- Messages
- 718
- OOC First Name
- Emzies
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Seeing Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Wand
- Straight 16" Sturdy Mahogany Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
- Age
- 6/2033 (28)
They have stolen the heart ,
but this does not define you ,
Say Hello to
Simon Jose Amor Vanity!
This is not who you are ,
you know who you are ,
They have stolen the heart ,
but this does not define you ,

Say Hello to
Simon Jose Amor Vanity!
This is not who you are ,
you know who you are ,
Simon Jose Amor Vanity
Simon - Simon is a common name, from Hebrew שִׁמְעוֹן imʻôn, meaning"listen."
Jose - In Spanish themeaning of the name Jose is: May God give increase.
Amor - In Spanish the meaning of the name Amor is: Love.
Vanity - "excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit"
The name had been decided before Simon was born, since they chose to find out the gender of the baby prior to its birth, after a lot of discussions, they settled upon the name Simon because it was both a french and Spanish name, and they both liked the sound of it, the way it rolled off the tounge and so even before he was born they were refering to him as Simon, and in his mothers opinion the name Simon was therefore the only logical choice when he was born, the boy did also look very much like a Simon to her. Simon does like his name, it is short and to the point, he likes the way its easy for people to say and thankful that his parents decided to forgo the usual accent on the i, he likes the way it sounds. The middle name of Jose was given to him after his birth, after his father died, his mother decided that she would add it to the name, since he would little memories of his father it just made sense to her to give him a middle name that was after his father. Prior to that he did not have a middle name which seemed to make all the more sense to his mother to do that. Simon barely uses the middle name, and though it is written on every formal document that he had he feels no deep connection to it, nor any connection to his father because of it. The last two names, are the names of the respective parents, their surnames, Amor for his father, and Vanity for his mother. They kept the Vanity instead of the Amor on the end when his parents decided that would happen.
Simons name is already rather short and therefore does not require a nickname, nor does he actually want one. He likes his name as is, and would rather that no one added to it. There are a few who might opt to call him by his middle name, but he is rather unlikely to respond to that. He doesnt mind if people give him other names, he just wont respond to it ever.
30th June 3033, Simon was born at a local hospital in Nice, where he spent a few days, just to do with the fact he was a little early and the birth had been a little stressful on the mother. He was a fine weight and was commented on by the staff of the hospital, much like his sister, as being an exceedingly beautiful baby. A compliment he has always enjoyed.
Jose Amor
Parents married but kept own names, and Simons mother's name gained the lot position at the end becoming her children's surnames. Jose was born in Madrid, Spain to Spanish parents. He was raised in Madrid and attended a private school magical school in the country. After this he travelled for quite a while, experiencing countless muggle things and it was while at a university in the south of France that he met Simon's mother. They wed shortly after, he continued travelling, and they moved around a lot, because of the easy nature of her job. He died after a muggle motorbike accident near the Andorran border, he died in 2037.
Aphrodisia Vanity
She is the oldest of her siblings and works as a lecturer on French literature at various universities over the years though Primarily at the university in Aix-En-Provence. She met her husband while studying and was devastated for the loss. She loves her two children and does all she can to provide them with the best experiences in life as well as a balance between the two cultures she and her husband had.
Noemie Vanity - Born June 2030, currently attends Hogwarts New Zealand, Ravenclaw house.
She has two aunts on her mothers side, Avarice Reilly who has one daughter Ophelia, and Penchant Vanity who is currently childless
They have a family owl, a brown barn owl, whose been in their family since her father died. She loves the owl and spends a lot of her time taking care of it. She knows a lot about owls and their habits. The family owl is called Manny.
Mixed Blood, Part-Veela
Simon has always known that he was magical, though much like the rest of the family, they do not actually know of the veela blood in their veins. Hes always known that he was prettier than most but he doesnt think its anything more than great genetics. He is proud of his mixed blood, he likes being a wizard of a few generations of wizards. He likes that a lot. He is rather jealous of people who are purebloods since that is the perfect blood. But hes still happy to be mixed blood which in his mind is better than being nothing.
