Shane Ackley

Shane Ackley

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
In an Open Relationship
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12” Rigid Acacia wand with Unicorn Hair core
09/2033 (28)
I believe, I believe,
That loneliness is my disease,



Say Hello to

I believe, I believe,
That you are the remedy ,


Shane Ulysses Ackley

Shane - The name Shane is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Shane is: Irish: God is gracious; gift from God.
Ulysses - Ulysses [ulysses] as a boys' name is pronounced you-LISS-ees. It is of Latin and Greek origin. Variant of the Greek name Odysseus, which may mean "wrathful”
Ackley - Ackley [ack-ley] as a name for boys has its root in Old English, and the meaning of the name Ackley is "oak meadow"

When Shane was born, his parents were pretty young, and they had a very close personal friend called Shane who’d recently passed, they opted to name him after that person because of what that person had meant to his parents when they gotten pregnant with Shane. It was only later as he grew up that they came to think of it perhaps as a mistake, since often their memories of the old and new shane would become quite blended, they’d reminisce about him and end up confusing the then young shane about it. Despite of the mixed message he has with his name, Shane does like it, it is a short and simple name. He likes how nice it rolls of the tongue and usually how easy it is for others to say. Shane’s middle name is due to his parent’s love of the book, they had both really liked english and meeting on a muggle writing course, it had been this book they had bonded a lot on. They had been so overwhelmed with the birth of Shane, their first child, and so excited over the prospect of a baby that Shane had been given this bold middle name. One he doesn’t particularly mind, but not one he actively gave out to other people. The surname was his father’s surname, though his parents hadn’t been married at the time of his birth they had wanted Shane to share the father’s last name. In all honesty, Shane does like his name, it’s a simple and effective name. He doesn’t need anything more.

His name being quite short and to the point already, that he didn’t need ever to have a nickname, neither from his parents or from any of the friends he had, it was pretty simple to just call him what he needed to be called, Shane was short and to the point. It was a better name and situation that having so many names, and so many nicknames that they all ended up getting lost in it. Shane likes not having any nicknames. If people are going to call on him, they might as well use his actual name.

Shane is seventeen years old

9th September 2034, Shane was born in a muggle hospital around midday. He was late by two weeks, his parents had wanted a natural birth, but the fact he was so much later than he should be was beginning to be a risk to the mother and so she was induced. He was born easily and with little problems, despite how late he had been he was a little smaller than most babies.

He is a recently graduated student from Hogwarts New Zealand. He does not have plans for the future so far. He studies Geophysics and Meteorology at university.



