She was crying. Nothing new.

OOC First Name
Alice Gabrielle
Eden had her fair share of issues. Parents who cared little about her, a perfect-in-every-way sister who seized every opportunity to make her life just that little bit worse. She didn't really have anyone any more. That's why she wandered aimlessly, not really taking in anything. She sat at Obsidian Beach, watching the water. She had no idea what was happening with her life. She flipped her hair over her shoulders, the red curls on either side of her face felt like a security blanket. She felt tears welling up. She sniffed , trying not to let them fall. She was seventeen, the world was hers. That should be enough for her. But she felt like her life was a dead-end. Who was she? A good person? She thought about it... remembering the cusses she had hurled at her parents not twenty-four hours ago. And the Jinx she put on her sisterabout a week ago. No, she wasn't good. She was dark. Dark as night.
Riley slung her bag over her shoulder, glancing around Obsidian Harbour. Her mother was at home with her youngest brother, and Olive and Benny were at Hogwarts New Zealand being good little students- so she hoped. With her hand holding back the loose hair from obscuring her face, the head of the Lillis family felt her life was good. Surprisingly good. Graduating Beauxbatons a few years ago left Riley with little but her skiing to hold on to, and while that took some getting used to it now suited her to no end.

Riley noted a girl on the beach. Not an abnormal sight, yet she felt that it might have been. Long strides brought her closer; Riley had been planning to sit there with her book anyway. But taking her seat, the woman heard a sniff from beside her. Suddenly concerned eyes frowned at the girl. "Heey. Are you alright?"
Eden looked to her left, startled. A girl, older than her, was looking at her with concern. An emotion not often seen by people around Eden. She sniffed again,
"No. I'm fine. Just pondering my existance and my reasons for being. Just the usual" she babbled quickly. She grimaced and ran a hand through her hair. Yeah Eden, that didn't sound weird at all. She put her hand together, clasped on her lap and waited to hear what this woman would say back to her garbled answer.
Riley bit her dry lips anxiously, not quite nervous but worried for the girl.

An eyebrow raised, Riley replied to the girl's speedy comment with careful placement of her words. "Pondering your existance?" The girl couldn't be thinking that, could she? It reminded her of her sister, Olive with the forever getting worse screwed up mind. While Olive wasn't drastic, her actions and words were reminiscent of this girl right here.
Eden scoffed at the girl's reply.
"You haven't met my family, you would understand if you had".
She pulled down her sleeves more ferociously, she didn't want this girl to see the scars criss-crossing up her arms. She sighed,
"I'm Eden-Grace. Call me Eden"
Friends weren't toxic.

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