
Alex Summers

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Alex strolled through the streets of Brightstone, happilly humming to himself as he went along. The air was cold and the sun was hidden behind dark clouds that let a light drizzle fall upon the witches and wizards rushing around from shop to shop, their bags full of items they had just purchased. A lot of the wizarding folk, as Alex noticed, seemed a bit grumpy or sad, having been affected by the weather, though he himself wasn't even slightly affected. He was glad to be able to take time away from work, and home. His wife tended to stress him out a lot, which was why he was taking this walk in the first place. To get away.

The light drizzle soon changed into a heavy downpour, soaking Alex as he quickly rushed away from the street and to a bench under a tree which served as a shelter from the rain. He took off his damp jacket and hung it over the bench, seating himself down next to it with a sigh. He looked out over the wet street, glad to be out of the sudden torrent of rain.
Anastasia didn't like that her brothers had abandoned her in Brightstone to get some silly old suits that they probably already had a hundred of. Ana didn't like being in this town all by herself, people here were not only nuts but dirty and gross as well, in her hands was a small umbrella that she had brought with her when she spotted dark clouds outside, it was just common sense to be prepared for anything. When the rain grew harder she pushed passed people to get somewhere with shelter until the rain had died down, sure she had an umbrella but it was getting a bit too windy and everything for her to really expect not to get wet.

When she reached a bench that gave a little bit of shelter she stopped near it and fluffed out her dress, good thing she hadn't gotten it wet, the dress was made form Egyptian cotton and would be absolutely ruined if it got wet. When she saw a man whom already looked wet but seemed to be trying to get out of the rain just as she had, she sighed. He looked like he could use the damned umbrella more then she could; " you need this?" She asked softly, and extended the umbrella out to him. She could always go home, or get another one so it wasn't like lending it out was going to kill her or anything.
Alex looked up in mild surprise as an attractive woman turned up, offering an umbrella. He found it somewhat strange, but nice of her to do that, when they hadn't even met before."No no, it's alright, you keep it, I'm already drenched so it doesn't make any difference." He said with a smile as stood up, holding out his hand. "I'm Alex by the way, Alex Summers. It's nice to meet you." He said in a cheerful voice.

Sorry for crappy post, couldn't think of what to put. ._.
Anastasia smiled at the cute man, even if he was already wet she would have at least figured that he wouldn't want to get more wet when he tried to head home. Instead she merely shrugged it off and lowered the umbrella to meet the mans hand with her smaller one, his name didn't sound familiar so she figured he wasn't an Auror or someone that she needed to worry about yet. "Likewise I'm sure, I'm Anastasia Snow." Her French accent might have made it a little obvious that she wasn't from around here, but at the same time she knew it didn't matter, her family was in New Zealand a lot so she never really thought about being a foreigner all that much.

"What are you doing out in the rain to begin with?" She asked with a small laugh, was there some reason he had been out in the rain or was his brain just filled with some hot air? It would appear that she had no room to talk, but she put all blame on her brothers for being outside this time.
"Anastasia Snow." Alex repeated, now aware of her accent. It was strangely familiar, and he realized she was french, having attended Beuxbatons when he was younger which was full of french students. He hadn't noticed it to begin with, seeing as he was so used to it. Alex's smile widened as she asked why he was out in the rain to begin with. "I got bored at home and decided to go for a walk, it was only raining lightly when I arrived, so I didn't think anything of it, but now this..." He said, waving a hand at the pouring rain. "I bet it's like this just to try ruin my walk." He muttered, shaking his head and laughing. "So now you know why I was out in the rain, what about you?" She was curious to see why he was out, now he was curious to see why she was out. It was only fair.
Anastasia laughed at the man, he said it was only slightly raining when he left so it wasn't that big of a deal, but why leave when it's raining in general? "Never walk outside if it's raining, regardless it it's raining hard or not." She snorted and put away her umbrella when she noted that she probably no longer needed it, the trees were proving to be a fine cover up from the rain, too bad she couldn't get some tea though, she knew she would need some once she got home from such a long day.

