She Walks in Beauty

Audrey Love

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13'' Olive Wand core of her own Veela hair
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

Audrey Love walked aimlessly down the streets of the Harbour in New Zealand. She had come with Lindsay to work this morning but quickly grew tired of it. There weren't too many costumers and Lindsay simply did her shop things that had to be taken care of. Audrey had the strong suspicion that she was just in the way of Lindsay, not that her sister would dare to say that. Soon, she decided it would be best to let her sister actually get some work done. With that, the young blonde had left the Menagerie to go explore some more of New Zealand.

Audrey tugged lightly on her tight dress, making it so it layed just right. The half Veela ignored the admiring stares trailing after her. Her exceptional beauty drew men to her like flys, not that the girl minded. She typically loved the attention, not that she would let anyone else see that. Audrey could only imagine the scolding Indi would give her about that. She missed her best friend and was hoping that the brunette would come to visit her during the holidays. Audrey knew the pull of the boy Indianna liked was more than likely going to send her here.

Emerald eyes flicked across to a large fountain in the center of the street. Audrey made her way to it, hoisting herself up on the structure. The weather here was so different from back at school where the ground was covered with snow. Here, it was bright and sunny. Audrey closed her eyes, tilting her head back. The sun's rays beat down on her, lighting her up in a glow. The beautiful girl looked much like an angel, fallen from heaven. She sighed, basking in the warmth.
the concept of life seem to have no end for this young man. its like he live his world from another perspective, never once to care of another effects to his very action. if you ask him do you know ruth? he say no, for he just her brother disguise as a foe. but why care? when no one ever did for him. why sacrifice anything if not an ounce of blood ever shed just for him. a selfish thought coming from a selfish man. link stood at the corner where the dark alley way met part way and the other side laid the harbors. like a guardian guarding the secrets of this town, he stood half way hidden from the world. half way exposing the pale white of his very skin. he stood for a while till he heard a crow, when it croaked he moved away from the sullen shadows into the light streets.

wearing just a white button shirt and simple pants, he looked so business like, normal in the way he stride stepping up towards the grey stones. the light aftershave linger from the morning routine. indeed he look normal, normal as a fresh student who just left from university for the holiday. but did he honestly felt normal?like a real person should feel, the man with less words to share kept going, to where?he couldn't say himself, link had always been lost, maybe he just needed someone to finally find him.
Audrey heard someone walking near her, almost as if they were walking toward her. The street had been empty of people that she had noticed. She sighed, figuring it was an admirer coming to ask her out. Probably just another boy stunned by the magic of her nature. She lowered her face, opening her eyes. Those same emerald irises locked with grey eyes. They belonged to a strikingly handsome guy still several yards across from her. He was looking at her, yet slightly unfocused. Something about him struck her as familiar though Audrey was certain she had never met this man before in her life.

Her green eyes broke away from him, examining him further. He was wearing a white button up and black pants, the lightest and darkest colors on the spectrum. Curiousity burned behind her gaze. Who was he and what was he doing half lurking in the shadows? The blonde felt compelled to go to him. It was an effort for her to remain seated on the fountain. She was wonderstruck by him, something that was rare for her. Audrey's full lips parted slightly as she studied his gorgeous face.

Audrey was consumed by his eyes that she didn't notice someone approach her. She was startled out of her daze as she heard a deep voice next to her. It was an older man, much too old for her that spoke, asking her to go to dinner with him. To Audrey, it sounded as if he had already been drinking. She shot a fleeting look back at the young man with grey eyes who appeared to be watching her. She shook her blonde head at the other man, refusing his offer. However, he insisted once more, more forcefully. Again, she disagreed. He refused to take no for an answer as he grabbed her wrist. Audrey glared at him, whipping out her wand as she sent him a curse. He yelped with man, stepping away from her quickly. He didn't look back as he retreated, her wand raised until he vanished from sight.

