Closed Should've Been More Careful

Rosie Archer

kind; princess of flowers; accio! photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (17)
Rosie was a little shell-shocked. She was sitting on a bed in the hospital wing, with her hands resting upon her stomach. She could admit they had been less than careful, that maybe she should've been smarter about it, but she hadn't been, and this was it. She was pregnant. Rosie could admit it wasn't the biggest surprise, the symptoms that she'd had, had been morning sickness, and it had been pretty obvious but, to have it be confirmed, she wasn't just a little dazed. She wasn't far along, just about two months, she was likely due in late September. So she'd at least be able to graduate, no issue. But, still. Pregnant. Rosie knew she had to tell people, but a part of her was almost a little embarrassed by it. Though there was no question about she'd do. She just had to go tell people, her sister, her dad, Xinyi. She was happy but, she knew she should've been more careful.
Mallory was getting heavily pregnant now, and had taken to visiting the hospital wing at least once a week to chat with the staff and do general checkups. She was in for one of her weekly visits now, when she saw one of her older students looking upset. Mallory waddled over, her slips ons scuffing a little against the floor. "Hello, Rosie!" She greeted, sitting on the edge of the girls bed with a heavy sigh. "How are you? Is everything alright?"
Rosie heard someone entered the hospital wing, and for a moment her hands moved to her side, to be on the bed, as if to hide what she'd been touching. It was a professor, an old professor of Rosie's now, given that she was a seventh year and this professor taught up to fourth. But she had always appreciated the woman's kindness. "Professor Corrins," she greeted, "Or it's Professor Grayveson now right?" she said, before her gazed moved to the fact the woman was pregnant, much further along than Rosie was. "Yeah. How far along are you now?" she asked, half ignoring the questions the woman had asked her.
Mallory smiled warmly at the girl, one hand behind her for support and the other resting lightly on her stomach. "Oh, about seven months," She replied. "It is Grayveson now, thank you." She unthinkingly put her thumb to her wedding ring. "We're almost there- Peter will hopefully wait for the break," She chuckled. "How have you been, my dear?"
Rosie's eyes widened, seven months. She could help but imagine herself at seven months. She knew it would be okay, that her family would support her, but it still felt a little unreal. "You're having a boy?" she asked gently, thinking that Peter was a beautiful name for a boy. Though, Rosie knew it could just as much be the professor's partner's name. "I've been...okay. A little sick as of late, but it's..." she trailed off. Looking at the professor and then away. "But it's okay, turns out it's just morning sickness,"
Mallory nodded, smiling. "Yes, Peter Grayveson," She nodded, patting her belly as she said his name. She was surprised when Rosie finally spoke, and Mallory turned slightly, reaching out and trying to place her hand on Rosie's. "Sweetheart," She murmured. "Would you like to come to my office?" She offered gently. "We could have some tea, chat."
Rosie gave a little smile, and then nodded. Peter Grayveson was a wonderful name. Rosie herself had no idea what she would name this baby she had. She wasn't sure if it was too early, if she should wait to think about for when she told Xinyi. "It's okay, I'm okay," she said softly, not wanting to infringe upon the professor's time. "It's a bit of a shock and a bit earlier than I might've wanted, but it's's not a bad thing...," Rosie said. "Just a lot, and I know my partner, will be happy, but it's just...a lot,"
Mallory nodded slowly, keeping her hand on the girls. "Yes, Xinyi Huang wasn't it?" She could only imagine he would be thrilled by the news- his sun had always rose and set on Rosie, she remembered that much from when he would stash away in her office to draw in peace. "I hope you realize you have support. Myself of course, your sister, Soren, and I know Tyra will dote on you- she's practically adopted you both already," Mallory smiled. "Why, Miss Archer, we're practically family." She squeezed Rosie's hand. "What can I do to help?"
Rosie hadn't really expected the professor to know or remember those kinds of details. She knew that of all the people she was to tell about this, she was sure his reaction would be the one she least needed to worry about. It was new and it was a little scary, but she felt certain of their love. "Thanks professor," she said sincerely. "I know my dad will probably be okay with it, I'm young, but...he'll support me," she said it with confidence. Since for all the things she knew about her dad, support her, her sister and her brother was what he did. She knew Aurora would too, and Soren. "I think I just need a hug," she said with a little laugh. "I'm happy, this is a good thing, but it's a lot too,"
Mallory smiled and offered out her arms a bit. "What about a side hug? I'm afraid Peter kicks a bit," She warned her playfully. "I'm glad you'll have all the support you need. I hope you know you can count me among those supporters." She offered gently, before smiling. "If you'd like, when you're ready, you can swing by my office and we can talk about baby things?"
Rosie nodded eagerly, and leaned into the hug which was being offered. Appreciating and needing the support from this woman in this moment. "I'd like that," Rosie said softly. Knowing that there wouldn't be too many others that she'd be able to talk to about it. She didn't want it to take over her life while she was still in school but having an outlet to talk about it would be good.
Mallory hummed, rubbing her hand gently over Rosie's back. "My office door is always open to you," She told her. "And don't forget to reach out to Tyra for some nice comfy robes. Soren will be sure to write his mother the second he finds out if you don't." She teased gently, keeping the girl close for as long as she wanted.
Rosie nodded at the offer, knowing that now more than ever she was likely to take the professor up on the offer, she nodded at the offer, but she had to figure she'd be out of school before that really became an issue. "I'm sure Aurora won't let me forget," she said softly, knowing that her sister was probably going to go overboard with being over-protective.
Mallory chuckled. "I'm sure that Aurora isn't the only one who's going to be overprotective of you." She rubbed Rosie's back. "Do you want to talk about it? About anything?" She offered, sitting back a little and giving the girl a gentle smile. "Has it really sunk in yet?"
Rosie laughed lightly, she knew she'd likely end up with a little army of overprotective people, but she was sure it would be okay. "It's okay. It's sunk in, mostly," Rosie said. "I didn't really plan to have a baby just out of school, but I guess who does."
Mallory chuckled. "I knew a student a few years back who had twins during their sixth year. It's not always planned." She offered out her hand. "But that doesn't matter so much, it can be a good thing if it's what you want." She promised. "It's definitely scary, but life is scary."

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