Nice, France. He was born and raised mostly in this city, he only moved to New Zealand when his mother got a job in the country when he was about seven or eight. From then on he has lived in New Zealand. He doesnt remember much of France really, only little bits and pieces about where he grew up and what it looked like from the pictures that he has. He likes living in New Zealand a lot.
Currently her and her family are residing in Wellington, New Zealand because of her mother's work having brought them here, she's taken it upon herself to learn English during this time and is doing fairly well at it currently. She likes living in New Zealand even though it is so different from living in Nice.
New Zealand, he doesnt like moving much, he doesnt like big moves, so he doesnt mind where he would live as long as he remained within New Zealand. Thats where he would rather be in the world. As much as his roots lie in Spain and France, he likes New Zealand far more as a place to live. The rest can be just places that he could visit, living in New Zealand has been good for him. Simon has liked living in New Zealand, so why would he live anywhere else.
Unsure, Simon has felt attraction to both boys and girls in his early life, and is therefore largely unsure of where he fits in, he doesnt know where he fits and doesnt really yet know much about sexuality to actually be able to talk about it, or know what he is. He knows that this will come with time and eventually hell figure it out. He is also rather sure that no matter what he is, hell do just fine.
In a relationship with Charlotte Harper
Diana Holland
Diana Holland
Diana Holland
Too young
We are explorers reading every sign ,
we set a course to find
We are explorers reading every sign ,
we set a course to find
Simon, much like his sister, has auburn coloured hair, darker than regular ginger hair, and taking on a slightly more brown colour than most. He likes the way that his hair is, it stands out a little bit, and he thinks it could be a lot different, a natural blonde colour like his mothers. Simon does like his auburn hair, he believes that it allows him to stand out in a different way. Its just different while also being quite nice.
His hair has never been dyed, he doesnt particularly like the colour of his hair, but he knows it could be far worse. He would dye his hair a dark brown colour, he just thinks that if he was to blend in with others, the more brown the hair the better. He likes the way that his hair looks, and while he has not yet dyed his hair, he thinks he is likely to in the future.
Simon has light brown eyes, much like his sister, he has brown eyes. They are not the most stand out eyes as he thinks thats more when the person has blue eyes, but he does like his eyes, they are well shaped and he likes the colour that they are, he thinks of them as the perfect shade for him. He does not wear glasses and even if he was supposed to he probably wouldnt.
Simon has a few birthmarks around his body, but none are particularly big or of note, most of them he forgets that he has, they are just in the background. Overall, he has smooth skin with little if any blemishes, and he has no scars currently.
Given that Simon works hard at everything, his body type despite being young and still forming could be described as built, he works hard and is of average height and weight for his age range, he has broad shoulders and a broad waist. He is rather pleased with how he looks though he acknowledges the amount of work he will have to do over the years to keep it in this kind of shape. He knows that his sister manages so he knows he can too.
O (+ve)
His blood type was something that they got told when he was born, just standard procedure because he was born in a regular muggle hospital, it just made sense to them to inform the famil of his blood type and so he was quite happy to know it, though he knows that he wouldnt need it in the magical world.
Right Handed
Like most others he is right handed, Simon writes with his right hand and has always written with this hand. He likes writing with it a lot. He doesnt particularly like holding a quill in his hand, he finds it awkward and his writing is far blotchier with the quill than with just a muggle pen.
He has a mostly New Zealand accent with only the slightest hint of it coming from else where. He only has the slightest hint of a french accent on his words, and it comes out far more like a New Zealand accent. When he speaks french he has a slightly heavier hint of an accent, but largely this goes away if he spends a lot of time speaking it, it lose most of the accent that it had.
