Shopping of my own

Azkadellia Elysian

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
It was now the holidays and the Halfway House was doing some more business than usual, something which Azkadellia preferred, it kept her busy. Although the children didn’t stay in the house too often, especially as they had school supplies to get, so Azkadellia got some free time to herself. Sticking close to the Village, Harbour and the Mall so she could keep an eye on the children she walked around a few of the shops herself, always keeping an eye out for something for herself. With a small sigh she continued her window shopping, she was getting a bit lonely as of late. Sure it was great having the children but they didn’t want to hang about with the Matron, she missed her own friends from Bulgaria but still didn’t regret moving to New Zealand.
It was winter and Emer wrapped herself in her favourite woollen jersey to take Faxen out shopping for her school supplies. Ollivander's was in good hands with her assistants, and it was nice to be out and about for a change. The cool air turned Emer's cheeks and ears pink and made her feel fresh and alive.

Faxen saw a friend and Emer said she could go and say hi, and introduce Ollie, so that she could have a moment to herself. She loved the kids, but sometimes she needed grownup time. She wondered if she'd see her only witch friend, Merry, about, but realised she'd probably be busy with her own shop at the Mall.

She was absentmindedly window shopping when she saw a gorgeous top in a shop display. Looking more closely, however, she realised it wasn't in the window display (she was standing outside the apothecary!), it was a reflection in the window. Turning to look at who the reflection belonged to, Emer saw a beautiful witch, a little younger than her, and being the friendly person she was, Emer said, "Hi! That's a beautiful top! Aren't you a little cold though?" She laughed to show she didn't mean any offense, and the sound was like birdsong.
Azkadellia didn’t take much notice to the shops she was looking into; she didn’t need supplies from most of them. She stopped outside of the Apothecary and wondered if she needed any potion supplies for when the children got sick – she wasn’t a potions master but she was a dab hand at some medicines. She didn’t take much mind as people walked past her or stopped to look in at the shop windows beside her. When she figured she didn’t need anything for now she was about to turn and continue walking down along the Harbour. Just as she turned she saw a blonde haired woman speaking to her. Smiling at the woman’s words Azkadellia replied, “Thank you. And this is mild to what I’m compared to during winter back home.” she said with a small laugh.
Emer's eyes lit up at the sound of the woman's accent, she loved travelling and meeting people from all over the world. "Oh, where's home for you?" she asked, "and what brings you to Obsidian Harbour?" She realised it had been a long time since she'd had an adult conversation. Her hair flicked behind her in the cool winter breeze and Emer was glad for her jersey. This woman must be from somewhere really cold! Maybe in the far north, Emer guessed.
“Bulgeria!” Azkadellia replied with a small smirk, noticing the woman’s eye lighting up as she must have heard Azkadellia’s accent, it was definitely different from anyone else’s around her, something that made her stand out more than he choice of clothing. “I own the Halfway House in Brightstone and I’ve got some free time while the children are out getting their supplies for the new school year.” she answered the woman, wondering the woman had expected some more elaborate like a shopping trip half way around the World. “You live nearby, yes?” she asked, recognising the accent.
"Bulgaria! Wow, now that's somewhere I've never been. What made you move to New Zealand? It must be quite different." Emer smiled. She knew well how difficult the small differences from home could be to live with. "Well, it's nice to meet you. It must be tough looking after other people's kids. Especially in the teenage years. I have five kids of my own," she grinned, "So I know what it's like. Oh yes, I'm Emer. I live in Collingwood but I work here in Obsidian Harbour. I own Ollivander's."
Azkadellia was a bit overwhelmed by the woman's enthuasiam over her home country, this just goes to show how out of it she wasn when it came to having an adult conversation. Then again most of the her children were interested in hearing about her home country and how different it was from New Zealand or wherever it was they were from - with a number of children coming from all over the World. "I suppose like so many I needed a change of scenery and I have friends who live here now." she answered the woman, referring to Rosaline - even if she didn't know Rosaline lived here before she moved herself. "It is very different but New Zealand is starting to feel like home to me having lived here for a few years." she answered the woman a content smile on her lips.

Azkadellia shrugged in reply to the woman's statement, agreeing and disagreeing at the same time. "It's definitely hard at times but I love my job, I wouldn't have lasted as long as have if I didn't." she said, laughing softly at her words, knowing people who wouldn't be able to look after a child for five minutes let alone all day everyday. "Five?! Nothing compared to what I have but that's still quite a lot for one person." she said, impressed. "Oh, pleasure to meet you Emer, I'm Azkadellia." she introduced herself forgetting her manners previously. "Oh you own Ollivander's?! I'm surprised you aren't up to your eyeballs in wands right now. I know my own children have already got their wands but they told me that it's very busy." she said, knowing herself that the wand shop is always one of the busiest before a new year.

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