Sign up for the Brotherhood!

Isaia Romanes

Former Ravenclaw & Head Boy / Gentle
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 9 1/2" Rigid Willow Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Isaia had been rather surprised last year when this Slytherin Prefect that scared him to death walked up to him, and told him that he was being made President, because he didn't want someone with 'lesser' blood controlling the group. Figured the Slytherin Prefect Leviathan would have done something like that, but Isaia didn't want to press the issue. He wouldn't be the same way when he passed on the title. Right now, Isaia was in the Great Hall after putting up notices all around the school to come and sign up for the Brotherhood. Isaia was sitting in front of a table, where he hoped that other Brothers would come and join him. He was a rather friendly guy, so he thought that it would have been perfect. Isaia's eyes looked friendly too. He beamed, quite proud of what he had managed to get these past few years.
Application said:
If you are a Brother, just come in and talk to everyone if you want to.
If you are a new Brother, pretty much, just RP your character signing up, then PM me with the following:
House and Year:
Why are you interested?:
What ideas would you bring to the Brotherhood?:

And then I'll give you the password if/once approved.
It was that time of the year where every clubs starts to open and different students would sign up, first years were the one who seem to be excited about the idea. Including the fourth year, Yerik Rhys Price. He was glad to hear that their new Head Boy is a Ravenclaw like him as well as their Brotherhood President. Also he was a fellow Pure Blood, no wonder why he was the chosen one among the group. Eager for the meeting or sign ups, he made his way down the Ravenclaw Towers and passed by the some crowded corridors. It was filled with little children, running around and making high pitch noises. "First years." he mumbled as he walked pass by them. Yerik Rhys was far different from them when he was a newbie, he acted mature and found locked in his dorm studying or what so ever. Making his way, he saw Isaia Romanes, their new Brotherhood President. He was also chosen to become a Prefect, which was one of his Hogwarts dream list.

Yerik Rhys lightly smiled at him and approached the the table, he was the first one to arrive. It was so likely him to be first, he joined him and nodded once. "Hey Isaia, I'm Yerik I've been in the brotherhood for two years. Congrats on being President and Prefect." he greeted as he looked at his shiny Prefect Badge. It looked good on him, just like the rest Prefects matched their badge. Even though he wasn't that of a social person, he tried to be friendly to everyone. Though everyone seem to see Yerik as a studious student who only thinks of his studies and his grades, which was true but they missed the part where he liked to meet new friends. Also for a Ravenclaw he was quite adventurous too, which made Gryffindors like him or at least one liked him. Soon different boys from different houses would arrive, gladly he was the first one. He sat there, hands together above the table while his eyes circled the entire hall for familiar faces.

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