Even though his parents both spoke french and spanish, because most of the time growing up his father was dead, the use of spanish in the house was not as common, because of this then, his languages vary far more than his sisters. He can speak fluent english, having spent a good number of years in the country, getting familiar with the language, he can also speak fluent french because of his mother, but his Spanish is his weakest language. He can understand it when spoken to him, but he doesnt know how to speak it very well, hell stumble over words and not get the verbs right. He can read very simple Spanish but thats about it. Simon prefers speaking english to any of the other languages he knows.
Simon is not allergic to anything.
Simon has a mostly relaxed style, hell wear whats in fashion without trying too hard with the clothes that he gets. He really enjoys shopping and finding new clothes though he doesnt do it overly often. He likes wearing things that suit his frame and that help show off his best features. He wears clothes that he finds colourful and that arent too show off, hes not overly formal, rather choosing less formal clothes to wear, though he will make the effort at the slightest offer. His formal style still needs work as its largely based upon him not yet finding a very clear style of what he likes to wear, and what suits him best when it comes to formal clothes.
KJ Apa
When it's time to find home ,
we know the way ,
When it's time to find home ,
we know the way ,
There are many things that he likes, he loves suceeding at things, so when he does, he absolutely falls in love with it. To him getting praise or a good grade is just the best thing above all else. He also likes how he looks, and getting compliments upon it. He loves working hard and working hard to be the best at something. He loves classes and reading and he likes anything that is a competition that he can win. He likes people when they are honest with him, and he likes when others are honest with him and dont care about his honesty. Simon likes New Zealand, he likes living in this place, he likes the scenery, the air, and he likes both beaches and the milder weather.
Primarily Simon dislikes when people are better than him, especially at something that he tries exceedingly hard at. Hell work and work until he is the best at it, and he really hates when people dont have to work to be smart, he dislikes when people arent honest, he finds that honest people are the best sort of people, even if due to his honesty he never has that many friends. He doesnt like to fail, he hates failing at just about anything, he would rather not do something than fail at it. He will work hard at something hell do and if he gets a fail for it he absolutely dispises it. He doesnt like when people call him names that arent nice or are very openly jealous towards him despite the fact that he is jealous.
He has a good number of goal, most of which are to succeed, he isnt sure what hed like to do after school but he would very much enjoy being just something that is the best. He wants to win, badly, he wants to be the best he could be. He wants to grow up and be admired by his peers. He wants to be remembered, and his main goal in life is to be the best. He has no interest currently in family or relationships but he is happy to just be considered successful.
The likelihood is that he would see himself fail or be beaten to something by someone else, he would be made fun of and called a failure for it, not good enough, and that would be what he would see. He doesnt like failing at all, he would rather give up in most occasions than fail, so this would be why hed see that.
A butterfly, since for him the creature is beautiful and moves with ease that he loves them, they are perhaps the only creature that he would consider worthy of his time.
Simon has a few stellar memories that could be used for this, he has spent countless time sitting in on his mothers lectures, and wondering around the university sitting in several other lecture halls that one of his greatest joys is learning. He treasures the time he spent better himself educationally, since he knows that will benefit him as he grows older and therefore its some of his happiest and strongest memories.
Simon really hates moving, and the entire move to New Zealand, was the worst for him. He didnt like packing his things up into boxes, he didnt like the cleaning that had to be done, he didnt like the fact theyd had to travel by muggle means, that they had needed to go through to muggle customs. He didnt like the fact he had to tidy everything up with his hands. He thought the whole process of arriving at a new country not speaking the language a rather arduous task so he didnt like any part of it, so while not a sad memory, it brought up a lot of stress that he would rather never do again.
Simon is an honest person if he thinks soemething he will tell the person what he thinks, so he isnt the type who would hold on to secrets that would only come out if they were made to. So, he would have to say that he doesnt have anything that is a deep dark secret he would struggle with and be unable to admit. Perhaps as he grows older that may happen but for now, that is just not the case. Its just the way that he is, he thinks that he wouldve been raised better by just his father, but hes frequently said this to his mother, so he has no secrets.
