She's the itty-bitty evil twin

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Kyleigh Rodriguez

Active Member
OOC First Name
Poison Ivy Wood 13 inches With Grapes Sap

Full Name: Kyleigh Sophia Rodriguez
Personality: She might be a harmless young adult outside
but inside she's thinking about mean things about you.
She's frank when she doesn't like anything about you at all
and will always say the truth the insult way.
But half of this is a soft side which her twin sister doesn't have,
she can be friend easily if you are trustworthy.
Itty-bitty History: Kyleigh is the twin sister of Lexi and as well as Alexia who
died years ago and to Angelbert. Kyleigh was born with a heart disease
and was home schooled all her life. On 2026, she finished high school and
her wizarding achivements. She too have been given a new heart was out and about.
Kyleigh dreamers of becoming an Auror or at the Ministry.
Purpose of coming in this sub-forum:
My purpose is simple and easy, Kyleigh needs friends as well as few enemies and some love may do.
I don't ask for anything, just this.
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