Shedding Light

Wednesday Hardley

Well-Known Member
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
Wednesday knew that her parents hadn't heard from her since the start of the school year. Though now it was six weeks later and not a word had gone back or forth. Yet Wednesday knew the news she was going to break probably wasn't the news that her parents wanted to hear. After much thought Wednesday had decided not to go home for the holidays.

Skipping up to the owlery, Wednesday held some bright yellow paper and a muggle pen in her one hand. Reaching the top of the steps, Wednesday was captured for a moment by the sight of all the owls.

Though as she realized that she was here for a purpose, Wednesday walked in deeper and leaned up against the wall. Starting off the letter with a simple start not knowing how to write the next part.
Mother and Father,
Libby dropped off her most recent letter in the owlery and saw Wednesday. "Hi, I haven't spoken tp you for a while. How's it going with Sern?" she asked grinning.
Wednesday turned to see that Libby had entered the owlery. "Hey Libby" Wedneday said brightly realizing that the two of them hadn't spoken in awhile. Which was odd for the simple fact that they were both in the same year and house.

As Libby brought up Sern right off the bat, Wednesday smiled slightly holding back the normal blush that in the past had occured. "Everything's good. I haven't spoken to him in awhile though" Wednesday said realizing that she had to go hang out with him sometime. Maybe she would send him an owl to meet her somewhere.

"So what's been up going with you Libby?" Wednesday asked looking down at her letter not thinking of what to write right away. Maybe she would go about it by saying things were good here then break the news.
(( Can I join? I'll edit if not..))

Sam walked spritefully up the stairs to the owlery. He had to thank both his parents nad his uncle for his wonderful birthday gifts. They really were wonderful. And unexpecyed. He didn't expect to receive anything from his parents after the whole 'getting-into-hufflepuff' dillemma. But he got an Emerald Streak off them. He was never more thrilled in his life.

He had the two letters in his pocket, already written. Once he entered he saw Libby and Wednesday. "Hey you two!" Sam waved and walked over to them happily. He hadn't seen Wednesday in so long.
((Of coarse))

Wednesday began to tap the muggle pen on the paper when she thought about something to write. When had writing to her parents ever be so hard. Though a conversation was helping that way Wednesday didn't have to concentrate so hard.
Mother and Father,
School's been going great. Exams are coming up soon and don't worry I am working my butt off too do well.

She paused when she heard another voice. "Sam" She said smiling brightly. It had been the longest time since she had bumped into him. "What have you been in hiding? I swear I never see you around" Wednesday said of coarse joking a bit.
He chuckled softly, "Yeah I know. Its been ages. Well, recently my hiding spot is the Quidditch pitch. I got a streak for my birthday!" Sam said p[roudly, he told everyone this. He had his Nimbus 2001 for so long and it was never something to flaunt. But now it was different. "What about you missus? Where've you been?" he asked.
Wednesday could tell that Sam seemed excited about getting a streak for his birthday. This first year hufflepuff guessed that it was type of broom though she wasn't sure what it even looked like. Quidditch, brooms, and flying were still not things that Wednesday understood nor was good at.

"That's great" Wednesday said happy for Sam if he was happy about it. Though she didn't know that she missed his birthday. "Well happy be-lated birthday" Wednesday said feeling a slightly bad that she missed Sam's big day.

As Wednesday though about where she had been all this time she wasn't quite sure. "here and there" She answered thinking that mostly she spent most her time with Sern in the past but now she was mostly just hanging out alone "Spending time in the garden mostly" She added knowing that probably sounded completely stupid but when did Wednesday ever really care if she said something stupid.

Bringing her attention back to the letter on her lap for just a moment "So what are you doing up here?" She asked Sam tapping her pen a few times on the paper.
Libby smiled, "Yeah, it's been the same with Darren, although, he's left for now" she added sighing before smiling again. "I really must attend some more lessons. Quidditch is the only one i am the moment" she said, remembering her last lesson, the last of this semester. Why was everything ending? She'd just got used to things the way they were.

"Hi Sam" she said on hearing his voice, and turned to grin. "Did you have a good birthday?" she asked. "Sorry i left the great hall" she added. She never meant to but she'd remembered something important.

"The garden's good. Have you seen the merman in the lake? He splashed me" she said laughing a bit. She decided to stop talking again for a bit, before she said something that really made her look weird, not that she wasn't.
((Can I join as well?))
Kate pulled her thick jumper around her as she climbed up the cold stone steps to the owlery. Hugging her letter she heard voices as she approached the top. Seeing that it was only some younger Hufflepuff's, she entered quickly. It was warmer inside than out so she shivered when she entered. "Hey guys. This isn't a Hufflepuff 1st year meeting is it? Am I intruding anything?" She asked cautiously.
When Libby said that Derrik left that was news to her. "Aww sorry Libby" Wednesday admitted. She knew she would take it pretty hard if Sern just got up and left. Though as Libby went on and said that quidditch classes were the only classes she was attended, Wednesday guessed that she meant, Flying lessons. "God I hate flying" Wednesday admited. That was the only class Wednesday knew she would do awful in without a doubt

"No I havent' seen the mermaid yet." Wednesday said laughing a bit along with Libby. "I'll have to go pay the lake another visit" She added as she noticed yet another person had joined the owlery.

"Hey Kate and no this isn't a first year meeting you are more than welcome" Wedneday said flashing the second year hufflepuff a smile.

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