Even though he barely knew his father he would see his father in the mirror, not his whole family in the mirror, it would just be him and his father. He remembers so little about him, and from the stories that his mother and the few his sisters says, he was a pretty neat guy so he would be keen to talk to him, and desires to just be able to spend time with him. He doesnt want to share his father with the rest of the family, he just wants to spend time with him alone. Though he loves his mother and his sister, he would much rather have been raised by his father alone, he just thinks it wouldve been better for him if he had been raised by his father. So, he would see his father in the mirror and his father would the only parent in his life.
There are only a few smells that he would have, he likes the smell of his house, it has a distinct smell to him that makes him just think of his home, and feel at ease, and that would be certainly one of the things that he would smell if he got even a little of the potion. He would also smell his favourite food, anything with cheese on it. He likes the way that chili smells so he would also smell that.
Simon has very few people that hed say he looks up to, he want to be just like them and he wouldnt so much look up to, but just straight up want to be them. He always respected quidditch players, though they arent the smartest people and he could never really play, hes always looked up to them, because in his mind they play a brutual and awful sport with pose and balance that it ultimately makes him want to try it out. Vader knows he wouldnt be any good at it, but they make him want to try regardless of that fact. He doesnt think he could ever be a professional quidditch player but he looks up to them and what they do.
Atheist, non-religious
Raised in a magical home where muggle religions were never a centre point of anything he doesn't believe in a god and is completely non-practicing in terms of religion. He likes the old gods from Norse, Egyptian and Greek mythology, largely because of the fact they would interact with their people, were sometimes people who became gods, they were people who managed to achieve god status, and he thinks thats pretty neat as a thing. He doesnt believe in any of it, but its pretty cool to him. If any of the religious elements were true, he would wish that that would.
Those born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the zodiac's enigmas. It is fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of contradictions. Compassionate and caring with friends, family and lovers, yet they can cut to the bone with their jealous remarks and ever-changing moods. Endearingly eccentric on one hand, and on the other, insecure about how others see them. Like their astrological symbol - the Crab - Cancers can appear hard and insensitive on the outside. However, for those of us who know and love a "Moon Child", we understand that deep below lies a softness and sensitivity that makes them so very special. Nurturing, protection and caring for others underline the life principles of this water sign. Life doesn't stand still for this sign, even if they remain in one place, because they live so much in their internal oceans of emotions. Up and down like the proverbial yo-yo, most Cancerians feel one way one minute, then sometimes totally different the next. But this characteristic is part of their charm. Love and romance matter more than anything else to this sign. No other sign romances better, equally though, no sign takes it so badly when romance turns sour either. This sign is one of the most magic of all and once their magic has reached you, they are the most beguiling companions.
Simon is a smart individual, he is determined and motivated. He works hard on everything presented to him and he tries his best to achieve all he can. He is a very blunt person, who will tell the truth no matter the situation and be blunt in every single situation that he finds himself in. He finds people who lie absolutely terrible and he doesnt spend time with people who lie to him. He will cut all ties with them the moment he finds out theyve lied to him. Simon is a rather vain person, he loves his appearance and hell work hard to keep it that way, he loves muggle sports and is an active person. He is exceedingly jealous of people when they appear to be better at things than him, and it makes him competitive and sometimes difficult to be around. He will work hard on what hes presented with, but he is likely to try to surround himself with people whom he deems arent better than him at times. He can be a nice person to people, and hes friendly enough to be able to talk to most people, but he can be difficult to spend extended periods with. He cant help but compare himself to others and get annoyed if he believes that they might be better than him. When hes not good at something, Simon will throw in the towel. Hes not the type to stick at things if he isnt getting the results that he wants, but when he does try his hardest. Due to the fact he is a jealous person and also blunt, he will be rather open about his jealousy.