced back at the boy, judging by his green tie, he was in the same house at Rye. "Thanks!" She quickly read it, grinning since it came from Finn. "Hey, you're dorm mates with Rye, right?", she asked, not mentioning that he was her twin.
Hayzel smiled and took the rose and the note. He glanced back at the boy, judging by his green tie, he was in the same house at Rye. "Thanks!" She quickly read it, grinning since it came from Finn. "Hey, you're dorm mates with Rye, right?", she asked, not mentioning that he was her twin.
Ruben thought about it for a second after answering "Yes, I am" he said remebering the other boy "Why? You know him?" he asked with some curiosity, it was not every day that a Gryffindor asked for a fellow Slytherin.
Hayzel smirked playfully. She just nodded at his question. So, he did not know they were siblings. Or maybe he had not caught on yet. "Can you do me a favor? Next time you see Rye, pinch his cheeks.", she giggled. "Tell him Hayzelnut made you do it.", she chuckled, imagining her brother's reaction.
Ruben looked at the girl, she was funny "Hum...okay" he obviously wasn't doing that as he had barely talked to Rye and for all he knew he could hate Hayzel or something. One thing he would do was talk to him about her, he was very curious on how the two of them knew each other "Was he the one who sent you the rose?" he asked trying to ditch some options.
Hayzel knew Ruben was surprised at her favor. She chuckled at this, letting the boy be curious about them. She twirled the rose again when the boy asked a question. "Rye is not one to send roses. I even wonder how he reacted from receiving one from Cassiah." She held out the rose. "This is from Finn.",she smiled.
Hayzel was speaking gibberish to the Slytherin boy, he had no idea who Cassiah was but he nodded his head yes as id he was totally understanding her and gave her that obvious look as if he knew the Rye was totally the type that didn't send roses. Finally he heard a name that he recognised "Finn...the Hufflepuff first year?" he asked.
Hayzel laughed, waving her hand dismissively at what she said. She would just let the Slytherin figure out who Rye was to her. She nodded at his question. "Yes, Finn. You know him?", she asked, knowing it was a silly question since they were all first years.
"Kind of? I know him from the classes we have together" he said, he knew most people from classes only. He never dared to interact with the other boy, he seemed like a mischief maker and as much as he loved mischief Ruben knew it was wiser to stay away from it"But you two must be close for him to send you a rose" he said.

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