With that ordeal over, she looked back around. Audrey's emerald eyes once again locked on a pair with grey. She smiled slightly, the corners of her lips turning upwards, wondering if the man would come over after seeing that display. The blonde hoped it didnt discourage him.
link, never been the type to just pause without assumption of the scenery around him. her eyes were the first to meet his that morning. the green lush iris kept staring, staring into the bleak of his cold grey. lately they have been betraying him, to seem more warm and welcoming. appealing to anyone that walked by him, yet she had cause him to stop from going any further. he was instantly drawn to her beauty, a beauteous captivating in action. how can he passed what seem so compelling and have a huge grip over the man, the further he told his mind to go, the more his steps kept closing the gap between them. let's play it normal for the day shall we?he told his mind, already setting himself in that mode. but as he grew near her, something happen that made him hault completely.

a man, rugged probably rancid with the stench of hell interrupted their silent transactions. she tried to ignore him, tried in her will to reject him. his ears worked clearly today, for her heard every word. she cursed the intruder away sending him off to his misery. link sighed, right now he rather reject the offer of being a hero. i'm no one hero, not today, not tomorrow not ever... he adjusted himself further now that the mess was gone. he smile, his lips matched the softness of his grey eyes. descent enough to act like a human for once, be nodded in greeting.

"good morning miss...saw what just happen. are you okay?" he asked almost concerning. his large hand crossed in front of him as he stared right back into the lush green eyes of the beauteous in front of him. falling back into his bad habit, he felt less tense now. less dark than just a minute ago. he always knew how to fool the best, he wonder how good he was doing to fool a young beautiful woman just like this one. he was aiming for something high before the noon soon greeted them.
Audrey watched as those grey eyes came closer and closer to her. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. It pleased and excited her to see him approaching, only a few feet away from her. He had just witnessed a small portion of her temper and impatience and yet here he was before her. She ran her thin fingers through her sandy blonde tresses. Her smiled shined radiantly across her face, only increasing the effects of her nature.

