She is getting to the age where...

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Gabrielle Hanson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
Hi there guys. Now Im sure from the title yous may have a fair idea where this is going. If you don't please just give me a minute to explain.

Gabrielle here
Gabrielle is a lighthearted, self conscious, and easy going girl. She doesn’t have many friends because she is a hardworker and so she is always studying in the library or ignores people, though it is unintentional. She is intelligent, she is also curious and friendly. When she does finally talk to someone she is always polite and often quite curious aswell.
is getting to the age where she is starting to like boys. She is thirteen and she is coming into her hormones. So what I would like please for someone for her to crush on, someone to maybe be her final aswell please. Post if you think you have someone, or pm me.
I have Ravenclaw who is in her year. Logan Blackwood. They could date for a while if you like as they kind of have the same sort of personality. Im not sure about final as he is so young but they could date for a year or so if you like
Kool that sounds great. Yeah final would have been for a later year. But they could date for a year or so... that would be fun.
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