Shooters Effect

Edward thought on the question. Or at least he pretended to think on it before he smirked at Erica. "Let's do it tomorrow" He said holing she would be on board with such a quick turn around. All he knew was he didn't want to go another day without being with her and his son. Running into had almost been like fate, all his feelings came rushing back and it was soon clear they had never really gone away. Erica's reaction to his suggestion was better than he could have hoped for as she negan to pull upstairs. He returned her kiss wralping his arms around her so he could lift her up the stairs amd I to his bedroom."I wouldn't have it any other way," He smirked and resumed kissing her as he closed the door behind them.
Never in Erica's life would she imagine being reunited with the man that she loved. This was one of her happiest days, a milestone indeed. Erica lied her head on Edward's chest and pulled the blanket closer to her. She traced her fingers on his chest up to his chin, then his jaw. "How is your brother doing?" a random question popped up in her mind. And by brother she meant Anthony. He was her buddy and they used to get into each others nerves. She actually missed him, as a friend of course. Maybe she should drink with him and really spend a quality time. "Nevermind we'll talk about him some other time, right now it's just you and me" she leaned over to kiss his lips.

- Done -​

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