"Hmph, I came here to keep an eye on my brothers, they like to cause trouble." The kind of trouble they liked to cause though, she knew they wouldn't like it if she mentioned that they were a bunch of Death Eaters probably off torturing muggles, she was one as well, but better at hiding it than they were. "I probably should have stayed home though, I'm not one to be out in public like this." She hissed, glancing around at the people that passed them by on the streets, she found it off that she was merely talking to this guy let alone letting common people look at her like that. "I suppose I'd do almost anything to get out of that manor every once in awhile though, gross people or not." The Snow Manor was like a prison at times, especially with the government within their family falling apart right at the seams, they obviously needed to come up with something to fix it and soon, with Valere returning all might be well soon.
Alex's smile turned into a slight frown as the woman spoke. "What kind of trouble do your brothers cause? And why don't you like being out in Public?" He asked, slightly confused by her change of attitude. One second she was laughing and smiling, the next she was hissing and saying that people were gross. Alex sighed to himself. Why do I get the crazy ones? He thought, shaking his head.
Anastasia turned and eyed Alex curiously, did he seriously want to know what kind of issues her brother caused, to her it was sort obvious that it wasn't something good and it should be left at that, but if he wanted to know that bad she would humor him. "Eh. Blowing up stuff, causing fights, stuff like that..." Anastasia didn't really care of they weren't model citizens or not, but she did need to make sure they stayed out of the public eye while doing it or they could land themselves in Azkaban. And the Snow family didn't really need that sort of drama just yet.

"I just don't like it when people look at me, it creeps me out." she shrugged her shoulder as she gently brought her hand up to rub her smoother fingernails for a moment. Anastasia knew she was a bit snobby, she wasn't as bad as some of her family members were but she still had that Aura about her. "If you don't mind me asking...where do you work?" Anastasia asked lightly, a small smirk appearing on her lips as she said so. Alex either seemed like one of those Quidditch guys or someone who worked in this Ministry, she could be incorrect on this guy since she was just basing it off his personality and appearance but that didn't stop her from being curious anyways.
Alex's expression changed to that of surprise when Anastasia told him the sort of things her brothers got up to. She had said they caused trouble, but he didn't think they'd be that bad. Blowing stuff up and causing fights would have been way down the bottom of the list."Well, they do sound quite bad. Good thing they've got you watching them, eh?" He said, his expression changing back to cheerful as the surprise subsided.

The rain was starting to die down now, and Alex could see more people hurrying along the street. It would probably stop altogether in the next few minutes, and he'd be able to move out of the shelter of the tree and back on the street, depending whether or not Anastasia decided to stay and talk more. He hoped she did. It wasn't often he got to meet new people, seeing as he worked most of the day and came home late at night.

Alex's attention snapped back to Anastasia as spoke again, saying she was creeped out by people who looked at her. He gave a small shrug. Some people were like that, but he wondered if she got the creeps when he looked at her. Perhaps not, seeing as they'd been getting to know each other a bit. He decided to move onto her question about where he worked. "The Ministry of Magic, in the Improper Use of Magic Department." He said, wondering what had made her ask that. "Why?"
Anastasia laughed at him, he was awful cute for someone who worked alongside the nasty old ministry that she tried to hard to avoid. Hopefully he wasn't the sort that went around hating Death Eaters or she'd have ditch him quickly. "Actually, I'd rather get ice cream. Want to go get some with me?" She asked with a taunting smile and a raised eyebrow, the rain was letting up so why not go out and do something that didn't involve her annoying pesky brothers. It would also give her more of a chance to get to know Alex and such seeing as he seemed quite nice, didn't meddle in her business, stare at her oddly, or seem to have some weird OCD problems like her younger brother.

Anastasia stood up and brushed some of the dirt off of her dress before she shrugged, she hoped she hadn't come off as nosy to him for asking such a question. "I don't know, I was just curious to see what you did." Thank goodness he wasn't one of those Aurors that was always lurking around and making things messy for Death Eaters and Dark magic lovers alike.

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