She's Back ... Back again

Cassiah West

Madden-West Family | Sweet & Spicy | Better
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation

What a whirlwind of a year from getting pregnant to raising my pandemic baby (She's one and a nutter butter). While pregnant, I had to sit out HNZ (pregnant brain is for real). Talk about late night feedings and no sleep but it got better eventually. Unfortunately, writer's block mode is still on and I got into Animal Crossing (I've restarted my island 5 times already. Tom Nook is just a hustler) and I just recently got my island to 5 star (What now?). I got bored and started to think about HNZ (But how am I gonna do it while there's a nutter butter? Hint: It's a youtube hit for kids xD). Right now I'm doing a bit of topics with the people I currently have plots with BUT I think I'm fully ready to stay. With that said, I'm open to plots. Please see my main IC for all of the characters.

Anyways, Love to be back. Miss y'all
Welcome back to HNZ, Alex!

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