Name: Anthony Ackley​

Born: October 3rd 2017​

Died: August 24th 2045​

Relationship: Father​

Occupation: N/A​

Blood status: Mixed-blood​

Name: Leslie "May" Ackely

Age: May 16th 2018​

Died: August 24th 2045​

Relationship: Mother.​

Occupation: N/A​

Blood status: Muggle​

Name: Eva Ackley

Age: January 12th 2044​

Died: N/A​

Relationship: Sister​

Occupation: N/A​

Blood status: Half Blood​

Name: Nathan Ackley

Born: October 3rd 2017​

Died: N/A​

Relationship: Adoptive Father/Uncle​

Occupation: Magical Law​

Blood status: Mixed-blood​

Name: Gemma "Barcley" Ackley

Born: October 3rd 2017​

Died: N/A​

Relationship: Adoptive Mother/Aunt​

Occupation: Healer​

Blood status: Mixed-blood​

Name: Philip Ackley

Born: March 24th 2047​

Died: N/A​

Relationship: Cousin/Adoptive brother​

Occupation: N/A​

Blood status: Mixed-blood​

Dead, magical
His father, Anthony, was a mixed blood wizard, born to a magical family in Southern Australia. He had two older sisters, and one younger brother. His younger brother and him moved to New Zealand when his parents split up and half stayed in Australia and the other half moved to New Zealand. He was about six years old when this happened. His father was the one he remained with and the man worked in the muggle department of the ministry, a low level ministry worker who liked being and interacting with muggles. He attended a private school in New Zealand for magical kids, and also attended after school classes in muggle subjects. When he was fifteen he met Shane’s future mother, and within a few weeks they began dating. When Shane’s mother was barely sixteen years old she fell pregnant with Shane, and gave birth shortly before her seventeenth birthday, which happened to be a little after his seventeenth birthday. He dropped out of school and continued to homeschool himself until he passed his NEWTs. He and Shane’s mother got married just after Shane’s second birthday, but their marriage was marred with arguments and fights. They had been very young when Shane had been born and hadn’t spent much time getting to know themselves. Twice during his life Shane was removed from his parent’s care to that of Anthony’s father. He was never harmed but, the arguments could escalate. Shane’s mother became pregnant when Shane was nine years old, and it was the birth of the second child where his parents began making a lot more effort with each other. It was short lived as Shane’s parents died in a fire which broke out at a friend’s house during a house party, when he was just turning eleven.

Dead, muggle
His mother, Leslie, was a muggle living in New Zealand. She wasn’t particularly studious in school, but liked english so much that she did a lot of extra classes on them, in an after school class. She met Shane’s father there, and fell pregnant at sixteen. She did long distance learning, wanting to stay home with her new born son. She was however a little resentful as time grew on, believing herself to be doing far more work for the family than her husband. She eventually did finish her education and became an english teacher for the local muggle high school. This helped little in her relationship with her husband with whom she fought with a lot. Leslie had always had a strong personality, stubborn and sometimes just looking for a fight. She did love her son dearly and it was always for him that she tried a little harder, but it was the birth of her daughter that really helped this attitude. It had been at her suggestion that they go to the party, since they had managed so long without fighting. It was however, a bad decision as a fire broke out due to faulty wiring and the house caught fire very quickly.

One younger sister - Eva Ackley, she’s nine years younger than Shane. Shane is very protective over her, believing it very much part of his duty to be sure she is happy and loved. She doesn’t remember much of her parents and her adoptive family will be whom she remembers most.

His mother had no siblings, and was disowned upon getting pregnant with Shane.
Shane’s father was one of four children, Shane’s father wasn’t in contact with this side of the family that remained in Australia much at the time of his death. They were older and had their own families to take care of, and had largely fallen out of contact with the rest of the family. There are a few kids but Shane has never met any of them.
Shane’s father’s younger brother who was recently married at the time of Anthony’s death has taken guardianship of Shane and his sister Eva when his brother died. They had been expected to go to Anthony’s father, but his brother stepped forward given that he was younger, had more money and was looking to start a family. They live with them in Dunedin, with him and his wife, and recently their own child. He works as a magical lawyer in a good company within Dunedin and the wife is a healer. They met at school, both mixed blood wizards.
One cousin, boy, Philip Ackley.

Shane had a difficult relationship with his parents, just due to how they were around each other when they were alive. Shane was loved by his parents and he loved them dearly but it was difficult for all parties involved especially as Shane grew older. He found it difficult to be around them when they were shouting at each other, and he found it difficult to trust them when they had so often let him down with their actions. Things had been slowly improving after his sister was born, but a lot of the issues had never actually been addressed and thus have lingered even after their death. He has a very close and personal bond with his sister, which has grown over the years especially in the aftermath of his parents. He also has a good bond with his grandfather having been looked after by him a lot during the time living with his parents. His bond with his aunt and uncle is difficult, he wants it to be close but struggles to trust them entirely. He doesn’t talk to them about matters he should and he can very distant with them, no matter how hard he tries. Shane does love them, and is appreciative of them, but he struggles to form a close familial bond with them.

No pets, neither when he was living with his parents nor now living with his aunt and uncle are there any pets. His new adoptive parents are too busy to really look after any pets and Shane isn’t yet responsible enough to do so either. Shane loves dogs, he loves every dog that he has ever seen and does want to look after puppies every day. He just thinks they’re such kind and gentle creatures and would love to have a dog. He thinks that he would be the best owner of a dog because of how much he would care for it. He would always shower it with love.