"Good morning to you." Audrey greeted the man back. "I'm alright. Thank you. Should be used to it by now but..." she said with a shrug. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she tried to be cool. "I'm Audrey." she said, offering him her delicate fingers in a handshake.
Link takes the hand of a fair maiden, almost slightly enough does he almost bowed in respect to the young girl. "Its sad you have to be used to such disgrace every day. Maybe someone ought protect you whenever that happens...though I'm sure you don't need it.." he let go of her hands. His eyes harmonize with her green lush of hues, it was contagious just staring at someone godly as her. "I'm not sure if I'm familiar with the likes of you...what's your name? If you don't mind me asking.." he stood back at a clever feet away. You can't just put your better judgment on someone so tiny as this girl and yet she capable of handling her own self well. "Its a nice morning but hot. How are you handling the weather?" he question, his 'normal ways' coming so easy to him he would look like an impostor in the eyes of his ex-lover. Tis was a simple side of him that came easy and comfortable when he just wanted to feel different. But the darkside never leaves, it sort of just hangs wherever he please.
Audrey smiled as Link took her hand in his own, feeling a skip in the beat of her heart that always came along with meeting a new handsome boy. She laughed at his comment. "I suppose it would be nice to have a protector but that doesn't seem likely." she said with a grin, shaking her head. Her green eyes stared back, not leaving his eyes as she drank him in. "I'm Audrey Love." she said, answering his question. Her face lit up at his question. "I love the weather this morning. It is absolutely perfect, so much better than in France." the part veela girl told him, flashing a charming smile.
Link smile shyly staring at a woman with grace made his world seem different right about. "I'm Link, Link Black" he greeted in such a nonchalant way, he felt just about comfortable in his own skin. He agreed with her, about the weather. It was nice when you took a minute of your day just to enjoy the world around you when you weren't hating it at the same time. "France? What are you doing all the way if your from there? Its way better in my opinion"having to live a year there during the twi wizard tournament. "Paris itself seems more breathtaking than being here.." he did a quick move of sitting besides her. Knowingly well she wouldn't mind his presents, by the way she was staring at him. He felt the same way, his gaze admiring every inch of the girl's beauty. It took just his eyes to win them over, the rest fell on its own. Link will be getting to know this girl far more than just a brief meeting. He was sure he could take it further than name basics.
The corners of Audrey's mouth turned up as he gave her his name. Link. Such an interesting name, beautiful and different. "It's a pleasure to meet you Link." she said with a real smile. Her emerald eyes welcomed him beside her, inviting him in. Audrey smirked. Yes, it was odd that she was half way around the world from where she was supposed to be. "Well I go to school there, Beauxbations. My sister owns the Menagiere here and I live with her." she answered, explaining her presence to Link. "It is beautiful there but it's quite cold at the moment." she said. "Summers couldn't be more beautiful." she said with a bright smile that lit up her face. Link was intoxicating. No one she had met before had ever been quite like him.
"Everyone seems to be afraid of the cold. Its like no one cares to intake the beauty of just being outside in the freezing cold, and the snow...the snow is the best part it all" he said playfully joking some. He like it, just a reason why he stayed in Ireland loads than any other place. Besides the summer heat just made him angry and very intense that it cause him to be problematic. He wonder shockingly in this term did he seem calm all of a sudden. Perhaps the blonde beauty had a lot to do with it, or else he be having racing thoughts waiting to plot something chaotic it would make his day when he acts upon it. Girls weren't his weakness, they were just a distraction to his racey behavior. Plus they were better company than being alone when hai comrades weren't around.
"I'm not afraid of the cold." Audrey said, disagreeing with him. The beautiful blonde was certainly not one to be lumped in with everyone else for she was like no one else on the planet. She smiled at him, listening as he spoke. She nodded her head as he spoke of snow. There was something magical about it. "I like the snow. Its beautiful to look at. Its just nice sometimes to get away to the warm sunshine." she said with a shrug. She looked over at the handsome boy, her emerald eyes softening as she gazed at him. He was certainly distracting her and enticing her.
Link pushed closer to Audrey, her angelic beauty working twice fast as any female. "Well I don't want to disagree with you, or else I would've not met you in the fine morning" he gave up his best charming smile, his eyes working wonder than a static shock. "Wouldn't have been wonderful to have met you Paris but than again your beauty wouldn't compare to such a fine city like it" he said, rolling each word smoothly by the tip of his tongue. "tis be greater disappointment if I lost sight of you now that I met you as well.." he joke a little, yet those selections of words did have meaning to them now that he's met a girl like Audrey. Link to dumbstruck to realize he been dealing with someone who's part-veela, a dangerous breed of woman. Some vixen in their devious ways, he just couldn't see it now. All he saw was her and a bright aura that hang down on her like a white canopy. His eyes wanting to say an angel, but his mind thought otherwise.
Audrey's lips were tugged up at the corners as if some invisible string was dragging them upward. It was all a response to this handsome man with charcoal eyes staring at her, charming her just as surely as the beautiful blonde was charming him. She laughed slightly at his pretty, flattering words. Her emerald eyes looked him over, measuring just how serious those words were. "Well lucky for you I don't plan on leaving soon." she teased him back, though her words were the truth. "What's there to do around her?" she asked curiously.
