Closed Significance

Loki Styx

quiet • loner • proud
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Rigid Silver lime Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Loki Styx did hear a name that caught his attention. It was not because it was unique, though it was in a way. It was something to do with the underworld, and death, which was what rested in his wand. And, it was curious that it would be his last name too that was related to the underworld. She was a Hufflepuff, and her last name was Chase. That was all he knew about her and he wanted to know more. Didn’t Cassius have some issues with someone with that same surname? He was not sure since he did not converse with him often. At all. It might have been a good thing since Cassius, from what Loki had heard, could be a little dramatic. So, in the courtyard, Loki bided his time to see if he could approach her. She seemed to be very shy or something, just by judging from her behavior. He just wondered if her parents knew the significance of her name. Probably not. Very few did even research on their names nowadays. He did manage to see her though, so Loki decided to approach. It was unlike what he had ever done before, but he had a few things to confirm first. From what he knew, there was a small branch of families that had the Chase’s down as a pure-blood, so there was that. Loki approached the Hufflepuff, and attempted to smile, but failed miserably as his lips barely twitched, "I saw you get sorted. Your name is Melinoe, correct?"
Melinoe enjoyed being outdoors more than inside. She enjoyed the peace of it more than anything. It didn't matter what time of year it was she could find beauty in the way nature looked. In that moment she was admiring the plants that were trying to erupt in the spring weather. That was where she was when she was approached by another student. She looked up, big blue orbs surprised by his presence as he seemed to know her name. She couldn't say the same since she didn't know his. Nervously she stumbled over her words. "Oh, I, yeah, that's me." She said cautiously, did he know her sister maybe? Snow was much more outgoing after all. "Can I help you?" She asked, wondering if she was somehow in his way.
Loki noticed how nervous she was, so he was right about her being shy from his previous deductions. He just did not know how much. She even stumbled over her words while talking to her peers. Unless he was just intimidating, but he doubted it right now because he was still just a child. He still had that ‘baby face’ from what his sister told him once. “I thought so. Melinoe Chase. Younger sister to… Snowdrop. Your names are vastly different.” Loki thought that the other one had an odd name. She could have been named Snow and it wouldn’t have been as weird, but that was just Loki’s opinion. “I wondered if you knew much about the background of your name.” Loki folded his arms across his chest, to see if she knew her stuff. If not, he could educate her. It would be no issue for him.
Melinoe was a little concerned at how much this student knew about her. She looked up at him concerned where this conversation was going. When he asked about her name etymology she shook her head quietly. She wasn't sure how to answer that. "Mom said she took it from a book." She finally said, her soft spoken voice barely above a whisper. She averted her big blue eyes for a moment, feeling odd about making too much eye contact. Her hands played with each other in front of herself, obviously uncomfortable with being approached.
Loki had to get a little closer to her as she spoke because of how soft her voice was. Was she normally like this? Loki would have questioned his hearing but it was only her. "Ah, that figures." Loki was a bit disappointed with that, but he hid it well. He walked to the side and sat down next to her on the bench, so that she did not have to look up at him so much. It was only nice anyway. "It has to do with the underworld. Mine is similar, though not underworld related so much as a trickster and mischief sort of god." Loki paused and added, "You can relax a little bit. I'm not here to bother you so much as just talk."
Melinoe wasn't sure why, but she felt like he was hoping for more out of her name. She didn't know any more information though, her mom never really talked about it. He spoke to her about the meaning behind their names, how they were in a way similar. Then he said something that embarrassed her. Was she that obviously nervous? Her pale features speckled pink and she looked at her hands. "Sorry... I'm not as social as my sister. She always knows what to say." She admitted. "How did you know my name?" She asked curiously.
Loki even noticed how she was blushing. He nodded along as she spoke about her sister. There was a reason why her sister was in Gryffindor and not Hufflepuff. "You'll get used to socializing sooner or later, at your own pace." Although she asked how he knew her name. Loki thought that it was an obvious answer. After all, they were sorted together. He pointed out, "First day of school. Everyone was sorted. Your name was among the most unique and matched it with your eyes that day. You still look nervous." Loki shrugged his shoulders after his answer. He was not sure if she would think it was impressive that he thought that she stood out.
He seemed so reassuring, Melinoe noted. She shrugged. Honestly she didn't mind if she didn't get more social. She would sometimes be sad she couldn't make as many friends, but the plants around her didn't mind if she could talk or not - and that's what she liked, plants. He talked about remembering her name from sorting and she gave an apologetic look. "Sorry I didn't remember yours. I know your last name... My sister doesn't like Cassius Styx much so I assume you're related to him?" She inquired, feeling a bit like she had rambled.
Loki wondered if he should be offended that she did not remember his, but since she was so shy, she might not have been paying attention. But, she did know his last name, and brought up Cassius. Yeah, he sure was related to him, though it was a bit... It was a little complicated to explain, so he tried his best in the simplest way he could think of. "He is my older half-brother's son. I guess in basic terms, he would be my nephew." Loki was sure that his dad had grandchildren older than him. In fact, he did. Perhaps even great-grandchildren. Their family was strange, that was certain. "Cassius can be a little much, but that's just going by the limited contact I had with him. We aren't close."

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