Half Blood

Having been raised in a very mixed household, where the magical and non-magical blended quite nicely he has always appreciated both aspects of it. He knows the importance of managing ones magic that allowing anger to override anything thus having bursts of magic is unsafe. He knows that being muggle and having muggle connections is nothing to be ashamed of because of the vast wealth of information and items that exist within the muggle world. He sees the positives as well as the negatives in both worlds and views people in the magical world who only care for magical things as exceedingly narrow minded. Both worlds are to the benefit of magical people and to shut oneself off to the other side of it, means to Shane that they lack the understanding and empathy that people should have towards others.

Wellington, New Zealand
His parents lived in Wellington New Zealand, close to where Shane’s grandfather lives, largely because the family having been created so young, needed the extra support that his grandfather was able to give them. They lived in a magical suburb of the city, but were frequent visitors to the non-magical area, due to his mother’s work. Shane liked Wellington a lot, but is happier to have moved out of it. It’s a fresh start for all of them.

Dunedin, New Zealand
This was where his uncle lived and where he knew that they would end up. It’s a place he’s been to on a few occasions prior to moving and he much preferred it. The cooler weather, the people were nicer, it was smaller and easier to get around and it creates a small barrier between him and his old family.

First Home: Shane spent the formative years of his young life living in a modest home in Wellington New Zealand, it was a simple house, a two bedroom home spread upon two floors. It had a front and back garden and was located in a magical neighbourhood. It wasn’t too far from muggle life and where Shane’s mother briefly taught in a school. Shane’s room was a small bedroom, but big enough for him, it had a living and kitchen area that were open plan and french doors out to the back garden. He was right next to his parents room, and for a brief period of time after his sister was born shared the room with her. The home was well decorated, as much as two young people would, and Shane has good memories of the place.
Second Home: His adoptive parents home was far bigger in size, his aunt and uncle were far more wealthy than his parents were and it was reflected in their home. He has a bedroom to himself which is large in size and more than enough space for him to be. It has a large kitchen, a back garden large enough to play quidditch in. It’s more remote than his parents house. It has a dinning room, and multiple bathrooms. It’s spread over three floors, with his bedroom on the top floor and his sister on the second floor until she’s old enough to have her bedroom upstairs. It’s a large house, but Shane still thinks it very much feels like a lived in home.

As Shane has grown he has become quite isolationist, he likes being alone and will actively separate himself from others quite often, he likes sitting by the water’s edge in Dunedin, usually alone because it gives him the space and time to just think and breathe a little. He seeks out moments to be alone, and his adoptive family know usually if he says he’s heading there that he needs that time alone. The water’s edge is always where he goes, it is a place where he finds it easy to just clear his mind and let himself be. A lot of the time his life was so turbulent and he didn’t get much time to sit alone and just process it, that means the time he gets now that his adoptive family allow for him is something he does treasure.

Bisexual - Though Shane is very tentative about relationships he has come to realise that he is bisexual, an attraction to both male and female people with in his year group and older has developed over the year and though he is very confident in himself, he doesn’t entirely identify as bisexual yet as he wants more to explore what this might be for him before officially labelling himself.

Single - Given that his role models for a relationship were his parents that had a very difficult relationship with each other, with bouts of arguments from them both, he’s both unsure of how to be in a relationship and careful to avoid getting into one, at the very least he is young enough that ending up with another person for dating is not quite on the agenda, but he is quite skeptical about relationships in general.

The only crush he has ever had is on Mhairi Olaf during his final year of Hogwarts

During his third year of private school, one of the girls within his year group grew to have a crush on him and was very proactive with him. This ended up with him being kissed by her at a school christmas celebration. She had asked him before if she could, and almost purely because of curiosity he agreed to it, but he didn’t particularly like it, and said as much to the girl. She had a crush on him for a few weeks following this until someone else took an interest in her and she moved on.

He doesn't remember who that is.


Too young

Shane doesn't remember who it was to, but he was 17 at the time.

