Shame there is no beach

Myuna Kickett

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Una was back in new Zealand. her grandma needed to go and collect some supplies from new zealand again and Myuna had been forced to come with her. It was nearly the easter holidays at her school which meant that she was able to go home see her brothers and get some surfing in. Her grandmother had told her there was no beach where they were going and that she shouldn't take her skateboard. so she did what anyone else would do and put her blades into her expanding backpack. as soon as she was out of sight of her grandmother she took off her vans and replaced them with the skates before she got to her feet glad that the street wasnt cobbled she got back on her feet and started to glide along the road not sure where she was heading. soon she ended up near a large iron set of gates in a wall inside the wall was a path leading up to a large castle. she looked at it for a moment before she remembered that this is where the local wizarding school was. this was where her mum and grandma wanted her to go. it looked huge but she was slightly happy that she though she caught a glimmer of water.
she turned around and headed in the other direction down the hill not needing any powering and gaining a lot of speed. when she reached the bottom of the hill she kept going using her momentum to keep going. A few hundred meters from where the slope flattened out there was a pot hole in the road. unfortunately her right skate caught the hole and she fell rolling a couple of times across the street.
Kenya was still getting used to New Zealand, she wasn't so sure that she liked the weather being all backwards as far as she was concerned Christmas time should be cold, just like home in dreary old England.
Although she disliked Christmas time being warm she had decided that she would make the most of the sun and try and get a little colour to her always pale skin. Lounging at the bottom of a hill near her new home Kenya started to look around just to try and get a feel for a place, even for someone like herself who had always hated any change, she had to admit, It wasn't half bad round here.
She was just starting to get used her new surroundings when all of a sudden she noticed a girl whooshing down the hill on skates. Well, from what she could tell by the speeding blur, she assumed the girl to be a little older than herself. She was quite impressed by the amount of speed the girl had managed to build. Skating was always something that she would of loved to have chance to learn when she was a child, but thanks to her unbelievable amount of un-coorantaion and an equally unbelievably over-protective parents it seems to be something she is fated never to be able to accomplish.
Quickly she is snapped from her own thoughts when the girl was suddenly on the floor. Immediately and very un-charicteristly she ran over to the girl who had come to a hault after what looked to be a couple of very painful rolls once she had hit the floor "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" she called to the girl a little before approaching.
Kenya was almost taken aback from her own bravery in approaching a stranger, something that before she had moved she would of rather chewed off her own arm than do, must be the sun she mused. Just as she reached the side of the girl, she knelt beside her and quickly tried to spot any obvious injuries to the girl.
as she skated myuna wasn't paying much attention to things around her, only what was directly in front of her. she yelled a thanks to a couple of people when had to duck out of her way as she got faster she wasn't sure how she would stop. the pot hole answered that question for her. when she finally got to a stop she took a couple of breaths as she had been a little winded in the fall. it was then she noticed a girl a few years younger than herself running over asking if she was okay in a pommey accent. "yeah I'm'okay mate. that was awesome as" she said her australian accent pretty clear. she looked over herself for injuries, she seemed to have a pretty large graze down the side of her right leg and arm as well as her left elbow, and her right ankle was a little sore but not too bad. she had had worse spills, though admittedly into water as opposed to concrete but then with the board attached to your ankle it was sometimes hard to get back to the surface. thankfully her bag had stopped most of the damage. she looked back at the grazes. years of skating and boarding had told her that these were the annoying kind that wept blood so slowly that they wouldn't scab for ages. oh well, i wonder what grandma would think she thought not really caring. it wasn't like she was going to complain to her gran so what difference did it make. she started to get up a little wobbly on the skates and offered her hand to the girl making sure she put her break on before she did. "I'm Myuna by the way, though most of the time people call me oona." she said. una was just a lot easier for a most people to say.

OOCOut of Character:
pomme is australian slang for someone english so a pommey accent would be an english accent
Kenya was surprised to hear that the girl had an Australian accent, but was glad that she was okay "Not so sure I'd go for awesome if that was me, looked rather painful from where i was standing". Kenya smiled she had always been a little more of a cry baby than others, she knew that if it was her that had taken a tumble like that then she would be screaming blue murder by now. She looked down at the girls leg and winced at the sight of her graze "Looks like you were pretty lucky" she added trying to think of a way to help clean the girl up when she remembered that her over-protective father would of probably re-stocked the 'essentials' in her bag. "I probably have some plasters or something in my bag if you like.... my dad, he's a bit of a 'just in case' kind of guy she explained.
She smiled and nodded in response to Oona introducing herself "I'm Kenya" she shifted her weight beside the girl trying to ward of the quickly approaching cramp in her legs from kneeling like this. "How about we try and get you up and I can go run and check my bag she said waving her arm in the general direction as to where she left the bag to come over to the girl.
Kenya was feeling strangely comfortable with Oona, she was rather proud of herself seeming as this was the first person she had managed to talk to in NZ.
una shook her head as the girl said it wasn't really something she would call awesome. she shrugged "everyones different I guess" she said. she herself liked things with a little risky. a little fun in her opinion. she looked at her graze again. it was still seeping blood, only slowly though. she reached for her bag and found an old towel she always kept in the bottom incase she ended up on a beach or in water somewhere. she held it against her leg to try and dry it up before she had to see her gran again. "plasters? right, band aids. I'll be alright, there s no need to fuss she said. shaking it off. the girl introduced herself as kenya, it was an interesting name. if she remembered right a country. "its great to meet you kenya" she said to the girl.
as she got up she felt her ankle give a little. darn it she musk have sprained it. she stumbled a little. the boots were both a blessing and a curse. they were good support and held it firm and stopped the swelling but then the skates made it harder to stay on her feet. she stumbled and to keep herself upright she grabbed hold of the girls arm. "sorry" she said letting go. trying to take another step her ankle gave again and this time she ended up on the floor. "oh cap" she said unfastening the boots. it may be easier to stay on her feet if she wasn't on the blades.

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