Siddalee Simon

Siddalee Simon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hannah Banana
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Full Name:
- Siddalee Samantha Simon

Date of Birth:
- 9th November 2013

Current Age:
- 12

Basic Appearance:
- Short, skinny (just generally tiny), with natural bright red hair, blue eyes, pale skin, regular features.
- Has yellow flecks in eyes, and has a lot of small scars from various accidents. The biggest is on her arm, from the time she skateboarded down a set of steps, went flying and broke her arm.

- She's outgoing - very outgoing. She is quite bubbly and friendly, but she's also sassy, brave, and quite feisty. She’s quirky and 'unique', but she can also be quite romantic, caring and is a dreamer. Her father always says that if she were born in Medieval times, she'd dash about the land on horseback, pretending to be a boy (so she could be a knight) and rescuing anyone who needed her. Which brings us to...

- Father - Richard Simon
Mother - Lucille Simon
Siddalee is an only child, but has always wanted brothers who could take her skateboarding and do that kind of stuff with her. She also wishes she had an older sister who she could prank and who could satisfy her mother's need to have a girly daughter.
- Her father is a banker who dotes on his little girl, but who is quite a peacekeeper and doesn't like to argue, especially with his wife. He is a big softie, and likes to do the puzzles in the paper and also likes to carry toffees with him. He is a muggle, and works as a pediatrician.
- Her mother is a fighter - she is where Sidda gets her outgoing, strong and feisty personality. She wants her daughter to be more girly, to get better grades and to be more "demure". However she is very proud of her daughter's singing, dancing and acting abilities and likes to show her off. She is well-meaning but doesn't know much about skateboarding and definitely doesn't know anything about Quidditch. She loves cooking and the colour pink, and there is more to her than meets the eye. She's a muggle, and was a stay-at-home mum while Sidda lived there, but has gotten a job as a kindergarten (pre-school) teacher.
- When Sidda got her letter (and a wizard explaining that she was a witch), Sidda's mum nearly fainted, and her father just said "Well, I wasn't expecting that!"
- Her parents feel quite out of depth in terms of the whole 'magic' thing, but have started to see just how cool it can be. They are quite proud of their daughter being a witch, and look after Molly for her. And Molly is...

- Sidda has a Tawny owl named Minx and a border collie named Molly. She takes Minx to Hogwarts, but Molly has to stay with her parents. And they look after her where?...

Area of Residence:
- Sidda was born in Barcelona, lived in Australia (Sydney) for 3 years, then moved to NZ and has lived there ever since. She lived on a farm for a few years, but when she started school at age 5, they moved to Auckland, and live across the road from a skate park.

Blood Status:
Muggle-born. Why you may ask? What is her bloodline? Well...

- She's a Kiwi, but before her ancestors moved to NZ, they came from Ireland, but that's generations back - like early settlers type of generations back.

Special Abilities:
- None.

Interests or Hobbies:
- She loves performing - singing, dancing, (jazz, street dance and ballet, which is a surprise to all who know how much of a tomboy she is, but she loves ballet) and acting. She also loves skateboarding and did gymnastics for a few years. She recently discovered Quidditch and likes that, too.
- She likes music too, although her only instrument is her voice. She likes a lot of older bands - Paramore, Kings of Leon - stuff from around the 'noughties'. She's a bit of an old school musician.
So all this means she's good at...

Additional Skills:
- She can sing, dance (ballet, jazz and a little bit of street dance style stuff), act (improv theatre, Shakespeare and normal acting) and is a skater (she learnt to skateboard aged 7, and has gotten good - she's even better than some of the boys she skates with)
- She's also good at flying, which was a shock to her, given that she was muggle-born. She wants to try out for the Quidditch team, and her favourite position is Seeker, although she also is a fair Chaser. She likes to go very fast, and has a build that is light and small enough to be built for speed.

- She's good at flying, performing, DADA and she's a good fighter (she throws a mean right hook). She is brave, loyal, caring and feisty, and she stands up for what she believes in. She's confident and isn't afraid to be herself and stand out from the crowd.

