Seventh Years: Lesson Six

If anyone deserved to be stressed right now, it was probably his NEWT students. Angel hadn’t really put much stock in his final exams when he was in school, but thankfully it seemed most of his class were a bit more responsible than he’d been. He hoped they’d appreciate the time today to study or relax as needed, he knew he was certainly enjoying the break from lessons and grading himself.

Hey guys, free hour today, just do what you need to do. Study, go to the library, nap, cry a little, no judgement,” he said when his seventh years started filing in. After spending time with two young kids, he was starting to suspect a good cry and a nap could solve a lot of problems. “Feel free to enjoy some fresh air outside while you can as well,” Angel added blandly, squinting out at what he could see of the lawn through the greenhouse windows before deciding he was going to relax inside today and let the seventh years get on with it.

Post attendance. All lessons will be open until exams end.
Demetrius' lips twitched as the professor mentioned having a cry. Maybe that would help, Demetrius thought, but he certainly wasn't about to try it. Instead, he used the time to get some study done. Exams were looming after all. He wondered what the practical for herbology would be like for NEWTs, not terribly keen on interacting with a snargaluff again. He was fairly sure he'd gotten the theoretical stuff down at least. Most of it, anyway. Once the lesson was over, he felt a bit more prepared than he had before, going on his way to have a quick break and then get some more study done.
Monday Weeks entered the greenhouse with his usual sense of preparedness, his mind already ticking through the day's tasks. When Professor Castillo announced a free hour, Monday felt a surprising but welcome sense of relief. The pressure of the upcoming NEWTs had been mounting, and this unexpected break was a chance to catch his breath. He settled at one of the benches, placing his bag beside him and pulling out his Herbology textbook. He considered the professor's advice to take a break and relax, but he knew he would feel better if he used the time productively. Monday opened his textbook to the section on magical plant properties, specifically those that might appear on their exams. As he began to read, he noticed a few of his classmates looking equally relieved to have some unstructured time. Some were already heading outside to enjoy the fresh air, while others had opened their own books or simply put their heads down for a quick nap. After the hour was up, he got up and left, ready for the NEWT.
Aurora felt torn a little, between being there for her sister and soon to be niece or nephew, but she also needed to focus on her exams and on doing well enough to be a healer. It was just a lot and Aurora was having a hard time trying to balance it. She knew that it was just that they were at the crunch point, that the end of her schooling and thus the NEWTs were just so close. She gathered the different things she needed for the day and was vowing to try and study wherever Rosie was. She knew that Rosie didn’t love the over-protectiveness, but she couldn’t help it. Aurora headed of the dorm and to class.

Aurora walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. The professor told them they had a free hour and she leaned into Rosie and offered for them to go to the library to study. She was glad when she agreed and then headed out of the classroom and to the library to study there.
Rosie couldn’t believe she was almost six months pregnant. The exams were going to be pretty hellish, with the little baby kicking away and pressing down on her bladder. But she was so looking forward to meeting them. The little pieces of her and Xinyi together in one baby. She had a little bump, certainly most people would notice it now, though she did think over the next little while it would grow a lot. She had found the second trimester to be better than the first, but still not amazing. She was tired all of the time, but she knew that with Accio and the wild patch and her exams, that it was probably all adding, but she wasn’t going to drop out when she was so close. Instead she just gathered what she needed and headed out of the dorm.

Rosie walked into the herbology classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She wasn’t there for long and went with her sister to the library, this was the one class she was desperate to do well in.

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