Seventh Years: Lesson Three

Angel was considering today’s plant from a safe distance as the class began arriving, having posted himself casually against one of the greenhouse benches where he could easily see all of the plant’s appendages. He’d been assured repeatedly over the years that the school’s resident Venomous Tentacula, Hemneda, was tamed and harmless, but Angel still wasn’t too keen to get closer to the plant than necessary. “Afternoon, all!” He greeted the class as they were settled, tearing his eyes away from Hamneda to address them. “Today, we’ll be looking at the Venomous Tentacula, a specimen of which we’ve been provided here,” he said, motioning to the plant in question. “Now rest assured that Hamneda here is quite harmless, but you should know of course wild venomous tentacula are quite dangerous.

Venomous Tentacula are predatory plants, using their spikes and mobile vines to grab live prey,” he said, outlining Hamneda’s spines in the air with his wand, moving his hand back when the plant lifted a vine lazily. “The spikes are venomous, hence the name, as is the ‘bite’ from one. The tentacula expels venom from their vines as they reach for prey before attempting to strangle them. They’ll even go after humans, they’re not picky,” he said with a slight nervous laugh as Hamneda shifted again.

Now, any thoughts on how you might defend yourself from such a plant? They’re sometimes used as a defensive measure,” Angel nodded to a student as they raised their hand, considering their answer. “Yep, a severing charm would work perfectly, stun the plant and then severs the tentacles neatly,” he said, making a slicing motion with his hand as he spoke. “Very good. 3 house points for quick thinking.

Checking his pocket watch, Angel was relieved to see that it was time to wrap things up. “That’s all for today, make sure you have some notes down, I have it on good authority this’ll be on the NEWT,” he finished up, shooing the class out so he could hurry up and move Hamneda somewhere further away from his office as soon as possible.

RP the lesson, first poster can answer the question for house points
Demetrius constantly seemed to be switching from a general moodiness to an odd nostalgia as his Hogwarts years seemed to be coming to a close. The pressure to get good grades was getting to him - his future depended on it, and he didn't want his parents to think of him as a failure. But at the same time, he had enjoyed (mostly) his time at Hogwarts and he was a bit of a nostalgic person.

He entered the greenhouse, eyeing the plant that he assumed they would be learning about today. He remembered it from his readings - they were supposed to be pretty dangerous from what he'd learnt so he took a seat a fair distance away from the plant. Demetrius didn't quite believe that the plant was 'tamed' and 'harmless' as the professor stated. He wouldn't be taking any chances anyway. When asked to consider a defensive way to deal with the plant, Demetrius raised his hand. "You could probably use a severing charm, since they have those, uh, prehensile vines," Demetrius suggested, not sure if it was right or not. He was a bit relieved when he found out it was a reasonable charm to cast. The lesson felt a bit short but Demetrius made sure he had some notes written down on the plant before going on his way.
It was another day of Herbology, and so, Monday Weeks made his way to the greenhouse. Monday stood towards the back of the greenhouse, his tired eyes fixed on Professor Castillo as he discussed the Venomous Tentacula. Monday liked the plant, but he was weary of it. He was likely more weary of it because he was exhausted. He needed to figure out how to get some adequate rest. The make up could only cover the dark circles for a certain about of time. He watched as Professor Castillo demonstrated how the plant moved, and how there was a bit of danger.

When the discussion turned to defense against the plant, Monday listen intently, his mind processing the information. Hid mind wandered briefly to alternative methods of defense, considering scenarios where magical solutions might not be readily available. That was if he did not have a wand, but what were the odds of that? He heard the dismissal, so he stretched and gathered his things. He made a mental note to review later. He left to go to the library to work on other assignments.
Aurora was a little in shock really. Rosie was pregnant. Aurora was sure it had to be fake, but the healer and Rosie seemed pretty certain. She just was sure that her sister knew better, but in the same breath, she could tell that Rosie was happy about it. Happy to be pregnant. She had never thought that she would want it while still pretty young, but she knew there was no changing it now. It was taking up space in Aurora’s mind and really she needed to try to focus. There were her NEWTs coming up, she needed to do well on those. The gryffindor was grabbing her things, helping Rosie with hers and then waited till rosie was ready before heading out of the dorm room.

Aurora walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room, making her sister quickly sit down with her. She looked at the professor as he got started. She was a little surprised at the venomous tentacula that was just in the room with them, and didn’t necessarily trust that the professor had tamed it enough. The spikes looked pretty horrible. The professor continued and Aurora wasn’t quick enough to raise her hand to answer. But after a little lecture on it the professor allowed them to pack up and leave so Aurora did just that.
Rosie followed her sister into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved to the professor at the front of the room and the adorable, yet dangerous plant next to him. She tore her gaze away from it as the professor got started and she took a few notes about it, the venomous tentacula. She was trying her best to not miss anything of what was being said, not wanting to miss any of it and not wanting to not do well when the exam for this class came. But the lecture was short enough and she was quickly able to pack up and leave the room.

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