
Corrie caught the had. She said had two brothers. He would've asked but, by the way she sead through saying it, it was a sensitive topic. One for a day when we know each other better. "I'm Corrie Yelnats, I won't go into middle names, I've got three." He rolled his eyes at that point, It was a tradition for some reason on his fathers side.
"I'm from Sliven in Bulgaria, nice view but nasty people. I live with my father, he's a wizard and my sister, Stephanie. I have a cat called Creature who is at home and she has a slow worm called Crazy-Legs. I hate needles and people who think music is a waste of time and I love playing all of my instruments and writing music." Corrie didn't notice he had left out his mother, he never spoke about her unless it was nessessary.
Immy nodded as Corrie spoke of himself. She noted that he didn't speak of his mother. She wasn't too bothered, they'd only just met. Imogen was not one to over step her boundaries. She just smiled while watching the slowly lightening sky.

"What kinda of music do you like? And what instruments do you play?" Immy asked curiously. She'd not been gifted with the art of music. So was very curious about it.
Corrie smiled, they were now talking about the best subject in his opinion. "I like alternative, rock, stuff that's cool really. I play acoustic and electric guitar, keyboard, violin and, my best instrument, the drums. I also sing a bit. Do you play anything?" He loved music, though he chose not to mention that he also wrote songs and music, mainly music.
Immy shook her head and gave a small giggle. She was no way musical. She liked it she just couldn't do it. She always wanted to though.

"Oh, goodness no. I've never been able to play. My sister has the musical skills."Immy said with a smile. "I can draw. I'm more artistic. What kinda of songs do you like to play?"
Corrie nodded. "I like art too." Truth was, Corrie was good at most things considered creative. He just had a knack for them, or picked them up as he went along. His father told him he got it from his mother, a statement Corrie refused to believe.

"I love rock and roll and alternative music.Name a band, I'm pretty sure I can play one of their songs on one of my instruments. As long as I know them of course, if not, I'll find out about them and learn one." He didn't mean to brag but he felt there was not much else to brag about so why not take advantage of it.
Luke was not usually an early riser but the one thing that he wanted to do, was see a sunrise from the lake and this was his chance, he looked up and and stared out the window, the sun had nearly came right out. He jumps up and quickly gets dressed in his black tracksuit pants and his red T-Shirt, he despised jumpers no matter how cold. He quickly walked out into the Gryffindor common room, he took no notice of what was happening in there as he exited the portrait and went through the corridors and out into the cold grounds.

"Ahh the cold, this is my favorite time of the year" Luke exclaimed to himself, unbeknowst to him that there were people around. He walked over to the lake, he loved to see a shimmering lake in the sun, he thought it looked beatiful, he closed his eyes and took a big whiff of the air, the aroma was beautiful. His clumsiness got the better of him because as he heard people talking he tripped over a tree root and opened his eyes and looked over to see a girl and a boy talk and simply exclaimed "Hi" feeling like an utter idiot.

[If you didn't want me to join this thread, then just ignore this post]
Immy nodded as Corrie talked of which type of music he played, she was just thinking of a song when she heard a voice say hi. Imogen looked round and smiled at the boy. Immy moitioned for the boy to come sit with them. Immy recognized the boy from her class, he was a gryffindor like her. Immy hadn't actually introduced herself to this boy and she also thought that this would be a good time for Corrie to make more friends.

"Hi. Come sit with us"Immy said with a friendly smile. "I'm Immy by the way"
Corrie was waiting for Immy's reply when he heard something behind him, turning around he saw a boy saying something. He just ignored it and turned to face Immy again. About a minute later the same voice said high only this time it was closer. He turned around once more as Immy introduced herself. "And I'm Corrie." He added onto the end and waved slightly awkwardly. "So, the song?" The boy could figure out what they were on about later.
"And I would be Luke." Luke chuckled at the way he said it and he sat down near Imogen. Immy seemed like a nice girl and he knew her from her Gryffindor classes and had seen her around the common room. Corrie seemed not to friendly and more of the loner sort. Corrie asked Immy a question so Luke just decided to listen andtry to pick up on what they were talking about.
"And I would be Luke." Luke chuckled at the way he said it and he sat down near Imogen. Immy seemed like a nice girl and he knew her from her Gryffindor classes and had seen her around the common room. Corrie seemed not to friendly and more of the loner sort. Corrie asked Immy a question so Luke just decided to listen andtry to pick up on what they were talking about.
Imogen smiled as the boy, Luke introduced himself and sat down beside her. She was still trying to think of a song. Immy didn't know if she should pick a song which would be not well known but while trying to think of Immy couldn't think of one. After a brief moment of silence Immy finally made a choice.

"Can you play Leave out all the rest by linkin park?" Immy asked smiling brightly.
Corrie laughed. "Linkin park is an awesome band, I know most of their songs including leave out all the rest though I do prefer to play Bleed it out." Corrie grinned, it seemed that Immy had kind of the same music taste as him though he suspected she didn't like everything he did, her image looked to nice for that. The slytherin boy turned to the other boy, he guessed Gryffindor as Immy seemed to recognise him, and decided to involve him in the conversation. "Do you play any instruments?"

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