Link shrug, he knew just a little about New Zealand, he didn't know the hot spots or where to have fun. He in fact tried to avoid places like that, knowing his arrogance got the best of him. "I'm not sure, I'm from Ireland and there I'm rarely familiar with. I lived in England, London and Manchester...that's about it" he also knew New York City and bits of Canada. That's about it, Link hated to travel, he stayed where he knew the place well. "The parts I do know here, not where you want to be. To young for your eyes, place for those who aren't right in their mind.." his smile decrease till show part of his face, the other side serious and still now. "I'm sure someone already warn you about bad places in New Zealand? Let me be the second one to tell you.." he said in a serious note, that should tell her he was serious and not playing about it. He wanted to say more, but decline to further the details here.
"Ireland? Its so beautiful there. I'm really from England or at least that's where we live. My dad's English and my mum is French." Audrey said, revealing more about herself to this virtual stranger. She was hoping that by revealing more about herself that he would reveal more about himself to her. The blonde was all smiles for her new friend. Audrey arched an eyebrow as he told her she was too young. "I'm not that young." she said, her chin jutting out stubbornly. "I'm sure I can take care of myself." she said, still stubborn.
Link smirk, "I mean no offense but I'm telling you the truth, danger here not worth getting into" he warn her some more. His eyes glare at the sun pounding down his face now that it was getting higher and higher into the skies. "didn't suspect you would be from England or had any connection with them.." his smile trace back, he decided it was time to switch subjects. "have you visit there often? I go there more often when its nicer up there.." he admitted. Moving away from darker topics, made it easy for him to feel light. He notice that about him, he roll with it everytime he could possess easily without difficulties.
Audrey hadn't suspected that there would be a protective side to his words as his tone inflected. She sighed before nodding her head in defeat. "Fine. I'll do my best to stay out of danger." she said, slightly sulking. Where was the fun in that? The part veela girl laughed, the sound light and infectious. "Yes well I guess my accent tends to be more French. I spent more time with my mother growing up." she said with a smile. Audrey nodded her head at his question. "Yes, I lived there for the most part. My dad works for the ministry in London so we have a house near there. Mum's a Professor at school which is why we have a house in France as well." the blonde said, opening up to Link just a bit more. Those gray eyes had a way of making her share details about herself that she normally wouldn't on a first meeting.
Link listen, he could listen to her for a good time and not braware she was working her magic around him. Maybe it had lot to do with not being obvious, but she was getting more attention than any female companion he ever sat this long with, it had to be the first time. "that's nice, you got a bit of both now?" he addressed to the beauty right next to him, already guessing her childhood a bit. Both parents either live apart or weren't together, he sees that often in time. That's what made him forget about marriage and not be with Sanctuari in the first place. He still felt bad about it, but overtime she will go on and forget about him. Just like everyone else did, it made had sounded sad but Link couldn't careless. "so what do you do for fun? Do you have loads of friends and hang out like this?" he kept asking her question, she seem a lot interesting person to talk to than being alone.
Audrey smiled at the man as he asked her another question. It pleased her that she had captured this gorgeous man's attention. She figured he was about two years older than herself and definitely out of school. Quite an achievement in the seventeen year old's eyes. She laughed lightly, an enchanting sound. "You could say that." her emerald eyes sparkling with untold secrets. Her childhood had been interesting to say the least. Audrey shrugged at his question. "I have friends and I'm always making new ones." she said with a wink to him. "But my best friend is a girl named Indianna. Mostly I just hang out with her around school. There is always something to do or someone to talk to." she said with a grin, remembering. Indianna was shy, nearly Audrey's oppisite in everyway. Audrey was much more bold and daring, often getting herself into trouble. "If not, I read or play the guitar. I like to write songs." she admitted with a sheepish smile. It was something very few people new. Audrey wanted to be a singer when she graduated. The blonde could hardly believe she had admitted this to a perfect stranger. "What about you? What do you do?" she asked.
Link smile, no one was easily enough to talk to him normal. He never had to dealt with being no difficult or not being misunderstood. Everything for him just came out of him the wrong way and at the wrong time. One minute he could simply feel happy and another it could vanish just as the feeling taking over him. Guys like Link didn't last long, everything triggers their emotions, he was surprise to see he lasted this long on earth, surprise non has wanted more than kill him. Maybe because he hasn't meant his maker yet, its like he was waiting for it to happen, but that's just simply can't happen. One day it will, today though he live.

"I enjoy company, well good company that is. I don't do much but stay to myself" he smile to reassure it wasn't bad to be this way. Just some like him didn't deal with the everyday life problems, he seek danger and fun in other ways. He seek his own enjoyment differently, he spoke to those worthy enough speaking too. "Its not bad, its just a habit of mines..." Link blame out of nowhere. "Or its just my people skills really do sucks" he laughed at discrete joke, his reasonable manner must be contagious. Audrey was infecting him slowly with her charming nature.
Audrey nudged Link slightly as he said he didn't really have people skills. The blonde didn't see that in him so she just laughed and shook her head. "I don't think you have bad people skills." she said, a smile on her lips. "You have been having a conversation with me without any problems and I'm a perfect stranger." she said with another laugh. As Audrey had just said, Link was a stranger for all purposes and she was already too wrapped up in him for their sole conversation. Maybe he was part veela with the way he had captivated her. It was unusual, rare and surprising. Audrey actually could imagine having feelings for Link that were already beginning.

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