🌹 Rose Giving Sign of the times around the yellow rose

Elisabeth Easterling

Twin ⚜️Ballet ⚜️Vulnerable soul
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Swishy Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Elisabeth had only two roses left and the problem arose here, because she had to think for a long time where to look for the next rose owner. It had already been heard where to find him most often, so Elisa decided to take a risk and go there to see it at the beginning. After going out, she went towards the lake and as soon as she got closer to the lake she started shouting loudly. ''Jordan Harris! Where are you? I have something for you. Jordon!''

@Jordan Harris
Jordie just loved today. He did. He had gone for a quick run, taking a break from his deliveries so he could process all the new people he'd met that day. He was on his way back when he heard someone calling for him. He smiled brightly, and turned to jog that way. "I'm here!" He announced happily. "But it's Jordie," he told her with a bright laugh.
Elisabeth could only rejoice that she would not have to run to another place to find the right person for whom the rose was meant. As soon as she received an affirmative answer, she took out a rose and a note for the boy. "Jordie, I have a rose for you," she said, approaching Jordan and handing him both a rose and a note.

You're so fun, Jordie! Happy Valentine's
Love Human Salem
Jordie's eyes lit up and he laughed excitedly. "Yes! Thank you!" He took the note, reading over it quickly and laughing in delight. "I'm going to go find Salem now, thank you!" He told the girl, waving happily and turning to skip away.
Elisabeth watched the boy's reaction closely, as she could see that she was happy about the unexpected gift she had received. She smiled when she heard the boy's laughter. "I'm glad you enjoyed the surprise." She said, then watched as Jordan went to look for a friend, then Elisa turned and went back to the castle.

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