She's All That

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Avarice Reilly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 12 1/2" Flexible Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core

No fancing coding, just a character in need.

So Here is Avarice Eema Vanity.
Formerly Eema Falcona

She was someone else character before she became mine.
So, I completely changed her, but here she is. Ready to do
some RPing.

Avarice is a 6th year Beauxbatons Student, who spent the
first 8 years of her life in Scotland. But due to a change in
family, She moved to France. Avarice, is a friendly and chatty
student. She likes to work hard, and once she sets her mind
on something, she won't stop until she has it, or achieves it.
Avarice has always been in shadow of her two older sisters,
Aphrodisia Cassie Vanity and Penchant Bela Vanity. Who have
both done well so far in life. Avarice loves fashion, but doesn't
force other to like it. She doesn't like putting her personal views
on to others. Overall Ava is just quite nice. A little obsessive.
And with boys can be a little flirty. But she's just looking to have
fun, and be herself.

So She needs Friends. I'm not fussed about who they are, or the ages.
Avarice, would get along with most people. Someone who thought they
were superior would be the type that Ava doesn't like. She's friendly,
so it would be easy to get talking. Ava doesn't instantly trust anyone.
She'll make it seem like they have her full trust but that takes time.
But she is very loyal to her friends and will stand up for them.

Enemies. People hate the friendly ones right. So someone to really
hate the fact that Avarice is friendly towards others. Also people
who believe themselves superior, would make good enemies for Ava.


No more fancing coding, just a second Character in need.

This here is Aphrodisia Vanity. She will soon be a member, and not Unsorted.
Don't you worry.

Aphrodisia Cassie Vanity, is a very smart 21 year old.
She managed to achieve almost perfect grades. (her
only bad grades in Care Of Magical Creatures at OWL
level, and Potions in NEWT level.) Aphrodisia is in her
last year at the Sarbonne (the top university in Paris)
studying, English and French Literature. She is fun and
out going. But when she first meets people can come
off a little cold. And can at times be quick to judge.
Aphrodisia, is a little more work focused than Avarice
but not as much as her twin. Right now, she's deciding
what she's going to do after Uni, and needs a few friends
to help her out along the way. Aphrodisia like both her
sisters enjoys fashion, but is a little more selective in
her clothing. Aphrodisia can also be a little distant from
people if she's upset, or angry about something. If she
gets hurt, she will try her best to destroy the person who
hurt her. But, she's just Friendly. And loyal to her friends.

So once again, like above, this character is in need of friends
and a few Enemies. Post or PM me.
Well I have three guys she can meet. You pretty much know them all, Victor, Leonardo, and Ashutosh. If you want to role play with any of them I don't mind it at all. I haven't been role playing with Leonardo much, so he will be your best bet. He's actually bi-sexual. Anything goes for him, we can rp in a class setting or anything to make it look "magical".
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