Shadow Black

Shadow Black

OOC First Name
Full Name:
-Shadow Drake Black

Date of Birth:
September 11th 2014
Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
-Bold Green eyes, blonde hair, usually dressed in black (these days)

-Mysterious yet talkitive depending on how well you know him. loves punk rock styled music

-None left around (Widfire :( )

- Vicious Wolf named Lex

Area of Residence:
- Outskirts of England in a musty dark forest. Battleing another day to survive

Blood Status:
-Mixed Blood

-albainian (mother's side) - english (fathers side)

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
-climbing trees

Additional Skills:
-Hunting/ melee, survival skills

-Living to fight another day

-No Compassion for his Victems ( no killing people )

Describe your character in three words:
-Melicious, strong , swift

Favourite place to be:
-camoflauged in trees

-Lives a lonly life other then his pet wolf Lex

Hogwarts House:
-hopes to be a ravenclaw

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
-to suceed in potion making

Best school subjects:
-defence against the dark arts

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:
-Wolf (brings greatest joy)

Your Patronus memory:
-Finding my pet

Your Boggart:
-being eaten alive

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
-he had doused the flames that killed his family

A page from your diary:
Hi there, Alex. I have a few questions for your character. :D

Shadow is an interesting name. Why did his parents name him that?

If Shadow lives in England, why is he (I'm assuming) going to be attending school at Hogwarts New Zealand?

How did his family die, exactly? Was the fire an accident or the result of arson?

Does Shadow live with anyone or have a guardian? 11 is a very young age for someone to be living on their own.

What do you mean when you say that his special ability is being "Animalistic?"

Why is Shadow so interested in potion making?

What is going to happen to Lex when Shadow attends HNZ?

On another note, how did Shadow come to have a wolf as a pet?

What do you mean when you say that Shadow has "victims?"

How is Shadow mysterious and talkative at the same time?

If Shadow lives in the wild, how has he been exposed to punk rock music?

How is Shadow malicious? Why is he malicious?

What does Shadow want to do when he graduates from school?

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