I didn't know that I was broken,
Until I found my missing piece ,


Shane has dark brown hair, it’s a fairly dark shade of brown, but it’s the same as his parents hair was. They all have a vary similar shade of dark brown hair. Shane has always like the shade of his hair, a shade he shares with his sister. He keeps it at the same sort of length, an almost bowl cut, but it’s usually shaggy and it’s pretty unkept. He keeps his hair very much like his father had always kept his hair, they’d always had a very similar style of hair and Shane always liked when it looked similar to him and always aimed to have it look like his. He likes the way his hair is, and through it’s quite unruly and difficult to control it’s still good. He never lets it grow that much.

He has never dyed his hair, nor has he ever really felt the desire to. He’s quite young at this point and doesn’t see much in the way of dying his hair, it wouldn’t change too much about it. He likes it the way it is, and Shane likes to keep some semblance of normal in the way that he looks, it allows him to have greater control over something, and control that he needs his hair to remain the same during this time. Maybe in the future he would consider it, but for now, he is happy to have his hair remain the way that it is, and to let it’s colour be the same.

Much like his parents he has brown eyes. They aren’t the sort that stand out too much but he likes the way that his eyes look and enjoys having them this colour. He thinks it can look weird for some people when they have green or blue eyes, or even yellow-y eyes. He likes brown eyes over most other colour of eyes, but he knows thats his preference and not one that others would possibly have. He likes his eyes, it’s something that he shares with his parents, and something he enjoys.

Shane has a few prominent freckles and birthmarks on his nose and dotted around his face. He has a few others scattered around his body but that is about it. He doesn’t have very many more. He only has one major scar on his face on the left side, where just by the lip he has an old scar that affected the way his skin healed over. It is the only scar he has and the most prominent. He has always been quite a safe child, and when his mother was still alive she was alive and so he had always been careful to not get harmed, which worked as that’s the only real scar he has.

Shane very much takes after his father, he has a stocky build, certainly the sort of shape that with work and exercise could be a very athletic shape. Hes of average height for his age, but will likely grow to be on the taller end of the scale, because of how tall his father was an how tall his mother was comparatively with the average. He doesn’t mind that he’ll likely be taller, and Shane very much enjoys the shape that he is, he’s not been too athletic in the early parts of his life, but he has taken quite a fancy to trying quidditch and other sports.

Like a lot of people in the world Shane is O (+ve). Due to the fact he was born in a muggle hospital in a battery of early tests his mother asked that his blood type be checked before they took him home. She hadn’t been too sure about the magical world and it’s effect with blood so she made sure to have it checked and be certain of it before he was released from hospital.

Right handed.
Like both of his parents Shane is right handed. His mother was the one who taught him how to read and write and given that she took was right handed had pressed the pen into his right hand rather than the left hand, but it had appeared to be the natural hand that he used too. His hand writing is very messy, no matter how much time his mother put into helping him get better, it’s a very messy scrawl.

Having been born and raised in New Zealand, by two people who had largely New Zealand accents Shane’s accent is quite typical Kiwi. He likes the way he sounds, ad it’s very similar to most other people and how they sound.

Shane can only speak english, he has never bothered to learn any other languages largely because the option was never really afforded to him and he’s never had much of an interest in doing so.

Shane is not currently allergic to anything.

Shane has a very casual style, exceedingly casual. A lot of his clothes are second hand clothes from his father, who also had a very casual style. A lot of what he wears doesn’t really fit him and he’s not a sort of person who actively seeks out fancy or expensive clothes, in fact you’d be hard pressed to every convince him to buy new clothes. He likes the feel of older clothes and he’ll wear things until they are literally falling apart. He likes wearing graphic t-shirts and likes the feel of leather jackets. He likes wearing comfortable clothes and does often avoid jeans. He doesn’t care much for school uniform, but he’s also never had to wear one which might also account for that.

