Seventh Years, Lesson Three

"Morning Seventh year, now, this lesson will not be as amazing as the last, but it is quite interesting, and you'll enjoy it." Misha placed the cup down on the table he was sat upon, before he got up and went to the board, writing in chalk what they were doing, it read, Geminio "Geminio is from the latin word, 'Geminare', which means, to double." He paused, making his way back to his desk, and picked up a small blank notebook, placing it flat in the palm of his hand. A muggle one, a christmas gift he had yet to use, he took out his wand and pointed his wand at it, "Geminio" He spoke clearly, and in the blink of an eye, an exact replica of the empty notebook sat upon the first. He put away his wand and held the two up for the class to see, "If you do it correctly, Geminio will give you an exact duplicate of the object you are casting a spell on." He held them up a moment longer, taking a few steps closer so that the students could be sure that they were in fact the mirror image of one another.

"While I made this spell look easy, it isn't. It's not a NEWT spell for nothing." He moved to his desk and picked up a box, which held an assortment of children's toys that the previous professor had left. While he wondered at times if maybe the previous professor had maybe wanted to keep them, for the time being his Seventh years could happily practice making more of them. With a flick of his wand, that he had picked back up, the toys flew out, one landing in front of each student. "Right, begin practicing, don't worry if you don't get it first time. Once you are sure that the two are a perfect match, bring them up to me. And before you hurry away to practice, or to the next class, remember to read the next chapter in your charms book, the one on the Deprimo spell." And with that he motioned the students to begin.

- RP the Lesson

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