She So Gone

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Heidi Longbottom

Well-Known Member

Hey Everyone! I brought back Heidi from the dusty Inactive list. I never really use her but she was a Gryffindor and left school just cause her aunt had always been a woman of the sea. Meaning Heidi live with her by boat and so does her younger brother James too. Now Heidi a BB student, she a current second year and a bit behind on everything around her. I want her to have friends (maybe one or two) and a few enemies. Heidi a sweet girl so she will be easily target to being bullied or harass by some of her pupils. I also want a past history with someone, something a bit dramatic but not to much. If you have any ideas that be great thanks :)
I can offer Sydney as a friend, but I have an idea!
Maybe, since they're the same age, Heidi and Sydney were best friends, but now since Sydney is now friends with a bunch of mean girls, she ends up forgetting about Heidi and even being a horrible friend to her? That could make for some drama-filled threads. :)
I think that would be a good place to start. :)
And maybe they just met one day out of coincidence, and then continued the relationship through letters and occasional visits? Then they became closer and closer, etc.?
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