Herman Tømmeraas
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It seemed like every door was closing on me ,
And you were so far out of reach ,

Shane loves his sister and he loves dogs. He likes having alone time, he likes being given space. He likes his new family and he likes stability, he likes being allowed to experience things for himself, and he likes being able to spend time outside. He likes going on long walks and petting all of the dogs that he can. He likes being distracted by people when he wants to be. Shane likes transfiguration and charms, he likes sports and running around. He likes working hard and achieving because of it. He likes honey, pancakes and syrup. He has quite a sweet tooth.

Above all other things, Shane doesn’t like people who shout. He does like when people are angry for no reason, who take out their anger out on others. Who unnecessarily shout at others, and it’s the only thing that when not directed at him will generally make Shane angry. He doesn’t like people who are too clingy or too imposing upon others. He hates when people hit each other, or are physically mean to each other. He doesn’t like when people feel pity for him, he doesn’t like when people treat him differently, he doesn’t like people that don’t give him space. He doesn’t like potions, he doesn’t like history of magic. He doesn’t like being stuck indoors all the time. He doesn’t like when he isn’t given the time to come to his own conclusions, he doesn’t like when people get annoyed with him because he doesn’t trust them. He doesn’t like going to the doctors and he hates people who are mean to animals.

Above anything else, Shane wants to own a lot of dogs. He wants his house to be filled with dogs. His family would be a family that loved dogs and would tolerate having quite a few in his house. He wants to adopt kids and dogs a like and be successful, live in a large house with plenty of space for both. He just really likes dogs. He wants to do well in life, but that’s largely just so he could provide for any and all pets that he could have.

Losing his sister, losing his parents in his mind was quite numbing and he certainly misses them, but he knows that the loss of them would be nothing in comparison to the loss of his sister should that ever happen to him. He loves her a lot and is very protective of her, and would easily protect her from the whole world if he could.

Golden retriever

Shane’s sister coming into his life was one of the greatest moments of his life thus far. He loved watching his mother’s belly grow, watching it kick and pressing his ear against it. Everything about it was a magical time for him, and one that carried when she was born. So easily protective of her, and so deeply happy to have her in his life.

The first time his parents argued so badly that he was removed from his parents and placed in the care of his father was about the scariest moment of Shane’s life. He had no idea what was going on, all he knew was there there had been enough of a fight that his parents might not remain together and he was left to live with his grandfather. He was scared and worried for his family and didn’t entirely understand what was going on. The fact he was young at the time certainly added a lot to his emotions, and though things did work out and he had a good time with his grandfather it was still a worrying time for him, something that he still has the occasional nightmare about, more so than finding out his parents had died.

He would admit that he does resent his parents for the actions they took while they were alive and specifically those that they took around him. His sister was the one who encouraged his parents to change their ways, and he resents his parents, not his sister for this action, why couldn’t they have tried more with him, why didn’t they think before having him, and why they didn’t ever make more of an effort when he was growing up and by the time they did it was too little too late.

Shane isn’t sure what he would see, he isn’t currently happy but seeing his parents alive and well would suppose that all the issues were gone, and not still lingering around. Shane would still likely seem them and his current adoptive parents, his sister and their old home, a mesh of the two, because he isn’t sure what his heart would really desire. Both his parents because he did love them, but the stability of his uncle and aunt. His sister would be there, but she’d always be in his arms, protected by her, and knowing she was always loved. His heart’s desire at this point is difficult to decipher and the sort that would need some time to really figure out. While he might seem his whole family, digging beneath that would be a little trickier. Figuring out what things meant would be harder.

His old house smell like coffee, his parents drank a lot of coffee when they were alive. It was just the smell he’d always grown up with, it was just something that he would smell every morning, it would linger throughout the house. Sometimes when he was younger he believe the house was made of coffee because of how much it lingered in the house. It’s just a smell that connects him to that house and the way things once were. Though he doesn’t look too positively upon it, he loves the smell of coffee. It was just so much of his early years were filled with it that it brings him back to exactly there.

