
Art Rook

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Art was walking the streets of Obsidian harbor picking up a few things for his green house. He was running low on mooncalf dung and his gloves had worn quite a bit over the past few months. He just had a few more things on his list when he walked past Flourish and Blotts, Maybe I could pick something up for Ashton... Hes always his nose in a book, I can't think of anything else he would like Art thought looking through the window of the store. It looked rather empty, well its not like there were any students buying supplies. Art continued to look into the store with a sad look on his face, he wondered what his other son Johnny would have liked if things had not turned out the way they had. No don't think about him, he was better off in that... Place Art thought with a sigh.
Rushing was always on Julie's mind, whether it be rushing getting things for herself, or rushing getting things for others. But today was like any other, Julie was actually taking her time, and letting herself enjoy the shopping, and all the time that she had. Julie had a few bags on her arms, filled with things for herself, wedding presents for Caysi, but of course, that was in a month. Julie had already gotten them a few gifts but this was one especially for her daughter. She walked into a man. " Oh, I'm so sorry." She said bending down on her knees to pick up some things that dropped from her bag.
Art was just about to pull himself together and continue his shopping when he felt something run into him. He looked over to see it was a woman picking up some things. Instantly Art dropped down and began helping the woman collect her things, "Its fine, actually you just pulled me out of some... thoughts" he said with a small smile. Art noticed the woman was actually very attractive, Thats odd, I haven't even thought about women or dating since the divorce... he thought holding out something to her.
Julie smiled. " Oh, I'm terribly sorry for that." She said taking the items that were near her and putting them in her purse. She took the item from the man's hand. " Thank Merlin you had that, it's a present." She laughed. " Thank you." Julie said as she stood up. " I'm Julie, Julie Finnigan, by the way." She smiled widely to show her pearly white teeth.
"Oh no, I would rather not think about them anyways...." Art trailed off before snapping back into reality. He smiled when she said it was a present, "Getting you Christmas shopping done early?" Art asked. Art stood up soon after the woman as she introduced her self, "Nice to meet you Julie, I'm Art" he replied thinking of what a pretty name Julie was.
Julie shook her head. " Actually, it's a wedding present." She nodded. Showing him the car key. " It's car, but a respectful one." She laughed. " I like your name, it's very unique." She smiled. " I actually wish that I was getting my shopping done early, but that never seems to be the case any year, there's always to much to do. " Julie shook her head.
Ashton nodded when he saw the car key, if it hand't have been for his ex wife Art would have been completely confused Would you stop thinking about her already!? That ***** left you just because of magic when all those years you put up with her muggle crap! And she sent your son away to a mental institute he yelled at himself in his head. "Oh, well congratulations" Art replied respectfully. He mumbled a quick thank-you when she complemented his name, "I like yours to" he replied blushing a little wishing he hadn't said that. Art laughed a little when Julie talked about never getting her shopping done early, "Same with me, I'm a bit of a procrastinator my self" Art replied.
Julie smiled, and blushed. No one had ever told her that her name was nice, not even her ex husband. Noticing that he didn't have a ring on his finger, she assumed that he was single. " So what were you shopping here today for?" She asked Art. Julie was nervous, she didn't know why. She hoped that he couldn't tell that she was.
Art looked down at his feet a bit awkwardly, why was talking to Julie so nerve wracking. He looked up again at her when she asked what he was here shopping for, "Oh umm" he said trying to remember, "Oh yes, I was picking up some things for my plants, and a new pair of dragon skin gloves, I'm a herbologist you see" Art said glad he hadn't gotten around to picking up the mooncalf dung yet, this conversation would have been by far worse.
Julie nodded, so he was into magic. " I loved learning Herbology back at Hogwarts." She said. " Which one did you go to?" She asked him. Julie's palms were sweaty, and her head was hot, if her cheeks got any warmer global warming would've been done with sooner. " I'm really sorry, but I'm just nervous, that's why I'm rambling." She said, it was better to get out with the truth rather than people thinking that someone was crazy.
Wow, pretty and likes herbology? I must be dreaming Art thought almost missing her question, "Hogwarts Scotland, yourself?" Art asked, he didn't think it could have been Hogwarts, he was sure they would have met, although Julie did look a few years younger. Art gave a quiet laugh when she said she was nervous, "At least I'm not the only one" he admitted, "Who's nervous that is... Well I guess I'm rambling also" he added.
Julie nodded her head. " That's where I went too. " She smiled. " I was in Slytherin." She said, but she still can't believe that fact to this day.. that Julie was in that house. She shook her head. " Nope, I'm also glad that I'm not the only one." She laughed quietly. " What house were you in at Hogwarts?" She asked him. Julie looked at Art really carefully, he was actually quite a handsome man, and why he wasn't married yet.. was beyond her.
Ashton was having a hard time believing that Julie was in Slytherin, although he had just met her. "I was in Ravenclaw, its the family house" Art said with a smile. He was proud that his son had made it into Ravenclaw, although he would have still been proud with any other house. Art looked down again and noticed there was no ring on Julie's hand, "I'm sorry for being so forward, but would you like to go out sometime? Maybe?" he asked blushing a little. Oh how manly he thought causing even more embaresment.
Julie nodded, some of her friends were in Ravenclaw, quite a popular house at that time. " Yes, I'd like to actually." She nodded. " Don't be sorry about being forward, I was the one who went straight forward into you.. literally." She said laughing quietly to herself. She hoped that he would at least laugh back, now she wished she hadn't had said that.
Art's smile brightened when Julie agreed to go out with him, "Great!" he said cheerfully. Art laughed along with Julies joke, it wasn't that it was that funny, he was just in a great mood. "How about dinner sometime? Hey, why don't we go tonight?" he asked eager to learn more about the charming woman he had just met.
Julie smiled. " Sure, that sounds great!" She replied back to him. Julie knew that she shouldn't have pulled at joke, but whatever. " Do you want me to meet you somewhere?" She asked him, wanting to know how this was going to work with the handsome man that she met.
Art thought for a moment before answering her, "Well how about we meet up around 6 at the docks. I know this great restaurant in wellington, that is if you don't mind muggle dining" Art suggested with a smile his nervousness growing steadily. This was going to be his first date since he was twenty, it was never racking.
Julie nodded. " Sure, that sounds great." She smiled. Julie would have to go out and buy herself a new outfit, shoes, bag, the whole works. " Muggle dining, is perfectly alright with me." She grinned. " I'll meet you there, I gotta run now, but I'll be there." She gave a wave and was on her way to get her new dress. She was so happy that she could feel the happiness everywhere around her, and around her body.

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