Shopping For The Brat

Carson Shaw

OOC First Name
Willow Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Star Dust
Carson strutted around Obsidian Harbor like she owned the place, it was just in her nature. Her short brown dress flowed around her and gave the affect that she was gliding along. Carson had been trained since she could walk to act this way. Shaw women were graceful, Shaw women were beautiful, Shaw women acted liked the own'd everybody and everything. Over the years Carson had even begun to believe it. Carson brushed her long brown hair out of her face and looked around, she just needed to pick up something for her niece and honestly had no idea what to get the little brat. Honestly the kid acted nothing like a Shaw. She was messy, she was loud, she was rude. Obviously her brother and sister in-law were not taking their jobs as parents seriously.

Carson stopped out side of Gladrags and smiled, maybe a dress for the brat. Carson was sure that with her influence their could be hope for her niece after all. Soon Carson was caught up in thoughts of shoes and dress's and jewelry. If anyone saw Carson at the moment they would laugh at the dreamy expression she got on her face whenever she started thinking about clothing and fashion. Pink! Yes pink! All little girls love pink, no matter how loud and dirty they are Carson thought, I wonder if 5 is to young for heels... Oh well, she had better start learning now! she added a delighted smile appearing on her face.
James had no Idea what the purpose of coming to Obsidian was, unless you were going to busk for money with the best talent that any one could be blessed with; Music. James had set up at the front of the local Jewelry store extra early, simply because it was the spot to get the most attention. Women in the Wizarding world wanted Jewelery, and husbands and boyfriends had to tag along - hence bringing in the customers. For a slightly thick man, James knew a thing or two about getting attention his way. Sitting on a stool, and beginning to strum his guitar, James began to play an acoustic guitar version of 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word.'​

Leaning back in his seat as he began to sing, the melodic tones left James' mouth like words coming from an angel,
"What have I got to do to make you love me
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there... No, No."

The lyrics were smooth, and went well with the guitar. Following his humming of words, James continued to play the guitar, ending the song with a long strum of the strings. Widening his eyes, James took note of the woman who had just recently entered the Jewelers. What a handsome young lady she was! Shaking the thought aside, James quickly jumped to the conclusion that he would never be with any one so beautiful. Strumming his guitar once more, the musician leaned back in the stool once more - continuing his cover of the song.​
Carson entered the store and started shopping around. She was picking up anything she thought was cute. Carson was sure her niece would love the gifts. Once she was finished paying Carson excited the store with the intent of going home to get ready for a party later that night but instead got caught up in a beautiful song. Carson turned around and watched as the man finished. Normally Carson wasn't one for complements, but then again so few people deserved them. Carson walked up and placed a few galleons in his guitar case, "That was wonderful" she said giving him her fake smile.
James found himself in his train of song again, and it was only a moment or so into that train of song that he found himself finishing off. The woman that he had seen earlier, the beautiful and fantastic woman was heading his way. Her words seemed meant, but her smile - more fake than the Seer set up just two stores down. Placing his guitar to his side, James stood from his stool and held out his hand to the woman, staring in oar. The fake smile was forgotten the moment he looked into the fabulous womans eyes.
"Thank you! I'm James Sal. I er - Have a single I'm handing out if you want one?" James invited with a slightly crooked smile.

Being the person he was, even though he wasn't the most skinny or handsome man in the world, James was confident enough to be five men; in which were in prime shape. His confidence levels were blooming really, and most of it (today) was due to the fact that this woman had come over to him simply on the urge she had to congratulate him on his skill, and applaud him. Whether this woman was interested in James or not, he didn't care - for this one moment, he had to assume she was! Picking up his guitar once more, James strummed a string or two, looking at the woman before him.
"Care to hear an Original piece?" his words were welcoming. He wasn't much of a talker when it came to woman, but, he would communicate through music in whatever way possible. In fact, those close to James would more or less call his life a musical.
Carson diverted her eyes as the man tried to look into them, she hated looking people in the eyes. The first thing they would notice was that she had one blue eye and one silver one, something she was not proud of. "Um sure" Carson replied when the man asked if she wanted a single. The mans kind of music was not one that she was used to but from what she had heard she liked it allot. Carson really didn't want to be seen talking to this man more then she had too, what if one of her friends showed up? She would get kicked out of the group, a fate worse then death. Carson was just about to leave when the man began to play again and she just had to stay to listen. Carson just nodded when the man asked if she wanted to hear something else. Of course right afterwards she looked around to make sure no one she knew was lurking around.
After asking the woman if she wanted a Copy of his single, her words were some what unconvincing but none the less, James didn't care. Leaning into his back pack, he removed a copy of his single and handed it to the woman that was before him, "There you go!" he grinned as he got back into playing the guitar. Strumming the strings quickly, James began his original peace for the woman before him and in fact, he wasn't sure how she was going to take it. This lady seemed to be some what prim and proper, and the next piece was going to be some rock and roll. Before he could finish thinking, James' fingers began to work even faster and soon enough, the vocal parts came in.

"Be my! Be My! Be my little evil witch thannnnng!
Your hair, your hair, it bobs like a cauldron in the sea...
Your face... is pale... as pale as my little white snail....
Be My! Be My! Be my little evil witch thannnng!

James cocked an eye brow at his singing and started bouncing from leg to leg excitedly as he strummed the guitar quickly. He suddenly stopped on his feet, and strummed a long motion through the guitar. Smiling to the woman before him, James leaned forward as if to bow, throwing his hand forward in front of his stomach.
"Just a little piece I've been workin' on. It's not much, but you knowwww...." he smiled to the audience member.
Carson took the CD from the man and stuffed it deep into her purse taking a mental note to listen to it later. Carson became a little consirned when the mans playing to become faster until finally he began singing. At first Carson was a little speechless but soon she was trying to hold down laughter. James seriously needed to work on his song writing skills if he was going to keep writing songs like that. "That was um... interesting" Carson replied once she got her composer back. Just then Carson saw someone she really didn't want to see at the moment walking down the streets, "Oh poop, I have to go" Carson said trying to duck into the crowd. Unfortunately her bags were not helping and she couldn't get away in time.

Jessica was doing a little bit of her favorite pass time, shopping for the upcoming wedding. She was about to head back home when she saw her 'friend' Carson... with some strange man who was obviously out of their social status. Oh this was just to good of an opportunity to pass up. She smirked as she saw Carson trying to dart away but she was to slow for Jessica. "Like oh my god! Carson, what are you doing here?!" Jessica exclaimed before giving her friend a hug and giving her air kisses. Before she could even let Carson get a few words in Jessica turned to the... large man, "So whose your friend Carson?" Jessica asked giving him a wink. "You know I'm sure Marry and the others would love to hear who you spend your free time with" Jessica added in a very *****y voice before pulling her sun glasses away from her eyes.

Carson was panicking on the inside, what would Jessica think seeing her with... James?! Carson of course put on a happy face and hugged her friend back, "Oh you know just doing a little Christmas shopping" Carson replied in her bubbly with friends voice. Carson held back a glare as Jessica asked her about James she was coming up with an answer in her head when Jessica fired back. That was it, no one would ruin her reputation, "Oh and I'm also sure Alice would love to hear that your sleeping with her dad" Carson snapped right back. She gave an evil smirk at the horrified look on Jessica's face, it was a very satisfying sight. "Oh you didn't think I knew honey? Maybe you should remember to keep a lock on your journal next time" Carson added in a sickly sweet voice. She laughed a little as Jessica gave a huff and walked off.

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