His adoptive parents - His aunt and uncle. He looks up to them largely because of what they did for him and his sister. Opening up their home to them to live at. He doesn’t believe in family loyalty all that much -aside from with his sister- so for them to have done that, he is particularly warmed by it. He hopes that when he has his own family that he can be more like them and less like his own parents. They are in a stable relationship, followed a more correct path and were all round better people thus far in their life. He wants to be more like them, and does model some aspects of his personality after them, having spent so much time with them, but he hasn’t achieved it much. He doesn’t want to let them down.

Doesn’t hold any. His parents didn’t hold any, neither his magical family nor his mother’s muggle family, though Shane had very little interaction with them. He assumes


Virgo is a very independent zodiac sign. They are fully able to put their intelligence to use and get things done for themselves. It is possible however that their narrow mindedness causes their creativity to suffer and they may lead regular routine lives. They may dwell too much on the past and over complicate things and this may limit their ability to move forward and confuse themselves. In conclusion, Virgos are able to be independent but the less evolved types will have difficult if someone is not there helping them to achieve more and not be so critical of themselves. People look up to Virgo for friends because they are straight thinkers and solve problems logically. They are truthful, loyal and determined. Some people might find them cold or emotionally detached because they live in their minds, not in their emotions and feelings. It might be hard to pin down how a Virgo friend is feeling because they easily live in denial. A person who is able to read deep into another person will notice when Virgo is not well but if they confront them about it, they would rather retreat then talk about it. It is best to keep your emotional distance from a Virgo friend unless they open up to you first. Virgo might try to analyze and control a friend's life but only with the idea that they will improve their life, not purely for the sake of controlling. Be patient with your Virgo friend and understand that their recommendations are only to make your life better.

Shane is a very guarded person, he is very open and friendly to people but he will keep people at a distance. He doesn’t trust particularly easily and is very much put off when anyone starts yelling. He’s afraid of confrontation but sometimes cannot help himself but jump into situations that anger him. He’s kind to people he meets and he’ll always out his best figurative foot forward but it can often be fake. He forces himself to be happy and to smile for people, but often he feels very alone. He likes spending time around others, and will easily surround himself with people, but it can sometimes be very obvious that he doesn’t trust them, and actively pushes them away if they get too close. He’s not particularly loyal to anyone but his younger sister, and is exceedingly protective of her. He doesn’t know how to deal with most of his emotions and very often can be seen to act out because of them. Despite being very guarded with people, most would say he was emotionally open. He’s not particularly stubborn and will easily change his opinion on something if someone else says something he agrees with more. He doesn’t care about coming out on top and does largely just look out for himself and his sister. Shane’s not particularly trusting but he can come across very as trusting. He can appear light hearted and any situation with heightened emotions he’ll always try to defuse, no matter the emotion expressed. He works hard because he wants to do his adoptive parents well, and also because he doesn’t want to make the same mistakes as his parents. He is tentative about love and is tentative about relationships because of his parent’s turbulent one when he was growing up. But this isn’t to say that he wasn’t loved. Shane was very loved, but the way his parents were towards each other made his view of it a little more warped. He doesn’t believe in following tradition, and would very much rather create his own path.



Drunk on the night ,
I got nothing but time for you ,


Private school, since he never attended any school in the first years of his life despite being half muggle, learning largely with his mother until she finally got a job, and with the fact around the time of his acceptance to Hogwarts New Zealand being when his parents died, his uncle thought it better to send him to a private school where he would get a more personal education. It would allow him to learn and grow in a different manner than he had previously experienced.

Shane attended his first three years of magical school here. He liked it for some reasons, and hated it for others. He could appreciate his adoptive parents doing what they had done for him.

There were too few students for there to be houses, though the slept in dorms split by age and preferred gender. It was one of the thing that Shane had been looking forward to about Hogwarts when he had still been going there. The lack of houses in this school had been a large disappoint to him and not endeared him to the houses when he would eventually go to Hogwarts. He cares less now.