-She has a bit of a big mouth - she can keep it shut about important things, but she babbles sometimes. She's not the most tactful person and she is reckless and unpredictable. She's disorganised and isn't very precise, and she has a short temper, which sometimes gets her into trouble. She isn't good at Potions or Transfiguration, and isn't very co-ordinated - except onstage (weird as that may seem).

Describe your character in three words:
-Feisty, Outgoing, Unique

Favourite place to be:
- Onstage, because that is where Sidda can do what she loves best - perform. It's where she feels at home and happy.

-She has friends at Hogwarts; Briar, Ella, Dan, Beau, Aroha, Ri...
-She has muggle friends that were her besties for years - Spike, Chaz, Jake and Olly. They were all guys - skater boys, and they were her best mates.
-BUT she always likes to make more friends!

Hogwarts House:
- Gryffindor because she's brave, feisty, strong, loyal, caring, and stands up for others and for what she believes in.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- She wants to make friends, pass (always a good thing to do in school), do well in her favourite class(es) (DADA), join the Quidditch team, and get better at her arts (music, drama & dance).

Best school subjects:
- DADA, because she likes the idea of being able to use magic against bullies and bad guys, and because she's quite good at it. She loved flying, but she doesn't do that anymore.

Worst school subjects:
-Transfiguration, because it's very precise and tricky, and Potions, because it's very precise. Sidda isn't so good with precise.

Extracurricular Activities:
- She's in the Glee Club, the Conglomerated Arts club, and the Drama club.

- Not yet. I think it'll be - 2030?

Current Job:
- Uh - she's twelve. No job yet. She did a paper round when she was younger though.

Plans for your future:
- She doesn't know what she wants to get into after Hogwarts - obviously she'd like to sing and do her performing stuff, but she also likes the sound of being a Auror. Time will tell.

Your Patronus:
- Um, she hasn't done that yet, but it would be probably be a wolf, big cat or wild horse.

Your Patronus memory:
- As I said before, she hasn't done that yet, but it would be a memory of being onstage, like in her first big(ish) production or concert, or first time she really skated.

Your Boggart:
-Would be a dead body - an animal, someone she loves, anything like that. Or maybe a world of silence, loneliness and darkness.

Your Animagus:
- If she became one, she would be a big cat, like a tigress or a panther, "golden as the shade/of afternoon in some deep forest glade".

Mirror of Erised:
- She would see herself onstage, performing, with people that she loves in the crowd.

A page from your diary:

I can only hope that this diary turns out better than my last one, which ended up being a list of skateboarding tricks I could do.
So, anyway. Hi. It's me, Siddalee. But you can call me Sidda.

My second year has started, and if I thought I had a lot of homework last year, dang! I have way more this year. I've made some new friends though, like an older boy called Dan, and Briar and I have become closer. I've heard there's gonna be a mean party on summer solstice, so I might check that out. DON'T FORGET!!!
Some things you should know about me:
I'm twelve, as of last week (yay!).
I'm quite crazy
I love performing - singing, dance and drama
I love music (especially rock) from the noughties
I'm tiny - last time I checked, I was under five feet tall (I WILL grow soon, dammit!)
I'm disorganised - hence why all my other diaries failed
I'm a tomboy
I like Quidditch
I'm muggle-born
I'm a witch (don't EVER swap the 'w' for a 'b')
I'm a skateboarder
I throw a mean right hook - I'm a good fighter
So anyway, that's me. Hi.
Funny - this time last year I was a wide-eyed firstie, who didn't know the first thing about magic and missed her friends back home terribly. Now, I'm a seasoned (kinda) second year, who knows a bit about magic, loves Quidditch and missed Hogwarts when she was back home. I know, weird, right?
Anyway, I best be off. All my homework is in a threatening pile beside me, and really, I was just writing in here as a form of procrastination.
Siddalee xoxo

Heyy Hannah,
Firstly, great CD.

I just have a couple of questions for you to help you further develop your character.
You can answer IC or OCC.

1. If Siddalee had a brother would she prefer him to be older or younger? And why?
2. Does Siddalee like her name?
3. If She could have any name in the world, what name would she give herself? And why?
4. Which of her parents is she closest to?
5. What is her favourite qualitiy/trait about people? Least favourite?
6. Would Siddalee ever do something illegal if all her friends were doing it? Why, why not?7. If Siddalee could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be? Why? And what would you do?
8. What is her favourite food, and why is it?
9. Which Electives will Siddalee be taking and why?
10. Where in the world would she most like to live and why?

