Shaping Up

Georgia Rose

OOC First Name
Curly 14 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Georgia was in her final year at Beauxbatons and the girl was over the moon at this prospect, she loved the school, but knowing she wasn't far from being able to leave the school and continue on with her life was definitely something which pleased her. The teen was clueless really about what she wanted to do when she left school, but she knew the first task was at the very least tracing her family, and then after that, she didn't know. Georgia had always wanted to be a dance instructor but she wasn't sure how easy that would be to do, even if she was fairly good at it. The teen was currently alone on the grounds on what was a slightly frosty and chilly morning. She could feel the cold in her bones but it wasn't stopping her from being able to have fun and focus on her dancing.

She had her school work sitting next to her and a waterproof blanket that she could sit on that wouldn't get wet from the still damp grass. The teen was looking to just have fun, and she knew that starting off her morning and day like this would definitely enable her to do that. She was dancing to herself on the spot for several minutes as she warmed up. Georgia then spent a good few minutes just stretching and then running small drills before eventually just stopping and collapsing on to the blanket again. She was a little worn out from all of it, but it was just due to the fact that she hadn't been paying much attention to her routine as of late and was looking to really get back into it. Her NEWTs were important, just not so important to her. She knew she'd at the very least be alright, and considering she planned to move out of her house as soon as was possible she definitely didn't let her mind linger.

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