Shane was very tentative about going to this school, largely because he didn’t know any one and he had been hoping to go to Hogwarts. He didn’t particularly like the place, there were a whole lot of people and they were all from very rich families or from very protective families, neither of which he fell into. He doesn’t enjoy the school at all, and didn’t like it from day one. It was an exceedingly small and clearly wealthy school, huge amounts of space, well paid professors with small classes. They had everything they could need from a school, but he didn't like any of it. He just wanted a school, not a manor house from the victorian era.

Shane averaged EEs in the school, he felt a lot of pressure to do well in the school, so he worked hard a lot to get the grades that he was sure his adoptive parents would enjoy. He studied a lot in the last school even if it was the last thing he wanted to do. Since his adoptive parents were paying for it, he felt a deep desire to show that he wasn't wasting there money and felt like if he didn't do well they would think less of him. He isn't naturally intelligent and has to really work for it. He doesn't mind putting the work in when he wants to, but he wasn't doing it for him, more for them.

Shane had always been very naturally good at transfiguration, and this was his favourite class in the school.

Potions, he never liked having to work with a partner and found the class difficult and the people insufferable.

Shane never skipped a day of class, too worried about letting his parents and aunt and uncle down.

Shane was a part of the school's duelling club because he liked being able to curse the other students without getting into trouble. Which was why it was the best thing for him to do. It helped his magic a lot and allowed him to get more natural in his quick spell casting.

Shane wasn't at the school long enough to ever gain any positions.
Drunk on the night ,
I got nothing but time for you ,

Knotted 12” Rigid Acacia wand with Unicorn Hair core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Acacia - Known to keep its magic from all but its master, wands with Acacia wood are rare to see and incredibly difficult to work with - usually these wands are only used by the subtly powerful.
Unicorn hair - The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.

Shane loved his wand from the moment that he first saw it. It was the best wand that he’d ever seen. He was so eager to get a new wand, and his adoptive parents allowed him to just pick any wand, he had been nervous about getting his wand since it had just been when he’d first moved into the adoptive parents home, but they had seen it as a family occasion to go out and get the wand. Shane was able to spend his time there, and they were keen and eager to just let him pick what he wanted, to not be restricted because he didn’t want to cost them too much. The wand itself that he did eventually pick he thought was perfect for him, though it went against the fact that Shane was a fan of hand me downs and things that were second hand. Shane loves his wand, it is his favourite thing.

Hogwarts New Zealand, it was the school he had been supposed to attend and he is just glad to finally be at it.

It was all he had wanted from a school, even in the first moments of it. he need to be rid of the pressures of his family, ones that were expecting him to be something, who were looking to him to either be like his parents or not. He liked where it was, the seclusion of it, the peace of the place, how others were normal like him. Everything was just very normal for him and he actually felt connected to a school and the magic that he hadn't felt before.


Shane wasn't sure what he'd have to do for this, given that he wasn't being sorted with the other students of course, having transferred in, however he did like the process of it. it was odd and he was certainly pleased when it was over.


First - Third Year: Shane had never really gotten involved in any of the years within this school. He didn’t like it or the people, the professors expected a lot of him and most of the time, he just wasn’t interested in it. They didn’t do most of the electives and he didn’t get much of an opportunity to do any sports. The school was very small and a lot of the other kids knew each other leaving Shane out of a lot of things. He liked being able to go home at the end of every week which he wouldn’t be able to do in school, but this also meant his adoptive parents were on him a lot more about doing well in school and achieving highly. It did mean that he was able to spend time with his sister and see her a lot.


Shane was so ready to graduate for most of the year and was very happy when he finally got to leave

Shane hadn’t thought he’d ever get to a graduation, mostly he’d always thought he’d drop out before then, but here he found himself, sitting for his own graduation. His aunt and uncle had offered to come and see him graduate, but his cousin and young sister wouldn’t have been able to come and he didn’t want them to go out of their way for him. So, he found himself, exactly how he wanted to be, alone and ready to just leave this all behind. He had liked hogwarts, he knew that had he remained at his old school he would’ve quit before the newts, the insufferable lot. Shane had only really pushed for Hogwarts because he’d known he’d have a much easier time of it here, and in reality it had been true. He hadn’t quite made the life long friends that his aunt and uncle had always claimed he would find when it had become clear that Shane wasn’t particularly popular. Certainly he had made friends, but no one he thought would be particularly happy to see him in a few years. He was looking forward to leaving Hogwarts, he was thinking about going to muggle university, not sure why he would engage in more education but certain looking to just spend a few years messing around. Decide later what he wanted to do with his life. He certainly didn’t yet know what he wanted to do besides party and just have fun and get a dog.

