Shining Bright

Lizzie Parker-Taylor

🦁energetic🦁confident🦁 . 🦁kaikōura kea beater🦁
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Daisy ) ( Lesbian
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/2030 (33)
Although they weren't familiar, Lizzie's next delivery was another easy one. Eleanor was a Prefect, so Lizzie had some idea what she looked like, and she was head of the Wild Patch, so it wasn't hard to figure out where she might be easily found. The warm summer sun felt ideal for this sort of delivery as Lizzie made her way through the gardens, looking for Eleanor. Luckily she spotted her relatively quickly, making her way over to the older girl with a cheerful smile. "Hi, you're Eleanor Hope, right? You were probably responsible for growing these, but I'm here to give one back to you!" She said with a small laugh, gesturing with her basket of roses.
It wasn't a surprise that Eleanor was in the Wild Patch yet again. She loved being outdoors and the warm sun that day made it perfect for gardening. The girl had finished growing all of the roses for Valentine's Day but she found herself on her hands and knees in the dirt growing more, excited for next year when she would be giving them away again. As a Gryffindor approached her, Ellie stood up. "Oh! You have a rose for me?" Eleanor said, quite shocked at the fact someone was sending her own rose to her. She smiled at the girl, hoping it was a good one.
Lizzie laughed and nodded, digging around in her basket for a moment. She pulled out the bright yellow bloom and its card, cheerfully handing them over to Eleanor. "Here you go!" She said happily. "Happy Valentines Day!"

Here's a rose of friendship, because you are a great friend. Someone I truly appreciate daily. Stop by the sweet store any time!


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