If any of these questions are confusing say, and I'll explain better.

Thank you! :shy: Look, you made me blush :p

OOC answers, by the way ;)

1. If Siddalee had a brother would she prefer him to be older or younger? And why?
Sidda would like an older brother, because then he could have done things like teaching her to skateboard and fight, rather than her having to learn on her own. Also, she would have liked a big brother to just hang out with - she's very much a tomboy, and having a big brother could have made things easier for her in terms of getting accepted by the guys she hung out with. She did get accepted eventually, but it would have made things easier and faster.
2. Does Siddalee like her name?
Yes, she does. She likes having an unusual name, because that makes her more of an individual — she values individuality a lot. Also, her guy friends used to shorten it to Sid, and as a tomboy, she really liked that. Sometimes she does find the whole 'SSS' thing annoying, though - couldn't her parents have named her so that she WOULDN'T become an example of alliteration?
3. If She could have any name in the world, what name would she give herself? And why?
She likes her name just as it is - although she has many nicknames which she also likes, e.g., Sid, Sidda, Lee, Lee-Lee, etc. She's also always thought that 'The Flying Flame' would be a cool stage name or something. Flying because, well, she's a witch who not only likes flying and Quidditch, but is a damn fast runner. Flame because of her temperament, personality and hair. ;)
4. Which of her parents is she closest to?
Probably her dad. He's a big softie, who loves his little girl and gets a kick out of her fiery personality and her feistiness, not to mention how although she's a tomboy, she and her mother are so alike — although they can never see it. Sidda loves her mum, but her mother often tries to get Sidda to act more lady-like and to be more restrained, demure and girly (not going to happen). They are both very determined, stubborn and feisty though, although neither of them see these similarities. 5. What is her favourite quality/trait about people? Least favourite?
Her favourite would probably be someone who can laugh/take a joke. Her least favourite is people who bully others and are mean to people who are different — she thinks they are selfish and stupid, and is never afraid to tell them exactly what she thinks of them and their behaviour.
6. Would Siddalee ever do something illegal if all her friends were doing it? Why, why not?
It depends what it was. If it was something like stealing or something that could hurt people, she wouldn't do it and would do her damnedest to make her friends stop too. If it was a 'useless/stupid' rule, like skateboarding in a certain area or playing music way too loudly in a public place, Sidda wouldn't mind "bending" it. This is because although Sidda is a rebel and isn't afraid of getting in trouble, she never wants to hurt anyone (unless they're a bully/mean person. Then she has no problem hurting them). She's just a girl who's a bit of a rebel, but doesn't want to hurt people who haven't done anything wrong.
7. If Siddalee could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be? Why? And what would you do?
It would probably be one of her favourite musicians, like the band 'Kings of Leon' or Joan Jett or 30 Seconds to Mars or Paramore. She would like to spend the day with these kind of people because they are some of her favourite musicians, and she looks up to them and would like to learn from them. They would probably do music stuff - jam together, write a song together, or they could teach Sidda more music stuff, or go to a concert, or perform together (Sidda would probably especially love the last one). Sidda loves music - it's something she's very good at and it's a big part of her life, so this is why she would want to spend the day with one of her favourite musicians.
8. What is her favourite food, and why is it?
Her favourite food is either pizza (with plenty of cheese) or panna cotta (a vanilla-flavoured Italian dessert).
9. Which Electives will Siddalee be taking and why?
Sidda will be taking CoMC and Muggle Studies. CoMC because she likes to be outside and to do practical things, and Muggle Studies because she's thinking about maybe becoming an Auror, and to be one she needs Muggle Studies.
10. Where in the world would she most like to live and why?
She doesn't know - she hasn't travelled much, but is very much a city girl, and so maybe somewhere like Auckland, New York or London would be good. She loves a nice big city with a good music scene and some good skate parks, so she could end up anywhere.

Here you go, hope it helps to solve the "mystery of the under-developed character!" :p

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