Shane watched as the students around him, people he’d come to know were a little more excited than him, they were glancing at each other and behind to the family and friends who were at this. Shane kept his gaze forward and just on the area at the front. Where the head people would give their speeches. Shane didn’t let himself think of his parents and what they’d think of all this. He wasn’t about to let his mood, his soon freedom be ruin by him thinking about them. He looked round to some of the other students, a distraction but it didn’t help much. What did help was the headmistress getting started on the graduation and the proceedings of graduation. The Hufflepuff listened as she spoke, then the head boy spoke, and then the head girl. While he’d found both boring, he wouldn’t say why he’d found them boring for different reasons. The good thing was that once they were done, and they moved on to the next part, he knew he wouldn’t have to spend much more time paying attention. The surname his parents gave him had one good thing. He stepped across the stage as the headmistress called his name. He took it with a forced smile and a forced thanks. He was happy to just take his seat once more and watch for others. He let himself applaud loudly for some of the people he’d come to like, people he would maybe miss a little. With everyone crossed the stage, he felt a great sense of relief. It was all done.

None yet and given that he transferred into a school as a fourth year, he's unlikely to ever get to be able to achieve any positions unless he joins a quidditch team, which he isn't overly interested in doing.


First Year

Astronomy: E

Charms: E

Defence Against the Dark Arts: EE

Herbology: E

History of Magic: E

Potions: A

Transfiguration: E
Second Year

Astronomy: E

Charms: E

Defence Against the Dark Arts: E

Herbology: E

History of Magic: E

Potions: A

Transfiguration: E
Third Year

Astronomy: E

Charms: E

Defence Against the Dark Arts: E

Herbology: E

History of Magic: A

Potions: P

Transfiguration: E
Fourth Year

Astronomy: A

Charms: E

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: A

History of Magic: A

Potions: A

Transfiguration: A

Ancient Runes: A
Divination: A
Sixth Year

Astronomy: E

Charms: E

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: E

History of Magic: E

Potions: E

Transfiguration: E

Ancient Runes: E
Divination: E
OWL Year

Astronomy: E

Charms: E

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: E

History of Magic: E

Potions: E

Transfiguration: E

Ancient Runes: E
Divination: E

Astronomy: E

Charms: E

Defence Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: E

History of Magic: E

Potions: E

Transfiguration: E

Ancient Runes: E
Divination: E
Transfiguration has always been Shane’s best class, there was just something that he was good at, it was a class where there was a mixture of lecture and spell casting and he had from the first day just always been good at it. He likes being good at transfiguration, and he does work hard in the class to be the best possible at it. He likes the person who teaches the class too which certain helps him, and the man is more laid back than others so that allows him to connect more with him. He feels less like every lesson is a rigid and boring lesson.

Shane can be rather forgetful when it comes to classes and thus very often does not do well in potions. He wants to do well in the class, but the professor annoys him, the class is often really boring and he gets distracted when he’s supposed to be doing the potions then meaning that they go wrong and there’s nothing he can do to fix them. He’s always been better at aspects of the theory in the class because it just gets hammered into them. But he doesn’t enjoy the class in the slightest.
I didn't have no one to turn to ,
I was circling the drain ,



Shane never bothered to get a job while at school, deciding that he would really rather not work.

Unemployed - He has only just recently graduated so hasn't started looking for work.








Now you show me I can learn ,
How to be okay again ,


Coding Done by me
Lyrics - Remedy by Alessio

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