Sheena Brit Doherty

Sheena Brit Doherty

Active Member
Full Name: Sheena Brit Doherty
- Birth Date: 1-2-10
- Current Age: 13
- Basic Appearance: Red hair. Blue eyes. A slender yet muscular girl she is very athletic.
- Parents: Father: Quinlan Doherty-age 38- born in Ireland Dark black hair and a muscular physic. Works as a chief. Mother: Alva Doherty- age 32- born in Germany she fled with her new husband from her family. She had flame red hair and a small physic. She is a homemaker.
- Siblings, if any:none
- Pets, if any: none
- Area of Residence: Ireland
- Blood status: mixed blood.

(If your character is a sorted student:) Attended Hogwarts Scotland
- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryfindor because she is very brave and very strong willed. No matter what the task if she sets her mind to it she can do it.
- Best school subjects (And why): Transfiguration because she was always amazed by how you could change anything, Someday she wants to be able to become an Animagus.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Divination. She never believed that you could just look at something and know the future. Being that she doesn't believe she often does not care about this subject.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Her Patronus is a Lioness.
- What would their Boggart be? Her bogart would have to be complete and utter darkness.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Hers would be a desert cat.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? She would see her parents happy together.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Going to her first amusment park with her parents. Back when they used to get along.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Not Finished
Some questions for you ^_^

1.Can you describe Sheena in five words?
2.Can you describe her parents in three words?
3.Would Sheena like any siblings, since she doesnt have any?
4.Would Sheena like a pet? Does she have one at Hogwarts Scotland?
5.Why would her Boggart be complete and utter darkness? did something happen to her when she was younger?
6.Why would her patronus be a lioness?
7.What is Sheena's relationship like with her parents?
8.What are Sheena's hobbies?
9.Did any of your parents go to Hogwarts scotland? If yes what house were they in?
10. Did Sheena consider any other house other than Gryffindor? Why?
1.Can you describe Sheena in five words? Dedicated, Devoted, Unforgiving, Kind, Passionate.

2.Can you describe her parents in three words? Strict, Uncaring, Distant.

3.Would Sheena like any siblings, since she doesn't have any? No. She enjoys her time alone.

4.Would Sheena like a pet? Does she have one at Hogwarts Scotland? She is thinking about an owl.

5.Why would her Boggart be complete and utter darkness? did something happen to her when she was younger? Not really but she was plagued by nightmares.

6.Why would her patronus be a lioness? Sheena has always felt that utter strength was best represented by a Lioness.

7.What is Sheena's relationship like with her parents? They don't really get along because of her parents Hatred for each other and the many affairs.

8.What are Sheena's hobbies? Fighting, She really likes most sports.

9.Did any of your parents go to Hogwarts Scotland? If yes what house were they in? Both went to Hogwarts Scotland, Her mother was in Ravenclaw, her father from Gryffindor.

10. Did Sheena consider any other house other than Gryffindor? Why? Nope. She knew that was where she wanted to be.

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