Shop till you drop.

Dec smiled as he sipped his drink. "So will I be seeing you in the morning too?.....And then the next morning after that.....and then...yeah you get the jist..." Dec flirted, turning to face Alexis, then smiling sweetly, but cheekily at her. He placed his hand at the side of her neck then leaned into kiss her lips. "Heyyy, my house, I'll call you YOU as much as I like..." Dec said with a little chuckle, before kissing Alexis again. "And you can't've got me and my lips to keep you company..." Dec said, being purposely vein as he continued to flirt with Alexis.

Alexis smiled at Dec "do i have much choice"she asked him.Alis leaned into him and rested her head on Decs soulders. "oh will you now"she giggled then kissed him.and kept her head on his shoulder for about 5 minutes more. she smilled up at him sliping her head off of his shoulder curling up in a ball and lying with her head in his lap.She reached up and began to fiddle with his hand. she turned her head and smiled at him "so what you want to do?" she asked him with a wink.
Dec laughed as Alexis asked what he wanted to do. "Well judging by that wink, I'm gonna need to show you upstairs." Dec replied playfully, as he allowed Alexis to fiddle with his hand. Dec smiled to himself as he waited for Alexis' reply. "Come On." Dec said, gently moving Alexis' head from his lap, then standing up, holding his hand out to Alexis for her to take. "I said Come On Beautiful..." Dec charmed as he smiled at Alexis cheekily and flickered his eyebrows at her.
Alexis smiled at him, she sat up nd help Decs hand.when dec stood up she dropped his hand and kept her eyes locked to his.She then re took his hand and got up in one swift movement. "And i said im coming charming" she smiled at him holding hi hand in two of hers. She stood infrom of him and looked up to him.
Alexis smiled back at him. Once they had entered the bedroom Alexis smiled and ran,in a little girly sort of way, towards tjher window. He had an amazing veiw. She wondered what it was like,down on the shore. she didnt believe that he could be virtually living on the beach. Alixis smiled and turned around to face him. "Its big..."she said taking a few steps back and leaning against the wall admiring the pure size of the room. She smiled and then winked at Dec.
Dec smiled as Alexis ran into the room and looked out the window. He slowly followed her over and laughed when she spoke. "What's big?" He asked cheekily, putting his hands on her waist as she leaned against the wall. "Oh you mean my room...yeah I know..." Dec laughed before leaning in and kissing Alexis passionately on the lips. His hands moved up to either side of Alexis' neck as he continued to kiss her.
Alexis smiled at dec keeping her eyes locked on his for the time being."oi, smart arse... stop being so ful of yourself."she laughed wrpping her arms around his lower abck. Alexis smiled through the kiss, slowly but surely moving her arms from his back to his neck. She smiled to herself and ruffled up his hair abit.she continued to kiss him.
Dec smiled as Alexis ruffled his hair up while they kissed. "Hey I'm sorry I can't help it." Dec said with a laugh. "But you love it really." Dec said, kissing her once more, before leading her over to the bed. Dec took off his shirt then lay down on his back, waiting for Alexis to join him.
Alexis giggled the said "how can you be so sure" she laughed. Alixs kissed him back and followed Des over tpo the bed and smiled at him. instead of following him on to the bed she sat down on the side of the bed and looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.
Dec sat up and hugged Alexis from behind as she sat on the side of the bed. "Because...if you didn't love wouldn't be here." Dec said with a laugh, before lying down, pulling Alexis down on top of him as a joke. "Oh Woops..." Dec said with a cheeky smile, before winking at Alexis.
Alexsi smiled, it was true she did enjoy her time with him and probably wouldnt hav it any other way.Alexis trned round to him now kneeling on the edge of the bed facing dec. She smiled and leant over him her face and body inches away from touching him. She smiled and backed away a little before going closer ti him than she was before then backed away again.
"Hey make your mind up will you?" Dec joked as he led there. Dec waited till she backed away for the final time then gently put his hands around her waist and pulled her onto him. "You don't fool me...ya tease..." Dec said, before closing his eyes, and kissing her passionately on the lips, still lying on his back as he continued the kiss for a while.
"what if i cant make decisions? what if i want you to make them all for me?" she said smiling.she laughed when she felt his arms around her waist and she oppled ont hi.Alexis placed her hand either side of Decs neck and leant into him and kissed him, she kept the kiss going. She thought about what had haapened that day, she met Dc in the pub and now less than 2 hours latrer she could spend time with him for the rest of the day, she smiled at this tought.
Dec smiled as Alexis toppled onto him. After a long and passionate kiss, Dec rolled over, so that he was on top of Alexis. "I think this is better...if you want me to make the decisions for you." Dec said, as he began to lift his t-shirt up, but stopped half-way. "Yes?" He asked, before removing his shirt.
OOCOut of Character:
i was certain i had posted :p and this is rubbish, no brain and a head ache

Alexis smiled, and laughed as thetwo exchanged places,instea ofspeaking she just nodded and smiled. she rested her head on ther front of his shoulder blade.
Alexis's smile grew."i wouldnt be able to say anything," she kissed him back and looked into his eyes, she wondered what he was thinking about, she did love him to but she wanted to to leave it for a few minutes longer before she showed anything.
Dec smiled, he guessed her not being able to respond to those three important words was a good thing. " know I do.....Love You that is..." Dec said shyly, as he looked at Alexis, shyly but sweetly. He had never told a girlfriend that he loved them before, it was a strange feeling for Dec.
alexis samiled and thoguth about her past she had never had a boy in her life. she wondered what it waould be like now.she smielde at him then giggled . she shifted her self forward closer to dec.
Dec put his arm around Alexis as she lay there. He smiled at her as she moved closer to him. He really did love her, and hoped that she felt the same way, but was just to shy to say it. "So......are you gonna reply?" Dec asked, hoping she'd reply with the right answer.
Alixis smiled.she put her finger up to his lips and gently pressed, in order to quieten him. She nodded and then kissed him. she was too shy to say it, but maybe she could show it in a different way.she moved closer still so hat their bodys conectedshe hoped that her actions were strong enough to show her feelings. shen kissed him again and agin.
Dec witnessed her nod and smiled as he kissed her. He was glad that he had finally been able to tell a girl that he loved her. And Dec meant every word, which was why he was so happy that she loved him back. Dec lay relaxed on his back as his hand rested on the side of Alexis' neck. He closed his eyes as he continued to kiss her. Every kiss felt better and better, he hoped he and Alexis would last. "Stay with me tonight..." Dec requested, he wanted to spend every minute with Alexis at the moment.
Alexis smiled she was over joyed,thus sheding 1 or 2 tears of happyness. ske kissed him th ears rolling of her face, she stopped and smiled at him. "i will" she smiled and laguhed. she wrapped her arms around his lower back and continued the kiss. she thought about izy and tom. They should alrigh fro one night. she wanted to spend her life with this man, she hoped it would last.
"Good." Dec said happily as Alexis kissed him. He wondered what Alexis was thinking right now, but he would leave all the details until later. For now, he just wanted to spend every moment with her. "Cause that means I get you all to myself." He told Alexis sweetly as he stroked his hand down her hair, then slowly down her back. Dec closed his eyes as he held Alexis close to him. Dec felt like his worries were all gone now that he had Alexis. Just knowing that he had someone to cuddle and kiss, comforted Dec a lot. "I'm tired." Dec said, before yawning. It was beginning to get dark as the sun hid behind the wavey sea that neighboured Dec's house.

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